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Author Topic: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???  (Read 11750 times)


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Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« on: June 11, 2005, 01:26:58 am »
I'm shopping for a tub and have seen the new  LS700 and the Reward SA (will wet test soon if possible)

Marquis touts fewer larger jets moving more water but all the jets can't be turned on at once. Also read some posts re problems with diverter? The epic also looked very nice but is more expensive. Tubs appear to have UV ozone system but not the problem type? I heard Marquis is having a price increase shortly.

LS700 has more smaller jets. They tout metal frame cd ozone, and appear to have more jets for legs in lounge seat.

Local Marquis dealer seems more dependable than Master dealer (just gut feeling).

I'm a novice at this and would greatly appreciate your suggestions and advise re experience with these tubs and their reliability.  Also  plan on checking out Sundance.

Thanks soo much!!!

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Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« on: June 11, 2005, 01:26:58 am »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2005, 04:57:14 am »
first I am not familiar with the Master you are looking at ...Regarding the Marquis ....The SA Reward in my opinion offers tremendous therapy and at a great value ....It moves 320 GPM and Yes you can have every seat in the spa working with Jet action ....but where they separate themselves from other spas is when you want to isolate muscle groups and really focus on some Hi Flow therapy that WILL NOT quickly leave your skin feeling itchy that is where they excel ....On The SA Reward the seat with the V and foot jets is simply a great therapy seat....with the Marquis you need to keep in mind that...when the spa is being used by one or two people it offers some really nice nice therapy choices and in ways that few spas can match for personal therapy choices .... and when you are socializing it still offers therapy to all also...but the real thing they design their spas for is when it is being used by 1 or 2 people and you can manipulate the therapy  you want....just to add the over whelming majority of the time 1 to 2 are the norm in  a spa ....for most people it is the exception to have more than that other than rare occasions ....
« Last Edit: June 11, 2005, 05:20:22 am by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2005, 06:40:09 am »
I'm shopping for a tub and have seen the new  LS700 and the Reward SA (will wet test soon if possible)

Marquis touts fewer larger jets moving more water but all the jets can't be turned on at once. Also read some posts re problems with diverter? The epic also looked very nice but is more expensive. Tubs appear to have UV ozone system but not the problem type? I heard Marquis is having a price increase shortly.

LS700 has more smaller jets. They tout metal frame cd ozone, and appear to have more jets for legs in lounge seat.

Local Marquis dealer seems more dependable than Master dealer (just gut feeling).

I'm a novice at this and would greatly appreciate your suggestions and advise re experience with these tubs and their reliability.  Also  plan on checking out Sundance.

Thanks soo much!!!

Look at 10, eliminate 7, focus on 3, eliminate 1, and then to choose flip a coin.  You are asking for what would be "opinions" and to use your word, I would listen to what they "tout" and determine if it is important to you.  

Keep in mind, you are buying 2 things, the product and the dealer, be sure to compare all aspectecs of your purchase.

Some sellers will "exaggerate" the true number of jets and horsepower so keep in mind what is important to you, you can only sit in one seat at a time.  Count the jets as you see them and this should be the same number he is stating to you.  If not, challenge him.  If he is counting 14 nozzels in 1 jet as 14 jets question his motives and understand if the jet had to be replaced (probably never) you will be paying for 1 jet as it is only one jet body not 14.  Focus on what each seat has to offer. ;) Some time the salesperson has to make his bigger and better when it is really NOT. ;D

Marquis is a well respected manufacturer and you will read about others mentioned on this board.

I am well versed in Ozone and I am intriquied by your reference "not the problem type", can you please expand upon that.   ??? Both CD and UV make the SAME ozone, it is only the manner it which it makes ozone that makes them different in some ways, however I consider them both to be very effective.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2005, 06:55:36 am by J._McD »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2005, 08:31:23 am »
Hi, thanks for the advise.

I thought (possible incorrectly) that cd ozone was better system than UV because UV light becomes less effective over time ... either glass tube gets dirty or light intensity lowers.

This doesn't seem to be a major point with the Marquis however.


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2005, 10:52:29 am »
UV light from the sun and electrical discharge from lighting are mother nature's ozone making machine.  UV light bulbs diminish in output as the unit ages 3-5 years or possibly longer.  You can usually replace the bulb at $100 or even less.  

CD units are basiclly a supercharged spark plug that also diminishes in time.  The cell or chip is servicable or replaceable or you will replace the entire unit and that is going to happen 4 to 5 years down the road.

Both produce the exact same ozone in differing quantity or volumn.  The advantage of UV is that you know when the light dosen't light.

Either way, when either of them expire, you will certainly know it unless you heavey into chemical to begin with.  Ozone will help you reduce sanitizing chemicals in the spa water and extend time between water changes rather than to create and sit in a chemical stew.

Dealers are either hot or cold on ozone, they still want to supply chemicals to you. ;D


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2005, 05:16:54 pm »

As a Marquis dealer, we haven't had diverter problems for 2 years.  Some issues when they went with the trizone therapy diverter but issues were resolved under warranty.

Go with the Reward!!


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2005, 07:05:52 pm »
The diverter issue was resolved by changing the type of o-ring and has never been a problem since.

If your looking at the LS 700 then I would compare it to the Marquis Epic.


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2005, 07:56:34 pm »
Thanks all for the info.

Does anyone have any specific comments re the LS700?


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2005, 10:20:09 pm »
Thanks all for the info.

Does anyone have any specific comments re the LS700?


I have an LSX and I have a friend who owns an LS700.  Both tubs are powered similarly and offer similar therapy.  We both enjoy our Master Spas products and highly recommend them.  Mine is approaching it's first anniversary next month with zero issues and zero service calls (knock on acrylic).  My friend has had his about 6-7 months with no issues as well.  If you have any specific questions, I'd be glad to answer them.

With all this said, you cannot go wrong with either Marquis or Master, if you've pared it to these two--otherwise there are many other reputable spa manufacturers.  Heed the sage advice of others in this thread regarding the comfort you will want to have with your dealer plus put your own therapy opinions during wet tests at the top of your decision making heap.  Good luck!
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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2005, 10:39:40 pm »
Wet test if you're willing.......Hot-Springs,Caldera,Marquis,Sundance,D-1.  Take notes, and compare the pros and cons,within your decision making process.

Lastly,look for a dealer that will service you,when/if the time arises.



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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2005, 11:37:01 am »
2 years plus with my LS 850! No problems! Great tub! Im my opinion Master makes a superior product to Marquis. But then again that's why I bought one! Master gives you more choices (ie FF or TP insulation) and more pumps with better looking tubs. Also when I wet tested the two the Master just felt better. Again these are only my opinions! Try both and make your decision! Good Luck!


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2005, 11:57:45 am »
2 years plus with my LS 850! No problems! Great tub! Im my opinion Master makes a superior product to Marquis. But then again that's why I bought one! Master gives you more choices (ie FF or TP insulation) and more pumps with better looking tubs. Also when I wet tested the two the Master just felt better. Again these are only my opinions! Try both and make your decision! Good Luck!

Here we go again....funny but your high praise of what makes a Master great is what I think shows there true colors and that is say anything... do anything that someone wants to hear as long as we sell them ....TP and FF as a manufacture you should know which one you believe in ...Instead of trying to be all things to everyone .... If its the same spa cabinet for both than you can't be doing it right every time ....and even in your blind faith you should know this ......Also since this thread is about the SA Reward and it is less than a year old when did you wet test it.....
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 12:06:56 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2005, 12:27:29 pm »
 ;D ;D

I bought the MASTER LSX and am waiting on its arrival. I did not test the Marquis, but tested about 1/2 dozen and some twice.

I waded through the MASTER BASHING B@##$@$T  and found they were the best for ME.

I guess if ya can't compete try and beatem up ;)



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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2005, 12:50:59 pm »

I hope you enjoy your spa....but can you point to the Master bashing of their spas and not their sales practices ...If you can please do.....I think when you read or look with both eyes open you will see that the complaint of many is in their sales practice and not their spas ...... I truly did want to get into a big this vs that .....If you notice in my post I first said I was not familiar with the Master and kept my comments only to the Marquis ...


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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2005, 01:16:46 pm »
Hey Mendo I did not say where  the bashing was coming from..............I just said it was BS I am NOT picking on you I have been through a couple of sights and the one thing that stands out if you do a search on Master is the BASHING that comes from this board it is constant and NEVER ends.

Those folks that continue this really need to step back and look long and hard about their problem.............maybe they should look into a lawsuit or other legal means.....

Ya know you take Drifters post and start picking it apart from the FF TP, to he never tested that model cause its a year old .....He never said he did test that model he said Marquis.............
Read your post to Drifter and tell me what it means [I have both eyes wide open and its starin me in the face......]

Mendo ya got it BAD for Master and their techniques in marketing and sales approach no flame Bro but you do.

I don't think there is a post with Master in the title that you don't chime in negative way about something they have or have not done.......

I have stayed away for a couple of weeks because of the last Master bashing .......... yea I know who cares right .........  only to come back and watch it over again........
You were on the attack in your last post towards Drifter or it sure seems that way, maybe I am wrong and maybe both eyes are closed ;) and it's just me        .............

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Re: Master LS700 or Marquis Reward SA or ???
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2005, 01:16:46 pm »


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