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YYEEAAA!!! If your ownership experience with the tub is like mine, you will be one happy camper. I soaked just this morning before dawn for about 30 minutes and it made the hour drive to first drop the chi'ren off at school and then the drive into work a real pleasure. Please don't hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or comments about the LSX--it is indeed a great choice.Congrats and may the goddess of Spatopia bless you with crystal water!BTW, I envy those new hamstring jets MS has added to the lounger in the new LSX......
YYEEAAA!!! .Congrats and may the goddess of Spatopia bless you with crystal water!BTW, I envy those new hamstring jets MS has added to the lounger in the new LSX......
I'm sure the Princess of Spatopia will be along shortly here to give her official blessings for clear water. Hamstring jets? That does sound appealing to me.
I'm here!! May you always have hot, clean, bubbly water! Enjoy Spatopia, when it gets there! (Nope, I don't think it has gotten there yet!)This will be an excrutiating 3-4 weeks, while you wait, but you will forget all about that once you have it filled and heated!!!Congratulations!!!
This might be an ok time for me to repeat my story for the umpteenth time On my delivery day, I took a days vacation. The delivery company said, any time during the day. It ended up being 10:30pm that night. That was a long day of wearing out the carpet near the front window.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo  ..........can't   r e a d    horror stories   Thanks again ..................Ya know its gonna be a  lllllllloooooooonnnnngggggg wait....Gary
And sometimes you order, it comes in, only to find out that you have to find someone to crane it over the house, because someone forgot to measure the clearance on the sides of the house! Gary, it will be worth the wait! And you will forget all about the wait, once it is in the back yard!!!