Went tonight and wet tested a Sundance Bahia. They did not have the Lagunas which is what we are looking to purchase, but the seating in it seemed similar. Loved it!!!
We got a price quote, for Lagunas, of $5599 w/ delivery, placement, cover and low profile lifter, steps, ozonator, filter nozzle for garden hose (well water) and upgrade to microban filter system!! This seems like a very good deal. We were thinking that if we stayed any longer he would upgrade us to the Maxxus for that price!
We asked if he would hold the order until after May 16th, if that makes a difference on the warranty and he said yes.
We are wet testing the Tiger River Sumatran tomorrow night and then making decision.
Dealer really wanted to close the deal with us tonight, but DH was insistent on doing our homework. My 3 year old and I wanted to just buy!!! 3 yr old was sad that we couldn't take it home with us (so was Mom!)
Question - does anyone know if it really is possible to upgrade the Lagunas to this Microban filter system... After reading the literature the dealer sent home with us, it seemed like it was only available in the 800 series?!

Thoughts, comments - greatly appreciated!