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Topic: new hot tub (Read 3155 times)
Junior Member
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new hot tub
June 12, 2005, 08:03:50 pm »
I need feedback from you professionals on Sundance. My husband and I are looking at the maxxus model and wonder about opinions on this tub. We are also looking at Artic, at the yukon model. We would appreciate any opinions on these spas.
Hot Tub Forum
new hot tub
June 12, 2005, 08:03:50 pm »
Re: new hot tub
Reply #1 on:
June 12, 2005, 08:19:08 pm »
The Maxxus is a very good Hot Tub that takes the best of the Optima and the best of the Cameo and puts them together in one awesome spa. It is at the top of the Sundance line and is a sales leader.
Sundance, as a manufacturer, has been around for 27 years and has a pretty good handle on manufacturing an excellant product. All manufacturers learn from the experiences they have with consumer hands on which comes back to warranty claims and experience.
The Maxxus is a well tuned, high powered, performance unit that is low consumer maintenence and designed to practically care for itself.
As you know it is priced at the top of their model series.
It is most often compared to similar Big Gun models from Marquis, Dimension 1 and Hot Springs
Last Edit: June 12, 2005, 08:22:12 pm by J._McD
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: new hot tub
Reply #2 on:
June 12, 2005, 08:32:43 pm »
We would like to keep our hot tub portable due to restrictions in our sub-division. My husband talked to both the Artic and the Sundance dealer and they both recommended using the e.z. pad after leveling the ground and putting down crushed gravel. Does this sound right to you?
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Just Bring It !!
Re: new hot tub
Reply #3 on:
June 12, 2005, 10:04:03 pm »
Hi Bug, If you are looking at an Arctic Spa, you will not need a spa pad to put on top of the gravel. All you need is a level surface on settled ground. The floors on an Arctic take the place of those spa pads that some tubs need. I would check with the dealer, to clear up what you need for a foundation. That is the point of the foundation floors on an Arctic so you don't have to buy one of those pads.
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Re: new hot tub
Reply #4 on:
June 12, 2005, 10:29:09 pm »
Stabone,what keeps the bugs,critters,standing water etc,from entering the tub at the point of contact? When an arctic spa is placed upon level soil,do they have problems with weeds growing in and around the spa?
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Posts: 135
Just Bring It !!
Re: new hot tub
Reply #5 on:
June 12, 2005, 10:47:59 pm »
It is a sealed, solid floor. If you pour a free standing concrete pad the size of the the tub, weeds will grow up beside of it ,if you don't plant grass or landscape around it. The forever floor is a gel coated, raised pedestal floor that sets the cabinet up off the ground. Maybe you should go see one in person.
You do need to use a certain level of common sense in deciding where to place a tub, if someone wanted to place a tub in an area that had standing water, that would not be a good situation for any type of pad, or spa placement location.
I recommend a gravel base, to level the surface, most people have a deck or patio that the tub is going on, in some situations laying a gravel base then landscaping around the tub is a more cost effecient than having to pour a pad. Some people still want a pad and I pour a pad if they want it. Having options is a good thing. No matter what the the tub is setting on a strong, sealed, floor, and cabinet keeps critters and insects out, heat in, and adds strenghth to the whole structure. A good foundation is one the the most important parts of any structure. And I believe the forever floor is one of the best spa floors on the market today.
Last Edit: June 12, 2005, 11:11:48 pm by stabone
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: new hot tub
Reply #6 on:
June 12, 2005, 11:45:34 pm »
Thanks for the info Stabone, my husband is leaning towards the Maxxus. I saw a post that thought the Maxxus was too heavy to just put on a bed of crushed rock, unlike the Arctic. He was considering digging down about an inch or 2 and then filling the space with gravel and leveling it, and using the e.z. pad for the base. He doesn't want the expense of concrete, but I think it would be better and also less physical work for us. We are no spring chickens, but if the e.z. pad works and will support the tub then that will be a good option for him.
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Posts: 135
Just Bring It !!
Re: new hot tub
Reply #7 on:
June 12, 2005, 11:56:43 pm »
I hope you enjoy, the Sundance or Arctic. A concrete pad makes a nice clean base, and is good for any tub.
I wish you many relaxing evenings in your future spa!
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2005 Sundance Majesta
Re: new hot tub
Reply #8 on:
June 13, 2005, 12:03:57 am »
The Maxxus is an awesome spa in my opinion. We looked at it before deciding on our Sundance Majesta. It was just too big for what we needed. Our spa is mainly used by two adults and no children. The Maxxus is like a mini swimming pool
. Actually if we had children or entertained often, we may have opted for the Maxxus. I am sure you will be happy no matter what your choice is. Good luck in your quest for a spa.
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Re: new hot tub
Reply #9 on:
June 13, 2005, 12:25:06 am »
It is a great tub.Buy it and tell about the purchase experience as a whole.It is important to tell about the good dealers and service that sells these products.
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Posts: 54
maxxus owner
Re: new hot tub
Reply #10 on:
June 13, 2005, 04:24:32 pm »
we are expecting delivery of our sundance maxxus this friday. we wet tested cameo in sundance line before testing maxxus. maxxus is awesome. foot dome is useable by 4 seats. both my wife and myself loved lounger; neither of us floated out of it. we both enjoyed every seat in maxxus. it was the first tub we wet tested that we could say that. we also wet tested hotsprings and dimension 1. sarena bay was in the running but in our opinion maxxus was the winner hands down. our dealer in charlotte,nc is dave at gold coast spa. he has been as friendly and informative as one could ask for. we wet tested cameo first, he then knew we were going to wet test d1. he never said 1 bad thing about d1; i gained a lot of respect for him at that point. he arranged for us to wet test in myrtle beach the maxxus since he had recently sold his floor unit and we were heading that way for a long weekend. that dealer was equally professional and helpful; grave's pool and spa.i have taken a 1 hour one on one with dave to go over chemistry of spa maintenance and dave will come to house to do initial chemical balance after water added. there is no doubt wet testing is the only way to know for sure which tub is right for you but a dealer such as dave at gold coast can be the deciding factor if you can't decide.
Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 08:37:00 am by dentlfly
Hot Tub Forum
Re: new hot tub
Reply #10 on:
June 13, 2005, 04:24:32 pm »
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