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Author Topic: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas  (Read 7815 times)


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Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« on: May 24, 2005, 04:54:39 pm »
Hello. I am a newbie about this subject, but I believe that I won't be a newbie for long. I've read several threads and I hope to get some good discussions going to answer my questions.

I have been researching the technical aspects of Spas and I have realized there are two camps. One camp is a Thermo Pane type spa (Arctic spas, Haven spas), the other camp is the Full Foamed Spas (Cal Spas, Hot Springs, etc).

I am trying to find out the technical aspects of one camp over the other.

Thanks in advance,

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Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« on: May 24, 2005, 04:54:39 pm »


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2005, 05:01:01 pm »
I would check out the search feature first since this topic has been beaten to death. Quick answer they're both good and not the most important criteria to base a spa purchase from. Good Luck.  


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2005, 05:07:12 pm »
I searched the crap out of this site. Always do prior to posting. Is there a limit on the site where notes fall off the back end after a while?

Perhaps I'm using the wrong search strings. I'm not bashfull....I'll take a clue to save everyone from rehashing this.


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2005, 05:18:09 pm »
Make sure you tell the search to go back farther than 7 days.


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2005, 05:22:42 pm »

Thanks for the bread crumbs...I'm in search heaven now. I'll continue on with this discussion after I have a specific question.



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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2005, 05:25:00 pm »
One camp is a Thermo Pane type spa (Arctic spas, Haven spas), the other camp is the Full Foamed Spas (Cal Spas, Hot Springs, etc).

I am trying to find out the technical aspects of one camp over the other.

There are those that will tout thermopane as the way to go and those that are full foam backers. For instance, I am a full foam guy but without hesitation, I would buy an Arctic over a Cal Spa because insulation is less important to me than who the spa manufacturer is and Cal Spas just doesn't cut it (Quality, Service, etc.). At the same time, I would imagine that those with experience on this site that are thermopane guys would buy a Hot Spring full foam spa before they would even consider buying a Haven spa (I'd buy a cattle trough and fill it with boiled water off the stove before I'd buy a Haven).
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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2005, 06:32:42 pm »

There are those that will tout thermopane as the way to go and those that are full foam backers. For instance, I am a full foam guy but without hesitation, I would buy an Arctic over a Cal Spa because insulation is less important to me than who the spa manufacturer is and Cal Spas just doesn't cut it (Quality, Service, etc.). At the same time, I would imagine that those with experience on this site that are thermopane guys would buy a Hot Spring full foam spa before they would even consider buying a Haven spa (I'd buy a cattle trough and fill it with boiled water off the stove before I'd buy a Haven).

Well said and I agree 110%. I thought a Ha**n spa was a cattle trough with aluminium foil? ???



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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2005, 07:03:37 pm »
Agreed both work and have their fans .....They need to be well made in either case and when done right both are fine .... As for Phoenix spas ....errrrrr I mean H****N ....Its to bad in the end they might just be an OK spa ....but nothing like they are promoted and when it is all said and done at its core it just a Phoenix spa....with out a ETL label


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2005, 09:22:58 pm »
hey welcome, and read lots to learn.  this topic always brings up the arctic.  Please dont put arctic in the same sentence as looney spas (Hav**N)  this name is crap.  

this debate is really minor.  Make sure you do alot more homework because this alone is not enough to make you go one way or another.  

Keep an open mind while searching and you will be led to the right tub for you.

I would say that the top tubs out there are the final three brands that you select before purchase.  

Good luck, and dont you ever say arctic and hav**n in the same sentence again, or ill kill ya ;D ;D just kidding but seriously i will kill ya ;D


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2005, 10:23:09 pm »
I'm giggling with joy....seriously!  This is such a huge purchase and I'm so ignorant.  From my reading so far here's where I'm at:

- ThermoPane vs FullFoam --- who cares! Does the tub fit you like a glove?
- Wet test
- Wet test
- and ahh....Wet test

I can see that I'll be hanging out here long after I make my purchase to learn about other subtlties of maintenance.

I'm happy to have found you folks.


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2005, 10:35:42 pm »
make sure you bring us each step of the way.  I found that when I was preparing to buy, I asked every question that I could possibly ask.

When I actually went in and started making the deal, I found that my knowledge base was better than the sales people.  This really worked to my advantage because it did not allow me to get suckered into a bull sales pitch with extras that were either not really extras but standard.

A well informed buyer is one step above the dealer, because many sales people hope that they buy you on an impulse buy.  When they know that you know your stuff they approach you a tad different and less bs and I found negotiations went smooth.

Now before you wet test, go look at several brands.  See which one catch your eye.  Note everything from inside to out.  Filters, pumps, hoses, foaming, structure, jets, lights and so on.  

Once you have looked at several tubs, begin your wet tests and enjoy this part of the research.  Get in there and compare the tubs for feel.

Now that you have an idea of what you like, wet test your favourite tubs again all in one day so you can really get a feel for them and be able to compare them.  

Come to this board ask you questions and do as much research as possible.  Now I would say you are informed.  Go in and make your deal.  Put a deposit down.  Come back let the great people on this board know your deal and im sure you will get feedback.  If you are satisfied with everything prepare your site and start enjoy hot water.

I cant wait for my delivery, the process has been long but in the end I will be glad I researched this so much.  Take care and good luck

keep us posted.


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2005, 04:58:56 am »
I'm giggling with joy....seriously!  This is such a huge purchase and I'm so ignorant.  From my reading so far here's where I'm at:

- ThermoPane vs FullFoam --- who cares! Does the tub fit you like a glove?
- Wet test
- Wet test
- and ahh....Wet test

I can see that I'll be hanging out here long after I make my purchase to learn about other subtlties of maintenance.

I'm happy to have found you folks.

If there's an energy usage difference between FF or TP insulation and you are convinced it will make a difference in the major brands out there you have been decieved. If 2-20 bucks a year savings is going to make or break you maybe a tub and its cost is not for you. Now there are some other brands that will cost 40-100 bucks more to operate, but that still may not be enough to turn you off to a brand because of the cost savings in the purchase 1000-2000. Like anything else you get what you pay for as far as quality and effieciency. There are a few "bargins" out there that prove to be good value, and some that don't.

If the manufacturer has a good reputation, the dealer has a good reputation, and the tub is comfortable, you are on your way to being happy with your purchase.


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2005, 09:20:12 am »
I too was in the same predicament and that was one of the reasons I choose Master Spa. They offer BOTH. No extra charge! I called the factory and spoke to one of the engineers who basically told me the following: FF is quieter and TP is a little more energy efficient. He said that leakage with TP isn't an issue (The old have to hold the pipes argument from moving). He said that it really wasn't that big a difference either way. I took his advise to heart since he had no "axe to gring". meaning I was already going to buy a Master Spa and whether I choose FF or TP wouldn't affect the price. I choose TP. I don't notice it being signficantly louder. I am happy with the minimal impact it has had on my electrical bill. I agree with the above choose a Spa you like not based on FF or TP!


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2005, 11:41:30 am »
For what it's worth... I thought that full-foam would be quieter than thermopane, but that's not necessarily true.  Of the 3 brands that we represent in the store, Coleman is the only one with thermopane insulation.  And, Coleman is (by far) the quietest brand that we carry (yes, even when we turn the jet pumps on  ;D).

While I also wouldn't recommend that you make a decision based on insulation type (just stick with a reputable brand), I can tell you that thermolock tubs are much easier to service in the case of an internal leak.  It took our technician all of half an hour to find a jet body leak, remove the cracked component and replace it.  With full foam it definitely would have taken longer.  But again, this is not why you're buying a spa.  It's just a nice little bonus.


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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2005, 02:18:06 pm »
Thanks for all the feedback. I can tell I'm going to enjoy it here. I already feel quite at home.

My next research question is about diverter valves. I'll start a new thread with questions after I dig through this site a bit.

Everyone have a great Memorial Day!!!

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Re: Thermo Pane vs Full Foamed Spas
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2005, 02:18:06 pm »


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