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Author Topic: deck - no, pavers?  (Read 8771 times)


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deck - no, pavers?
« on: May 24, 2005, 09:18:22 pm »
Well, the spa was delivered yesterday as promised,  a crane dropped it over the house... put it on the deck where we had planned.  When my wife got home she freaked, too big, lost sight of the yard through the kitchen window.  So... I have two options, cut the deck in half and lower a portion (major job) or put the tub on the patio, which was built last year on pavers.  My wife is not happy about loosing the patio - but likes it better than loosing the view to the yard.  

Has anyone used pavers as a base and are they OK?  They were professionally installed, compacted etc.  They also sat through the winter.  Do I need any additional support?

Oh yeah - I need the company to come back with the crane ($350.00) even if they are already in the area :(

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deck - no, pavers?
« on: May 24, 2005, 09:18:22 pm »


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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2005, 09:39:27 pm »
I would think that if pavers were done properly, 6-8 down, compacted gravel then compacted sand then the pavers, you should be OK. Sometimes people throw the pavers on top of the ground with a 2x4 outline - not good.

My wife's a little upset too as the deck the tub is going to sit on is 5" taller than anticipated - I measured everything out again and it should fall under the window! Although I thought I had the measurements correct originally - LOL!!
« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 09:42:32 pm by Vinny »


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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2005, 09:44:05 pm »
Although I can't give you a yes or no answer.... My suggestion is to call the company that put the pavers in.

There are different bases used for paver installations depending if its a patio or a driveway (the weight it needs to support)

So the best person to answer would be the company that installed. Or at leat a paver company that could inspect/consult.

My pre-delivery HS book mentions pavers as a base option but no specifics.


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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2005, 10:10:07 pm »
I have read that pavers and stones are not a good idea as they have a tendency to shift over time. There may be a  way to do it but this is something to consider.


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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2005, 09:30:52 am »
As long as they are installed correctly, and your spa mfg. doesn't warn against them, I'd think they'd be okay.  I live in the hard freeze zone, and there are several patios and even driveways around here made pavers and after 6 years look just fine.  


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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2005, 10:08:58 am »
Hey Gman:

Hmmm, let's think about this one for a minute... SHOOT the wife? Oh, sorry dude! Just JOKING! (REALLY, "Gman," I was just joking... ;D)

First off, IMHO, there's nothing wrong with using pavers for supporting a hot tub provided you have a firm, level, well compacted and DRY surface. Mine has been installed for almost a year and I've seen no indications of problems.

Preparation is key. In my case, I decided to elevate the tub by about 6" over the level of my patio. I did this primarily so I wouldn't have water next to the spa frame and so I could sit on the side of the tub and look over the fence (yeah, I'm nosey). I used 6x6 timbers with 18" spikes to frame the pavers.

To start with, I removed all grass and LEVELED the topsoil. I then strung leveling lines and prepared the area where the timbers would sit. This involved adding and removing soil, followed by using a hand compactor. I installed the first timber against the house and ran level from this timber, assuring the rest would be even with it. Each timber was secured by 4 spikes through the timber, driven into the ground. This prevents sideways movement. I also notch cut the timbers around the fence posts for a closer fit. I used double timbers in the hot tub area to elevate the platform. All timbers were lap jointed at intersections.

I then added fill dirt to roughly 6" below the level of the timbers (this was primarily in the area of the hot tub) and COMPACTED. Using a good compaction method is critical to assure a FIRM surface. I also wet the soil numerous times to confirm drainage and aid in compaction.

When the soil was compacted, I added about 2" of paver base. Again, COMPACT, compact, compact. Over the paver base I placed commercial weed block fabric secured with staples and then placed my pavers. Please note that my preparation method does not match the "recommended" method listed on the paver material and paver base literature. Their method suggests up to 12" of paver base and sand, both of which they are willing to sell to you by the bag (:P). My method uses less material and more dirt. I figure if it worked for the Egyptians, it should work in my back yard.

Finally, I placed the tub. My only regret with the project is that I used uniform pavers. I saw another patio with random length pavers and it looked much nicer. BTW, the 20x15 FT project used 800 pavers. Total material cost was roughly $1,000. Labor was me alone and about 3 months of on and off work (I didn't hurry).

Pictures are below. Please post questions if you have them!

Good Luck!



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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2005, 10:12:24 am »
Hmmm, let's think about this one for a minute... SHOOT the wife?

I was just thinking valium.  In a month she may get over it. Is there a view of the back yard from another window?


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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2005, 10:17:27 am »
Is there a view of the back yard from another window?

Yup, sure is, but it's not on the computer I'm posting off of and not uploaded to Imageshack, so I can't get it today... I'll follow up tomorrow!
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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2005, 06:53:06 pm »
Drewski - that looks good , thanks for the pics.

I called the moving co and scheduled for next friday - the weather here is miserable and it's killing me to look at the tub for two weeks unable to get in...  Oh well, thepatio will really be a better spot for it (where I wanted it in the first place ;)  

I'll post a pic next week.

BTW - I did call the contractor who installed the pavers - waiting for a call back.

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Re:  deck - no, pavers?
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2005, 06:53:06 pm »


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