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Author Topic: chemicals  (Read 5064 times)


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« on: May 22, 2005, 01:21:03 pm »
We sell the Leisure Time chemicals.  Been happy with them for many years.  Wondering if anybody had any comments about the liquid bromide.  Many of my customers have switched over.  There is no more tablets or floater.  I use it in one of my demos and had no problems and no smell.  Just getting feedback from other people.

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« on: May 22, 2005, 01:21:03 pm »


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2005, 04:32:24 pm »
Can you elaborate on this system? ???



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Re: chemicals
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2005, 09:24:20 pm »

Leisure time chemicals
The purpose of the Reserve (bromide). After you get out of the water and shock it with Renew. It generates the bromine then after the bromine does its job it is gone. You wont get a reading after a few hours. However you will still have a bromine reserve in the water it just wont show up on the test strips. They made this product because so many people were interested in a bromine or chlorine free system.  With Reserve you still have the benefit of bromine to sanitize but when you get in the spa it is essentially bromine free and completely sanitized.


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2005, 02:36:16 pm »
Leisure time chemicals
The purpose of the Reserve (bromide). After you get out of the water and shock it with Renew. It generates the bromine then after the bromine does its job it is gone. You wont get a reading after a few hours. However you will still have a bromine reserve in the water it just wont show up on the test strips. They made this product because so many people were interested in a bromine or chlorine free system.  With Reserve you still have the benefit of bromine to sanitize but when you get in the spa it is essentially bromine free and completely sanitized.

Having a numbers of years experience with Bromine, I have a couple of questions regarding this.

Bromine has a 2 part system including bromide salts (liquid) and bromate (Renew in your case - a granular product) which is the catalyst. Bromine salts once added to the water in liquid form are there until draining but require activation to become a sanitizer. Bromine salts alone offer zero sanitization which in my opinion, makes this a very questionable way to maintaining clean, safe water as a stand alone product. The reason that it isn't showing up on a test trip or other form of test products, is because there is NO SANITIZER until Renew (bromate) is added.

What you are describing is very similar to a dichlor system where small quantities are added after use.

You system is in no way "bromine free" though it is chlorine free. I started with that same system many years ago though complimented it with a bromine floater. There are far superior products available now in a bromine concentrate that require far less product at less cost and eliminating the 2 step process.

Just my observations and feel free to debate anything I've written. ;)



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Re: chemicals
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2005, 01:21:23 pm »
I agree and disagree with you Steve.
Reserve is sodium bromide, which when shocked with Renew, changes it to the sanitizer bromine.  You should get a bromine reading only when you shock versus with a floater, you should maintain a reading at all times.  With the Renew, only enough bromine is released to attack whatever contaminants are in the water at the time.  If when Renew is being used and there is no reading showing up on a test strips, it is because a person is not shocking in proportion to the use of the spa.  In other words, something in the water is causing the bromine to be consumed.  Each time a person enters a spa, deodorants, perspiration, lotions, perfumes, shed skin, ect. as well as things from the environment are introduced to the water.  If a spa is being used more than 2-3 times a week, with more than 1-2 people and for longer than 15 minutes each time, a spa should be shocked more than once a week. Again, i was just looking for beedback.


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2005, 02:14:14 pm »
I'm going with Steve on this one....might as well just use dichlor....one wouldn't have to soak in the sodium bromide reserve....and it sounds as if both regimen are VERY similar....dare I say "exact"....
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Re: chemicals
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2005, 03:47:16 pm »
Do me a favor Jackson, can you define the term "shock" so I'm clear on what your meaning is? thx


P.S. Disagreeing with me goes against the forum rules. Please read the fine print... ;D
« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 03:48:31 pm by Steve »


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2005, 05:47:57 pm »
The LeisureTime Reserve/Renew system is the exact same product as the Rendezvous system Enhance/Activate.  Both are sold and described on Doc's site.  Ken Lewis, who as Steve would know used to post on the forums regularly in days gone by, was a big fan of these sanitizers.


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2005, 06:21:03 pm »
Ahhh yeh, good 'ol Ken. Kinda miss the big galoot! ;)

The system Jackson is describing is an adequate system though with all due respect, I believe Jackson is selling it incorrectly.

I used the 2 part bromine system for a number of years and then added a floater to help sustain levels instead of spoon feeding the spa. Once the bromine level has depleted, you have zero sanitizer in the spa regardless of the sodium bromide originally added. My point is that sodium bromide is in NO WAY a stand alone sanitizer and will not disinfect and prevent bacteria on its own.

My follow up question was in regards to the way in which he uses the term “shocking”. Just adding Renew will not shock but instead increase the bromine levels dependant on the quantity added. Shocking is taking your bromine levels to 8ppm+ and reaching breakpoint chlorination. There’s a distinct difference here and I wanted to make sure Jackson understood my point with this.

You can maintain good bromine levels by adding Renew as needed. Shocking is still normally recommended on a weekly basis unless heavy bather loads have occurred.

There have also been great advances with Bromine and the need for a 2 part system is antiquated. With the development of concentrated products combined into one form, the use of bromine concentrates now allow the end user to purchase 1 product and add far less products (chemicals) into their spa. The benefit is twofold. First, their cost of watercare is reduced and secondly, if we can add fewer products and therefore prevent the TDS from increasing as quickly, you will increase the life of your water and therefore draining and refilling your spa less often. It all equates to less work, less money, and less fuss.



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Re: chemicals
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2005, 11:00:37 pm »
The two part system does not seem to be very popular.  The Brilliance product that Chas uses looks pretty good.


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2005, 02:49:54 pm »
Kinda forgot the fine print, Steve... Thanks    :o   I was just getting feedback from others.  Not everyone wants to use a dichlor, and Leisure Time offers the Reserve system.  How am i selling it incorrectly?  This is how Leisure Time recommends the product.  Thanks for the information. ;D


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2005, 03:00:05 pm »
Hey Jackson,

The only comment I found to be inaccurate was this, "With Reserve you still have the benefit of bromine to sanitize but when you get in the spa it is essentially bromine free and completely sanitized."

Without the addition of renew, the bromide in water offers zero sanitization as a stand alone product. It is in no way "completely sanitized."

If you went for 2 weeks without the addition of bromate (renew), your water would be cloudy, smelly and foamy due to the fact that you would have no sanitizer in the spa during this time regardless of the sodium bromide.

Check to see if Leisure Time offers a bromine concentrate as your customers will absolutely flip over the benefits to them. As I mentioned, it requires far less chemicals and less work at a lower overall annual cost.

Thanks for your exchange in this thread Jackson! ;)



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Re: chemicals
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2005, 03:35:37 pm »
Thanks Steve,
This is one of Leisure Times new products, been out for about 6 months now.  Leisure Time has been pushing it since there is no floater involved.  I truely understand what you are explaining.  I have had plenty of experience with bromine, just not the new Reserve.  I have had it in my demo, but ofcourse i keep it clean.  Thanks for the advise.   :D


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2005, 04:32:17 pm »
A floater can compliment that system too! ;)


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Re: chemicals
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2005, 04:32:17 pm »


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