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Author Topic: computer/Tv combo help!  (Read 9273 times)


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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2006, 03:06:05 pm »
Oh My!  Remember when you drank an icy drink too fast and you got a brain freeze?? That is what I feel like right now...I think I will call my sales person at Dell and talk the whole thing over with him. It is nice that Dell gives you one agent to deal with. I didn't even think of the HDTV implications and the limitations that the tuner card would have...Thank you guys so much.
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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2006, 03:06:05 pm »


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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2006, 03:21:49 pm »
let me see if I got you bonnie

You wanted a nice screen for you PC for the illegal movies you download and make copies that you illegally sell on the side.

Hubby wanted an LCD tv for his porn collection. Idealy one that doestn't show fingerprints and smugdes.

You figured  if you upgrade your monitor with the "Wide Aspect digital flat panel display" andtoss in a tuner card and you'd be cool.

Is that right?

So what was the queestion? Was this a good idea, as opposed to :

not doing anything,
Buying a seperate Tv for hubby
buying a sperate monitor for you to put on your old PC
Buying a new PC and monitor
Buying a new PC and monitor that has additional TV cpablities

Is that right?

I keep my PC seperate from my TV.  IT makes life easier and I like that.  In fact they are in seperate ends of the house. I don't even let them see each other least they start causing problems.

Does this now mean, you want be able to work on the computer if someone is watching TV (and vice versa?)

Is where the Computer at, a decent place to watch TV?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2006, 03:48:54 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2006, 04:02:36 pm »
Oh boy!..I have a TV set in all three bedrooms, the kitchen, the sunroom, the basement and the exersize room .. but there is no TV in the computer room.(my room)...The computer room is approx. 15 X 13, I have a fish tank, my sewing cabinet, a pull out sofa bed and TWO BIG cluttered desks...In my mind, a new computer that could transfer my old 8mm tapes to DVD's, organize and burn the tons of pictures that I have, copy disks, have a decent sound system, AND have a quality monitor that could be used as a TV..either when I am sewing, or if someone wants to watch TV in a quiet room. Just like all of us multi task, I wanted  my extra room to multi task too. I really want rid of these two cluttered desks...I was thinking of a computer armoire ..and the monitor would be multi functional. It would not be the main TV, but a quality picture. I just talked with my Dell guy and I am going leave things as they are...but probably get my hubby a nice LCD for Christmas. I just don't know what to do with all the other TV sets!!

And MR. Drew, how dare you!!!...The hot tub repair crew is probably the most "pornographic" picture that I have ever had on my computer...honestly....and I am too lazy to try to sell anything..so that wasn't my motivation..I guess I was trying to justify my computer by adding an aspect that my huband would enjoy...

Pshew....Thank you all for your suggestions... ;)
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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2006, 04:07:46 pm »
I was just yanking your chain Bonnie, you know I think the world of you.  :)

I just honeslty couldn't grasp the question. (it's been one of those days.) I see the words, but and sitting here scratching my head like a monkey.

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2006, 05:00:20 pm »
I know Drew.  I am only messing with you too!..All of the responses helped me realize that I probably will have a great computer system but it is just that..a computer system..I'll deal with the TV later when the EAgles are in the play offs!  ;D ;D...I acted too fast on this one and have buyer remorse, but it's not worth the trouble of changing the whole thing because I am a goofball!  :-/ Actually, I think I am the monkey!
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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2006, 08:29:07 pm »
....I think I will call my sales person at Dell and talk the whole thing over with him. It is nice that Dell gives you one agent to deal with. I didn't even think of the HDTV implications and the limitations that the tuner card would have...

Better hurry - sometimes systems ship a lot sooner than they tell you they will :)

You might want to stop in a Best Buy or Circuit City & have a look at all the different TVs.  It's very confusing, esp w/ all the choices & different technology - LCD, Plasma, HD, ED, DLP, rear projection, front projection, blah, blah, blah.....  Look at their different models & compare the picture of different types & sizes.  Also, make sure you look at video from a standard (non-HD) broadcast as well as DVD & HD source.  They will all look good in HD, but you will find some look worse than a regular old TV for standard broadcast stuff.  That was the mistake I made when I bought my JVC projection model.  It's picture is incredible in HDTV, good for DVDs, & disgusting for regular TV broadcasts.  Our cable only has about a dozen HD channels - so the other zillion are regular format.  That's why I'm so happy w/ the plasma I bought.  Regular broadcast TV looks fantastic on it.  It does gray or black out the sides to get the 4:3 ratio.  Or you can have it expand it to fill the screen which does "squash" everything a bit, but the quality of the picture is still outstanding

I saw the Vizio TVs at Sam's Club yesterday.  First time I saw them.  The picture quality looked every bit as good (or better) than their other brands & the prices were very reasonable.  Of course that was from a HD signal & no telling what other formats will look like, but worth checking out.


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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2006, 10:04:34 am »
....I'll deal with the TV later when the EAgles are in the play offs!  ;D ;D...I

Hubbby aint ever gonna get his new tv.  ;D ;) :D ;D
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: computer/Tv combo help!
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2006, 10:04:34 am »


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