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Author Topic: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo  (Read 9406 times)


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Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2005, 03:54:54 pm »
Finally..... on the road again.  Just got my concrete pad laid down....   sucker is 13" thick!   It's still drying... just took the boards off the side and it was still a little green... anyhow, tub being delivered on Friday!!!

Now I'm trying to get some electricians to call me back.  

Anyone know of some reputable electricians in Central/Northern Jersey?  Rather go with a reco than out of the yellow pages if possible.

Now that the end is near, I'm excited about this again.  I just hope I don't have to wait long to get it hooked up.  Then the other fun begins... landscaping, deck building, etc.etc.

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Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2005, 03:54:54 pm »


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Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2005, 10:07:05 am »
Enjoy your tub. The best part is that as you do the landscaping, the tub is there to manage your body from all that work. AHHHHH!


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Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2005, 10:41:46 am »
Yea.. hehehe.  I can't wait!    It's amazingly tough getting a good electrical contractor though.  


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Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2005, 02:54:26 pm »
Just an update to my process of getting the tub installed...  

So far...  concrete pad is down....    backyard is now level, but all dirt at the moment.  Deck not built yet, nor the gazebo.  

My next step is the electrical... going to get a subpanel right by the entrace to the house... 12 feet from the tub.  I'm having him install a 60amp 220volt GFCI, blah blah blah....  I'm also going to put some 110 volt circuits near the panel, and a low voltage unit that'll run about 120ft of low voltage cable for outdoor lighting.

I had to call up over 10 different electricians until I finally got one that actually wants to do the work and is giving me what I'd consider a fair price based on the feedback from all of you lovely people on this board.    If one guy doesn't work out... don't fret, just make some more phone calls!!!!     Be relentless and don't get discouraged!!!

Anyhow, the tub delivery was fun to watch.  It took four behemoth guys 1/2 hour just to get the tub from the truck, unwrapped, and onto the pad.  Once on the pad they centered it as I wanted, installed the CD ozonator, installed the silly little multicolored LED light, installed the cover lift, filled out all the warranty info for me for each piece (all I had to do was drop them in the mail), answered all my silly questions, and even gave some additional recommendations of what to do.   In the middle of all this, I handed them a 30pack o'beer as tip, which put them in really good spirits.  I really think that helped... they cleaned up after themselves, really checked to make sure everything was aligned right, installed correctly, etc., etc.    Very happy with them.    So thankfully I don' t have that stress anymore... tub is in the back yard!!!  Handed them a certified bank check, and they were on their way.

Onto the electrical... guy coming tomorrow evening to check it out and schedule.  He apologized he couldn't come tonight (I only called this guy friday) because he was volunteering some of his time at the local highschool.   LOL.  I like this guy already.  

Also, thankfully my nieghbor works in the permit department and said in a very firm tone "You will NOT need a permit!"  LOL.   ok ok.. I won't get one....  but I will be making sure it's all done to code.


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Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2005, 03:53:27 pm »
Yikes...   $850 just for the COST of all the electrical equipment I'll need.   Total quote is $1150.   $300 for the work...    I think that's fair!  He's also doing some extra stuff so I don't have to redo anything if I ever upgrade my panel.  


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Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2005, 09:49:13 pm »
Anyhow, the tub delivery was fun to watch.  It took four behemoth guys 1/2 hour just to get the tub from the truck, unwrapped, and onto the pad.  

Sounds like you had it easy... when my Optima showed up on the back of a special trailer, towed by a pick-um up truck, two guys jumped out of the truck and that was it.  Now I know why I got such a great price on my Optima! ;D

I offered my help, for what it would be worth ( I’m 48 ). Next thing I know, this special trailer transforms into a 4 wheeled, two-handle cart, and guess who had to steer the rear wheels (just like the rear driver of a fire ladder truck).

So I helped move the spa from the front to the back of the house, where I had removed an entire wall section of my spa room, to fit in the tub. When we got to the outside wall, we just laid it down, right side up, straight into the room. I'm glad I went with the porcelain tile floor, the tub slid right in, no problems.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2005, 10:02:43 pm by johnvb »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Purchased: 2004 Sundance Cameo
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2005, 09:49:13 pm »


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