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Author Topic: Hush pump  (Read 11128 times)


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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2005, 08:53:24 pm »
That's a good point (one I never thought of when installing mine) but I've got to say, my wiring set up sounds almost exactly like Ray's and the electrician was there for most of the day. Thank goodness I knew the guy and got (I think) a pretty good price ($900.00 Canadian including GFI,wire, conduit etc).
By the way I got a Beachcomber 730 about a month ago and just love it.  The honeymoon ain't over yet - we're in nearly every night!  You can't beat it after 18 holes of golf or a workout.  Hope you enjoy yours just as much, Ray.

Quick question though for Steve.  My neighbour got an obus-spa a week ago and said the dealer told him that with a new spa you should change the water after the first month.  Any thoughts?

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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2005, 08:53:24 pm »


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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2005, 09:48:40 pm »
Quick question though for Steve.  My neighbour got an obus-spa a week ago and said the dealer told him that with a new spa you should change the water after the first month.  Any thoughts?

Many of us who have been around for a while and have witnessed many a water test, often see that most "newbies" don't really have the watercare concept down for the first month and things tend to go a bit sideways!

I'm not a believer that you need to drain after the first month but I do highly recommend to take a water sample into the dealer around the period of one month for a complete analysis. Most issues with watercare can be corrected and draining isn't always needed. Your dealer can give recommendations and if it's bad enough, draining might be easier (and less expensive) than playing around and attempting to get that water in line again.

It's not something I promote myself unless it's neccessary. There's a cost associated with the new water, heating it and the chemicals used on a start-up and the majority of the time we can get them on track without that cost.



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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2005, 11:14:17 pm »
Thanks Steve.  My dealers' been a peach and has encouraged me to take her in a sample at least once a week for the first few months.  At first my water was just a little cloudy, but I put a puck dispenser in a few weeks ago and the water has been crystal clear ever since.   Other than that no problems. ..well, almost.          
I had my first big BBQ last weekend and I can't believe how much foam I've got now.  I put in some spa perfect yesterday, but I think I'm going to take a sample in tomorrow.  
The thing is, I can test for chlorine, PH and carefree, but in addition to Carefree, Boost, PH plus and PH minus, I've got bottles of Soft, Resist, Protect and Eliminate...not to mention bottles of stuff to soak my filters in (thank goodness the dealer included it all in the price).  Seems like a lot of chemicals....
What I want to know is how am I ever supposed to learn to know when I need to add this stuff?  What exactly constitutes "micromanaging your water" and is getting your water tested once a month enough.  I don't want to shorten the life of my tub through neglect nor do I want my young daughter climbing into unsafe water, but I don't want to drive my dealer nuts either by going in all the time.  She's been great at giving me info, but her bottom line is.."if you're not sure, just bring in a sample."  My problem is, I'm never really sure about anything outside of adding Boost.
I expect I'm probably overthinking this a little bit, but like most newbies, I'm trying to get handle on it all - and there's a little more to it than I expected.  
Just for curiosity's sake, when does a newbie stop being a newbie?


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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2005, 09:56:03 am »
Thanks Steve.  My dealers' been a peach and has encouraged me to take her in a sample at least once a week for the first few months.  At first my water was just a little cloudy, but I put a puck dispenser in a few weeks ago and the water has been crystal clear ever since.   Other than that no problems. ..well, almost.

A couple things. Cloudy water in most cases is due to not meeting your chlorine needs. You are on Carefree but the Carefree boost is basically chlorine. This system isn't really designed for use of pucks but you can if you want to. I don't suggest putting them in the skimmer basket though. Pucks have a low pH and the water that is continually going down to the pump and heater will have a very acidic reading and you will go through heater elements and pump seals much quicker this way.

Get a floating dispenser if you want to continue with chlorine pucks.
I had my first big BBQ last weekend and I can't believe how much foam I've got now.  I put in some spa perfect yesterday, but I think I'm going to take a sample in tomorrow.

Do not use an enzyme treatment (spa perfect) with Carefree! If the water gets foamy, use a foam away product and/or shock with boost. To help prevent this, do not put swimming suits in the wash and just rinse with water after use.

The thing is, I can test for chlorine, PH and carefree, but in addition to Carefree, Boost, PH plus and PH minus, I've got bottles of Soft, Resist, Protect and Eliminate...not to mention bottles of stuff to soak my filters in (thank goodness the dealer included it all in the price).  Seems like a lot of chemicals....

Being on Carefree gives you a product that has many advantages built into it. It has clarifiers and stain and scale so there's no need for eliminate and soft. Resist will increase your alkalinity and this should be done on a fresh fill and tested monthly along with calcium hardness. Protect will increase that if needed. You should clean your filters monthly and I'm guessing you have filter pure and filter cure. If so, alternate those every month. There's far better cleaners than those...

What I want to know is how am I ever supposed to learn to know when I need to add this stuff?

Your dealer should be able to print you off a start-up and weekly maintenance procedure for care free which will be based on the volume of water in your spa. Ask if they have the program on their computer and if not, they should get. They're not helping their customers if they don't.

What exactly constitutes "micromanaging your water" and is getting your water tested once a month enough.  I don't want to shorten the life of my tub through neglect nor do I want my young daughter climbing into unsafe water, but I don't want to drive my dealer nuts either by going in all the time.  She's been great at giving me info, but her bottom line is.."if you're not sure, just bring in a sample."  My problem is, I'm never really sure about anything outside of adding Boost.

It's your dealer’s job to make sure you are 100% comfortable with your watercare. These print off sheets will make it much easier and if you need to, put aside an hour and go sit down with her so she can fully explain it. Learn it properly from the beginning and you'll have better water with less maintenance.

I expect I'm probably overthinking this a little bit, but like most newbies, I'm trying to get handle on it all - and there's a little more to it than I expected.  
Just for curiosity's sake, when does a newbie stop being a newbie?

Once you've spent the time to get clarification from your dealer (assuming your dealer fully understands the program) then really it's a few months to feel completely comfortable with it. It's a learning curve and it gets easier every month.


« Last Edit: May 26, 2005, 09:59:03 am by Steve »


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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2005, 10:21:25 pm »
Thanks Steve.   My dealer does give me the computer printouts,  although she often changes some of what it says.  She says there is a new computer program coming out shortly that will obsolete the present one.

I do use the floating puck dispenser and I appreciate the tip about mixing spa perfect and carefree (the dealer's daughter gave me  the spa perfect when I was in asking about cloudy water).  I am guessing that they either neutralize one another or double up the dosage.

Curious though as to what filter cleaner you recommend
over beachcomber's products.  I have been rinsing my filter twice a week with the garden hose but am planning to soak my filter this weekend for the first time.


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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2005, 11:34:18 pm »
There's a number of them out there and most I haven't tried but with the many I have, Filter Brite by SpaGuard works the best and is inexpensive.


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Re: Hush pump
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2005, 11:34:18 pm »


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