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Author Topic: help!!  (Read 2997 times)

obi wan

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« on: May 25, 2005, 02:28:44 pm »
i am using spa soft(not chlorine or bromine?) in my new spa.
have a family memeber stay with us for a bit, she called this morning, said the tub was a little cloudy. (been used a lot in the last 5 days). i told her to look in the garage and she would see the crate with spa chems. follow sheet in it. she instead got my old spa 1" chlonie tablets, and per my "old" instructions dropped one into the filter basket.
will this cause a bad reaction?? can this be corrected ?? will it correct itself?

Hot Tub Forum

« on: May 25, 2005, 02:28:44 pm »


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Re: help!!
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2005, 02:50:54 pm »
What is the brand name of this spa soft?

Cloudy water in most cases is due to not meeting the demand of sanitizer. Shocking will be required as well as increasing your filtration to correct it.

Putting a chlorine puck in a skimmer basket is not a good idea. These pucks have a low pH and water being drawn into the pump will have an acidic level to it continuously. 1 puck will not correct this problem and depending on the system you currently use with spa soft, it may or may not be compatible. I’m not familiar with what you are mentioning though Beachcomber had a product called spa soft which was strictly a water quality enhancer and in no way a sanitizer.


obi wan

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Re: help!!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2005, 07:28:06 pm »
spa guard is the brand name, on purple bottles?
the tub has gotten ALOT of use since being set up, was already sudsing a bit due to some guests with residual laundry soap, and the chlorine tab this morning didnt help. even after 10 ozs of shock and 6 ozs sanitizer, the water was still murky and had an odd smell to it. oh well, its been almost 3 months. time for a water change i guess....

Hot Tub Forum

Re: help!!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2005, 07:28:06 pm »


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