Posted by: spahappy Posted on: Today at 3:50pm
Backpains I really want you to keep posting after your tub arrives.
I'm working with a man right now that has had four back surguries and is on a lot of pain medication. He's also going to pain management doctors. I've bid him out the C461 delux and told hime to check out your posts.
I will definately keep you posted, as with your friend they have me so doped up I can't even think straight trying to avoid a final surgery to put in a pain pump with daultin (sp) as the medication of choice. If the Coleman works like I'm hoping it does, this plus my excersize might just fend them off for another 5 years

the worst could happen is, gee.........I get a really cool hot tub and love every time I'm in it

Oh by the way I picked up a bottle of Zinfindel for my first spatopia time (too bad it has to sit in the fridge until the 26th hehehe)