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Author Topic: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?  (Read 10982 times)


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2005, 02:12:48 pm »
First, I guess you need to know I am a dealer and you seem to have a chip on your shoulder about dealers.  I stand to benefit absolutely nothing in answering you question, and because you say you need to make informed decisions, I would suppose a dealers point of view would be important to you.

You say "they are the only game in town and they have 8 stores".  There is something not right with that statement.
They wanted to "close the day I walked in", that is what they are in business for.

You started with a salesman and ended up with the manager, going from $10,500 to $9,100, you don't trust them, and you put a deposit down on Saturday to purchase and now you want us to tell you how you can feel good about your decision.

Given all this time for your research, it does not seem you have developed a very good relationship with the dealer if you smell a rat here.

It also seems, you want the cheapest price possible, but need to know that you're not getting screwed, while it seems to me you have been haggeling for a number of weeks, have come to a decision, but fear being cheated.

If the spa is an '05, what difference does it make ??? it has a full warranty, it has been water tested, it is subject to your inspection, you must accept it and pay your balance, and then you will rely on this organization for all of your assistance and support which I am sure you will expect to be free.

The factory wrap will look like a factory wrap, if it is re-wrapped it willl look like a re-wrap.  This will NOT chage anything about the spa ONLY your preception of the spa.  When you buy a vehicle with 47 miles on the odometer, how does that change the car ???

I feel that you are an untrusting person and considering the amount of money involved, I do know how you feel.  But, it seems you don't trust these people, and maybe the feeling is mutual.  How do they feel about you? ???

We are all here to help, if we can, but I agree with Wisoki, what difference does it make, but you challenge him and suspect him to be a dealer.  How would you expect a spa shopper, buying their first spa to answer you question ???

My personal, dealer, feeling is that you have purchased a very good product, are very much concerned with this being the right decision, and you fear what looms in the future.  We are all very comfortable with your choice of selection, you have some reservations.  None of us know what looms in the future, but we would all be comfortable with your selection of choice.

NOW, relax and get ready to get into Hot Water, your gonna love it, and I think it's gonna relieve a lot of tension in your life.

I will reply to your remarks in order:

I don’t have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to dealers. Dishonest and pushy dealer’s maybe!

Let me clarify my statement for you… They are the only game in town because they own/operate eight stores within a 200 mile radius in any direction. If I want a HS then it would be silly not to buy from them (service). My choice was a HS from them or a different manufacture in my area.

I agree that any good sales person should try to close the deal before the customer leaves but there are limits and boundaries. During conversation a good sales person should be able to define an impulse buyer who will buy on emotion or an educated buyer only wanting to make an informed decision. Look at all the post on this forum with questions about buying/wet testing. These are informed/educated buyers.

WOW…. I’m really not looking for you to help me feel good about myself. Furthermore If I trusted them right off the bat I guess I would have bought a $10,500 Vanguard instead of a $9,100 Vanguard

I never said I smell a rat…. I do want to know what a new spa looks like when one is delivered. If it does not look new based on the info I have been provided then I will smell a rat.

You got that one right… I do want the cheapest price and I’m sure not the minority In that category.

I’m sorry did you say free?  No…. I will have paid for that support in the cost of the spa. I did include warranty and manufacture reputation in my purchasing decision. That’s why I bought a HS.

Thanks! I think this next one you were actually attempting to answer my question. By the way my spa better not have 47 miles on it  ;)

I have no need to trust somebody in this $10,000 transaction. In my world trust is earned not automatically given. When they deliver a new spa and provide the service under warranty that I have paid for then they will have earned my trust along with many referrals.

Because I bought on my terms and not theirs they probably hate me!  ;D

Again, wow…  You state that I “challenged” Wisoki.  I replied to his post. He started off with the statement “For the life of me, I will never understand the customer’s aversion to a “floor model”. When he used the word customer this led me to believe he was a dealer so I asked “So... sounds like you might be a dealer? Do you have an answer to my original question?” not much of a challenge. I don’t understand who the spa shopper is buying their first spa?

I agree that HS is a good spa. At least my research seems to back that.

This is a great forum and I relied on it for most of my research and purchasing decision. Thanks to everyone!!!!!

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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2005, 02:12:48 pm »


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2005, 02:23:02 pm »
Ok gentlemen it's not a p***ing match here back it down a notch. I think what most of the dealers here are trying to say is it doesn't make a difference whether it's been on the floor or not on the floor, if I can get a floor model for cheaper than one in the back that HS has in stock damn straight I'm going for that, even if someone has actually sat in it! The fact still remains it doesn't matter if it's brand new or a model off the floor just enjoy your hot tub and leave it be!


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2005, 02:33:21 pm »
The dealers here are missing the point. What drober is asking is, to be told the truth from the start. If it is new in the wrapper it is new, if it is a wet demo drober  wants to know that, if it was a dry demo then tell drober that from the start. Confidence is built by truth from the start of the dealings. No statements  from a dealer should change after the deal is made


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2005, 02:41:07 pm »
The dealers here are missing the point. What drober is asking is, to be told the truth from the start. If it is new in the wrapper it is new, if it is a wet demo drober  wants to know that, if it was a dry demo then tell drober that from the start. Confidence is built by truth from the start of the dealings. No statements  from a dealer should change after the deal is made

Perfectly stated!


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2005, 02:44:10 pm »
I'm a dealer and I get the point and I agree 100%! ;D

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Off topic
« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2005, 09:28:32 pm »
LMAO, well acourse you gots ta do it thata way out in Caaaleforeneyeay, but out here in Innianna, we gots lots a open space ta manuver these big ol' thangs.

Wow. I have to give that some thought. Unwrap the tub at the warehouse.

No, I would be scared to death that my guys would scratch the life out of it as they go into the yard. With the price of land here in CA, sideyards are narrow. With the fact that this is actually an irrigated desert, thorny bushes are very popular. Put those together, and you understand why we leave the tubs unwrapped until they land.

BTW - the HS wrapping comes off like this:
First look for three or four labels, one close to the center of each side. They should have the serial number of the spa on them. One or two may blow off or fold up if they go down the road on an open trailer.

The outside layer of shrink wrap is clear, and you can seen through to a layer of white paper with the HotSpring logos in blue and some of the product statments, like: "best backed spa" or "underwater symphony," etc.

Directly behind that is a layer of cardboard.

The top of the tub should have a large, one-piece sheet of heavy, white plastic, covered with more of the clear shrink wrap.

Finally, on the inside should be another single sheet of clear plastic over the top, but this shett is far thinner than the white one.

If you like it and you want it BUY IT!


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Re: Off topic
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2005, 09:40:55 pm »
BTW - the HS wrapping comes off like this:
First look for three or four labels, one close to the center of each side. They should have the serial number of the spa on them. One or two may blow off or fold up if they go down the road on an open trailer.

The outside layer of shrink wrap is clear, and you can seen through to a layer of white paper with the HotSpring logos in blue and some of the product statments, like: "best backed spa" or "underwater symphony," etc.

Directly behind that is a layer of cardboard.

The top of the tub should have a large, one-piece sheet of heavy, white plastic, covered with more of the clear shrink wrap.

Finally, on the inside should be another single sheet of clear plastic over the top, but this shett is far thinner than the white one.
As I look this over, I realize that HotSpring puts more plastic on the outside of their tubs than some people put on the inside....

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2005, 10:08:46 pm »
It's funny...I read this and think, man...you feel ripped, consider them "high pressure", feel lied to and yet you still want to do business with them? ???

I'm lost as to why any hard working person would give their hard earned money (and BIG money) to someone they don't trust? If you feel like this now, wait until you need service!

I say walk... :-/ You're not going to be a happy camper.



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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2005, 10:27:33 pm »
I have posted many times in other threads how impressed I was with how nice and accommodating the dealer was with me through the whole deal.

The only concern was pricing and I don’t hold that against them to much because most sales situations are like that.

It’s up to the consumer to make sure they are getting a fair deal and I did that thanks to this site!

My search for info on what a factory wrapped tub looks like is just to keep the honest people honest.

If I really thought the dealer was a crook I would run away but I truly don’t feel that way.

I'm excited and I meet with the concrete guy tomorrow and he starts the job on Friday!


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2005, 10:37:05 pm »
I have posted many times in other threads how impressed I was with how nice and accommodating the dealer was with me through the whole deal.

I dunno...maybe I took "is very high pressure sales", "I believe he made this up just to make sure I did not walk again", "they tried to screw me on price from day one" out of context? ??? ::)

And now it's "I have posted many times in other threads how impressed I was with how nice and accommodating the dealer was with me through the whole deal."

I don't mind tellin ya I'm a bit confused and I'm guessing I'm not the only one!

Sounds like a blissful transaction to me! ;)

« Last Edit: May 25, 2005, 10:38:40 pm by Steve »


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2005, 12:42:44 am »

I dunno...maybe I took "is very high pressure sales", "I believe he made this up just to make sure I did not walk again", "they tried to screw me on price from day one" out of context? ??? ::)

And now it's "I have posted many times in other threads how impressed I was with how nice and accommodating the dealer was with me through the whole deal."

I don't mind tellin ya I'm a bit confused and I'm guessing I'm not the only one!

Sounds like a blissful transaction to me! ;)


Whoa, you hit it right on the head Steve!  I was wondering if anyone would bring this up.  I am just lowly owner of a spa service company, but if I was in the business of selling spas, I think that I would have been the one to run in this situation! It has taken me years to get to the point of realizing there are some customers you just can't satisfy, and everyone would be better off to end the relationship before it begins.  Just one persons opinion.


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2005, 10:19:56 am »
We just had our new HS vanguard installed a few weeks ago. It was a 2005 model. We had ordered a 2004 model back in October but could not take delivery because of a backup in scheduling in completeing our back yard. Our dealer was great. No pressure, did not even require a deposit. He called me in December and asked if I minded him selling our 2004 model. I had no problem because he told me we could have the 2005 model at the same price. Win win situation. He is a great dealer. Has 3 stores in my city and all the dealerships to Orlando. We paid $7195 includes delivery, set up, steps, cover lifter, steps, start up chemicals and breaker box. Good luck


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2005, 10:22:30 am »

I dunno...maybe I took "is very high pressure sales", "I believe he made this up just to make sure I did not walk again", "they tried to screw me on price from day one" out of context? ??? ::)

And now it's "I have posted many times in other threads how impressed I was with how nice and accommodating the dealer was with me through the whole deal."

I don't mind tellin ya I'm a bit confused and I'm guessing I'm not the only one!

Sounds like a blissful transaction to me! ;)



Your points are well taken.

However, I do stand behind the fact that they were very nice and accommodating and tried to screw me on price.

If this was a car dealer trying to steal my trade in I would go to one of the many other Dodge dealers in my area. I don’t have that luxury with a HS spa.

One example:

I went in to buy the spa with 4k as a down payment and finance the rest with 12 months same as cash. I was already approved for the whole price of the spa. We received a letter in the mail from the dealer’s finance company with our credit line.

The dealer said if I did not put down 5k in cash that the price of the spa would be $200 more. I said I would need to come up with the extra money. I left.

When I finally went back in I was told they could not honor the original price unless I took a different color choice or a floor model.

As stated in my earlier post I made it clear I was not interested in a floor model. The manager came back with the story that a customer changed from a vanguard to a grandee at the last minute so I would get the price and color choice I wanted. (I left there and bought a lotto ticket considering what luck I must have)! ;)

And get this... I bought the spa with no money down! That’s right the same guy that needed 5k instead of 4k wrote the whole thing up with no money down. ???

So there is allot to the whole story.... all parties involved were professional and there is no reason for that to change unless they try to deliver that floor model (the topic of this thread).


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2005, 10:42:59 am »

Whoa, you hit it right on the head Steve!  I was wondering if anyone would bring this up.  I am just lowly owner of a spa service company, but if I was in the business of selling spas, I think that I would have been the one to run in this situation! It has taken me years to get to the point of realizing there are some customers you just can't satisfy, and everyone would be better off to end the relationship before it begins.  Just one persons opinion.

Your statement is very true and any one of us here could be that person one day.

On big jobs that contractors will be at my house for the day or longer I always offer to provide lunch/pizza and drinks throughout the day.

I have been faced a couple of times when a contractor has underbid a job and only realizing this half way through the job. I have always listened and even paid more money to be fair.

Although it was their responsibility to bid the job and we had a contract I paid more to be fair, keep him/her happy and ensure quality work.

Most of the time this has paid off but not every time.

Business is business and not all transactions will be smooth.


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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2005, 10:55:05 am »

Whoa, you hit it right on the head Steve!  I was wondering if anyone would bring this up.  I am just lowly owner of a spa service company, but if I was in the business of selling spas, I think that I would have been the one to run in this situation! It has taken me years to get to the point of realizing there are some customers you just can't satisfy, and everyone would be better off to end the relationship before it begins.  Just one persons opinion.

Steve, My perception was similar to yours indicating somewhat of an untrusting relationship, and the statement of protecting his own interest.   :-/ I seem to have stepped on a land mine here, as it appears my interpretation offended drober.  I totally mis understood his long term shopping relationship with this dealer.  IMO I would expect him to have a clear understanding of what to expect and WHAT HE EXPECTS from the dealer up front since this has been in the development stages since February.

I have been confronted with this problem on 2 occassions in 21 years, both in the last 24 months and hottubbin is right, there are people he didn't sell the product to that are extremely difficult to please and you wish you hadn't ever gotten involved.

Both times, we were confronted with what you would call an attitude of perception on delivery after the spas were in place.  They felt someone was out to give them something less than expected.  Phones started ringing off the hook with the customer calling all upset, the delivery guy were on the two way wondering what to do, the customer had the opinion the spa was not a "NEW" spa because we had opened it to add the ozone before delivery and "re-wrapped the spa".  

In spite of our explanation and showing the production date recorded on the spa, we found ourselves defending our honor for no reason at all to an irate person who felt he was right.  We simply put a smile on our faces, and refused to appear put out or upset.  Sometimes, it seems the more you try to convince someone the more it confirms their opinion.  We simply told the customer we would order a new spa and deliver it in the factory wrap when it comes in and that's is what we did.  2 years later he still throws it in our face with inuendos.

The relationship continues to always have an edge and they are very hard to satisfy.  We found the their allegations both insulting and offensive, but yet we refused to let it get us down, as we attempted to understand their point of view.  It is sometimes hard to understand there are people who just don't trust or believe there are other honest people out there.  

They have most likely been injured in relationships in the past and are very skeptical and defensive about human nature from their point of view.

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Re: HS Dealers is it a Floor Model or New?
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2005, 10:55:05 am »


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