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Author Topic: 2005 Marquis SA Euphoria  (Read 2703 times)


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2005 Marquis SA Euphoria
« on: June 06, 2005, 04:48:41 pm »
Can anyone give me feedback on the sound system in the SA Euphoria.  They have told me that it is like one big speaker that connects to your home stereo or television.  What I would like to know is how it sounds when it is full of water.  I have not wet tested one yet.

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2005 Marquis SA Euphoria
« on: June 06, 2005, 04:48:41 pm »


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Re: 2005 Marquis SA Euphoria
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 09:16:58 pm »
Marquis spas "Soundsations" is a nice system. Instead of pop up speakers or molded shells that have to have a special cover they simply use the cone shape of the spa as a speaker itself! There are three very important parts to a speaker that help you get the sound; First is the Transducer that actually creates the sound vibrations.
Second is the cone, here is a quote from the Tweeter.com
The cone is the large part of the speaker that actually creates the sound by moving back and forth. A speaker cone needs to be stiff and light in order to work well. It also needs to be water resistant. The surround is the piece that connects the cone to the speaker frame. The surround needs to be flexible, yet durable. Different manufacturers use different materials for their cones and surrounds. If you are careful to avoid uncoated paper cones and foam surrounds you will be sure to pick out a speaker that will last.

Although the shell of a spa seems fairly stiff, if you consider it in size proportion to a small speaker you understand that it does have enough flexibility.

Last, the dome of the speaker, controls the vibration and fine tunes the sound. This in the "Soundsations" is the water of the spa.

Think of it this way, if you could set in the middle of speaker without modifiing the sound, you would not only hear the sound but feel it! It is very cool.... ;D

There are better sounding units from the outside of the spa but the aspect of being able to feel the sound is very unique.


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Re: 2005 Marquis SA Euphoria
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2005, 02:11:03 am »
I think it is a great way to go if you want speakers to be part of your spa....I think what many people find is that they want to fill the back yard with sound and that is what it will not do ..... If you want to have the ability to keep the sound confined for the most part to the spa than YES it works very well....If you think you will want to enjoy music thought out the yard than go with out door speakers...We are going to be carrying the Mirage line our selfs it is a very nice upper end line but still reasonably priced ......


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Re: 2005 Marquis SA Euphoria
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2005, 09:04:43 am »
Thank you all for the feedback.  I think I really like this idea of sitting in the middle of a speaker.  Although, the dealer told me that it can be heard when the spa is not in use and the cover is on.  Is this accurate information?


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Re: 2005 Marquis SA Euphoria
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2005, 12:00:22 pm »
Yes it can be heard.....but it is not intended to be a speaker for the whole yard ....one of  the nice things about its design is that if you live close to others, when you are in the spa and it is late you should be able to hear fine, while they do not. Its design is to give you sound in the spa while keeping it there ....its kinda liking someone leaving a radio on upstairs in a house ....you can hear it downstairs but that not how you would want to listen to it....

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Re: 2005 Marquis SA Euphoria
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2005, 12:00:22 pm »


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