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Vinny, I have tried both products and went back to Frontline. No real reason, just that I didn't see a big difference and I know Frontline is effective. As far as repelling ticks..I don't think either of these products, because they work through the skin, are real effective in repelling ticks. I use Frontline once a month because my dog has already contracted Lyme disease, in spite of being vaccinated. Â Ticks hang on the ends of grass and wait to hitch a ride on fur or skin...the best thing to do in your yard is to keep the grass short and eliminate wild critters that carry the ticks, like mice. A couple of years ago, I bulldozed my entire woods to eliminate the brush and I thought, to keep the deer back deeper into the woods. You live in an area of concern for Lyme disease, believe me, you dont want it and you don't want your kids to get it. Â If you are finding ticks in the house, check the family every night. The nymphs of the deer tick that carry the Lyme bacteria are so very small...like the period at the end of this sentence...so you really have to be careful. http://www.lymepa.org/html/protecting_yourself.htmlthis website may help Â
Thanks anne!I was hoping to get the repellent effect but I guess I'll go back to Frontline when my 4 pack is done ... I can't see wasting my money on something that doesn't work (repellent) and I've had great luck with Frontline.My sister's dog got Lyme and she (the dog) apparently suffers to this day. I don't know how bad the dog had it.I guess my wife will have to get used to ticks in the house until I get a chance to concrete the entire backyard ... it's an Italian thing!
QuoteThanks anne!I was hoping to get the repellent effect but I guess I'll go back to Frontline when my 4 pack is done ... I can't see wasting my money on something that doesn't work (repellent) and I've had great luck with Frontline.My sister's dog got Lyme and she (the dog) apparently suffers to this day. I don't know how bad the dog had it.I guess my wife will have to get used to ticks in the house until I get a chance to concrete the entire backyard ... it's an Italian thing! Â If you need a little something extra for tick control for now, you can add the PrevenTick collar. I believe that one lasts three months. Pest collars seem like a thing of the past, but most clients are pretty happy with this particular one. I recommend it for hunting dogs and the like. Dont let any small kids suck or chew on it, I guess.
Thanks anne!I was hoping to get the repellent effect but I guess I'll go back to Frontline when my 4 pack is done ... I can't see wasting my money on something that doesn't work (repellent) and I've had great luck with Frontline.My sister's dog got Lyme and she (the dog) apparently suffers to this day. I don't know how bad the dog had it.I guess my wife will have to get used to ticks in the house until I get a chance to concrete the entire backyard ... it's an Italian thing! Â