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Author Topic: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy  (Read 3727 times)


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Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« on: June 02, 2005, 11:05:11 pm »
Sorry guys--Now that I got the tub I have lots of ???'s so bear with me.  Ph is good.  Alklaine is real high so will have to get some alk. remover tomorrow.  Also had some minor sudsing tonight--put some of the suds away stuff in it and helped for a bit but sudsing came back.  Also, sanitation on the test srtip is supposed to be a pea green when it's right--ours was white.  Could it be the bromine puck that the guy put in by the filters.  I don't think i'm sold on bromine yet and if i switch to dichlor do i have to empty tub first??  Other thzn that things seem to be running well and it sure is a relaxing time just to sit in it.   Also about filtering --on the Artesian it goes up to 12 on the screen--should i keep it at this number or go down.  Sure do appreciate any help.  Thanks  

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Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« on: June 02, 2005, 11:05:11 pm »


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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2005, 05:42:05 am »
Sorry guys--Now that I got the tub I have lots of ???'s so bear with me.  Ph is good.  Alklaine is real high so will have to get some alk. remover tomorrow.  Also had some minor sudsing tonight--put some of the suds away stuff in it and helped for a bit but sudsing came back.  Also, sanitation on the test srtip is supposed to be a pea green when it's right--ours was white.  Could it be the bromine puck that the guy put in by the filters.  I don't think i'm sold on bromine yet and if i switch to dichlor do i have to empty tub first??  Other thzn that things seem to be running well and it sure is a relaxing time just to sit in it.   Also about filtering --on the Artesian it goes up to 12 on the screen--should i keep it at this number or go down.  Sure do appreciate any help.  Thanks  

You should not panic at all. If your PH is right on and your ALK is high you should wait a week and see what your ALK does using bromine it should slowly go down but your PH may bounce around if your ALK is not stable in range so you will have to keep an eye on that. If your sanitizer (bromine) level is low all the time you will need to get some extra in there, whether it is by adding another puck to get a readable level or by adding bromine powder after use, or MPS after use. Even a bit of dichlor would not hurt and yes you should change water if your going to switch to dichlor. You should filter enough to keep your water clean, that may be 4 hours a day if your use is light and your water stays clean. Or it may be 8 if that's what it takes.


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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2005, 05:45:19 am »
Ooops....foam is cause by all the stuff thats on your bodys when you get in the tub, oils, lotions, deodarant, residual shampoo, soap, after shave, zit cream and anything else you can think of, laundry soap in your suits. Put your foam down in a spray bottle mixed with water and spray it directly on the foam.


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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2005, 03:09:25 pm »
Do not put bromine puck in or near filter.  Will pull acidic concentration directly into your equipment.  Your better off using floater or powder bromine.


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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2005, 03:10:16 pm »
Bromine pucks also tend to foam the spa up badly as well.


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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2005, 06:52:16 pm »
Bromine pucks also tend to foam the spa up badly as well.

Where are you getting this information Kyle? Can you explain the relation between the chemical makeup of bromine pucks and how it relates to foam in a spa? ???

Looking forward to your response...



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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2005, 05:32:30 pm »
Ohhhhhh Kyle......

Still waiting......


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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2005, 06:02:44 pm »
Bromine pucks also tend to foam the spa up badly as well.


??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Interesting? ???


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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2005, 06:29:48 pm »
Yeah, I know Stu. ::) Ya ever heard that one B4? ??? ...me neither! ;D

Don't ya just wish that if people don't have a clue about what they're talking about, that they don't post bad information on forum designed to HELP people?

At the very least, kyle could have asked if it's true before giving out poor information like he KNOWS it's a fact.

Just goes to prove people....you can't always believe what you read on the internet! ;)



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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2005, 08:57:07 pm »
I don't know if this is the "book" way to help foam, but (in addition to sanitizing etc) I just turn all the jets on  and then take a little pool skimmer and skim the foam off.  I will also check and rinse the filter every day if needed.  I find that usually gets rid of foam pretty quick.  I was also told don't wash your bathing suit or better yet soak in the nude....  Can't speak for the neighbours, but it works for me.

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Re: Questionsfor you guys for the new guy
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2005, 08:57:07 pm »


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