I unfortunately had to do my first water change yesterday, and I do believe it was a little premature, but I was having a hard time keeping the water clear. The spa has not been under heavy use, just me once a day, bathing suit has not been washed in soap, so no problem there. I did have a few guest over, but the problem was already under way. When I test the water it always seems to be fine, have brought the water to dealer for test and followed his instructions, and if it is not the PH seems to be on the high side. This would cause cloudy water right? The spa was filled March 27 I cleaned the filters 30 days later, changed the Bromine cartridge after the first two weeks, changed it again 3 weeks later.
I just could not get it sparkling clear so now I changed the water, cleaned the spa, and bought an extra set of filters. My question is I have a new mineral cartridge should I put it in or can I be cheap and put the first on back in because it still has some life left in it? Any other water advice would be appreciated.