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Author Topic: Northern Virginia SD Dealers  (Read 5604 times)


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Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« on: May 20, 2005, 07:51:02 am »
Background. Three years ago (before finding this board... :) ), I purchased a PDC spa after doing some research.  Liked the spa quality and performance, and it had what we wanted (it was a Fiji model, FYI). BTW,  that dealer has now either dropped the franchise or is out of business totally (PDC gives another dealer for the area); in any case, I'd not go back as they didn't give good service at all:

1. Installation botched.  The power wires were left long by the electrician, and the installer cut them short to hook them up temporarily to test the spa.  Well, when the electrician came back to run them through the permanent conduit, no go!  Had to re-run them to the QD.  Arg! $200 for that, I believe. (And the dealer wouldn't pay.  "We didn't cut them too short...")

2.  More importantly, I had a leak around Christmas the first year, and was told no one could take a look for 10 days!  So, I had to keep refilling it in 20 deg temps, since it was impossible to drain.  (Turned out to be a cracked filter chamber top vent knob, and I got a replacement myself and all was fine.)

SO, now I'm looking at SD spas (having heard good things here) for a new house, and dealer service is number one, or tied for number one with spa quality/features.

Can any Northern Virginia (Fairfax/Loudoun/Prince William) folks comment pro/con on experiences with the local Sundance dealers?  (Looking at a Max, but that's not tied down yet!)  If you want to message me, that's fine also.

Thanks much!

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Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« on: May 20, 2005, 07:51:02 am »


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2005, 10:40:53 am »
I live in central MD and have a Maxxus .. Bought from Ace Hardware and Heart and spas.. They have 3 locations in the Maryland area. closet probably in edgewater(annapolis) also there is Schrimer's in Rockville. (you need  an appointment..?? ???) I know that Ace is having an event till the 30th.. I will give you the web address if interested.
Rushfan2112 ;D


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2005, 11:42:40 am »
My first and only experience with the local Sundance dealer was at a home and garden show at the Dulles Expo Center.  They were very high pressure which completely turns me off.  Their prices also seemed a little high considering what I've read here.  I was much more comfortable with the HS dealer, bought the Envoy, and have been very happy with my decision thus far.



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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2005, 05:10:47 pm »
Thanks for both the comments.  The high-pressure isn't wonderful, but if the service is good... was/is it?  Any other comments on them besides the pressure?  How about price?  I know what I want, so it's not like they'd likely upsell me or anything. :)

As for the Ace deal, I'd rather stay closer to home, if I could, thanks anyway!

I read somewhere here that SD made it so that only the dealer closest to you could sell to you;  dunno if that's true or how they would enforce that....


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2005, 11:14:56 pm »
Gotta bump this once.. no one has any comments on the service of Schirmers? I really want to purchase from a dealer I can depend on for quick service after the last fiasco from the other dealer, so I do need data.  Going to get some info from the local dealer tomorrow, but there's no reference like folks on this board.  :)

(After re-reading the above answers, I see the prices could be a bit high, but that's not a show-stopper... I'll pay for good service, if I do get it!)

Anyone? Thanks!


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2005, 11:26:47 pm »
I know schrimers and they will take care of you. :)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2005, 11:28:41 pm by J._McD »


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2005, 07:31:25 pm »
Thanks much!  One pro and no con is better than nothing!  :)


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2005, 08:46:47 am »
I read somewhere here that SD made it so that only the dealer closest to you could sell to you;  dunno if that's true or how they would enforce that....

That was my exact experience with SD.....I was told by two different SD dealers that they would not give me prices because of a closer dealer.....who was overpriced and "over-ego'ed".  Apparently, the dealers do a good job of enforcing it themselves.  Indeed there are service considerations that must be weighed but I bought my LSX from the closest MS dealer to me (+-200 miles) and he explained that they had a spa tech in my area that they would use if warranty work were needed.....so the distance thing is not insurmountable.  Consequently, SD lost a Cameo sale to MS....
Good luck.
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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2005, 04:49:55 pm »
Just curious, How much out the door for the envoy?


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2005, 07:07:12 pm »
I know of Schirmer's. They have been a long standing Sundance Dealer. I understand their reputation is very good and has been for quite some time. I don't think you can go wrong with them. As for the high pressure, that is not uncommon for ANY dealer at a home show.

hottubber... ;D


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2005, 12:33:18 pm »
Thanks for the added comments!  I concur on the "show" 'mentality'.  Most people there are lookie-loos, and the salesfolks want to grab you while you can, since you (they) may not ever be in the store again.  :)


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2005, 02:51:06 pm »
Off premises sales sometime employ national sales support.  They only get paid on performance, thus the intensity to close.  

At the store, we want to close today as well, but we can wait until tomarrow or next week, sometimes next month, occassionally next year and sometimes, but only sometimes, never. ::)

In the days of old, there was the belief that you weren't coming back, especially after you became aware of what was good and what was not,

From the salesmans perceptionhis best opportunity is now, from the consumers perception, they are ready when they are ready and when you push em, the yellow lights start flashing. ;)

I would say the longer time duration dealers with a well known manufacturer, like Schimer's with Sundance, you would have an excellant chance of long time enjoyment relaxing in Hot Water and being well cared for.


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2005, 04:44:02 pm »
Oh, lordy...  I'm home from driving over two hours back and forth  (#^$ holiday getaway traffic on Route 28 in Manassas for the NoVA locals... :-) ) to Schirmer's, and I can't decide whether to laugh or cry.

Here's the scoop. After all the good press here, I had all my ducks in a row, all the questions to ask, and went down to look at a Max from top to bottom.  Well, I get there, and:

1.  There's a 'Going Out of Business' banner plastered on the front of the place, along with a "40%-60% Off In-Stock Items" sign.  The one employee there behind the counter said they had no idea who was going to take over the SD franchise for Northern Virginia, and didn't see how one in, say, Maryland, could do it, since it would be pulled back when someone in Virginia did get assigned it.   To quote a well-known comic strip character: 'Good grief!'

2.  She even had the gall to state that "it's a good thing you didn't order a spa a few weeks since who knows what would have happened to your money".  That sounds illegal, since I would assume deposit funds are placed in escrow and are not available for 'fleeing the country' with. :)

In any event, Northern Virginia is a major market, and this is peak season, of course, and I can't believe SD would leave it unoccupied for long.  But, sheesh, I *really* wanted to see a Max in the flesh *now*, get to know a dealer who gave good service, and sign an order in the next few weeks as soon as I had Homeowners' Assoc approval.  What a let down.  I know you folks can understand like no one else can, of course!  :(

I wonder if the other nearby dealers would service NoVA under these circumstances?!

(I just wrote an email to SD on their site including all these comments, since they have no phone contact numbers except a fax, and their site says the status is still quo, with the two Schirmer's being the two NoVA dealers.)

Anyone got any comments except for 'have a beer' (which sounds good)?


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2005, 04:51:23 pm »

2.  She even had the gall to state that "it's a good thing you didn't order a spa a few weeks since who knows what would have happened to your money".  That sounds illegal, since I would assume deposit funds are placed in escrow and are not available for 'fleeing the country' with. :)

I suspect that deposit money is put into the bank by the dealer, and credited against the eventual purchase of the spa.  If the dealer goes under, you'll get in line with all of the other creditors.
Who knows what a business facing failure would do with deposit money.  But probably not escrow...


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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2005, 05:00:37 pm »
Huh.  Interesting.  I thought it was like other large purchases where it was held out of the hands of the seller.  Guess I was semi-lucky in my timing!  :)

Now let's see what SD has to say.  I hope they don't have a clue about all this and rise to the occasion!  The Schirmer's employee's comments were along the line of this *just* happened and who knew what SD actually knew and when they knew it.  :)  (Political reference for the old-timers...)

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Re: Northern Virginia SD Dealers
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2005, 05:00:37 pm »


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