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Author Topic: I have test drove the following!  (Read 5441 times)


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I have test drove the following!
« on: April 30, 2005, 11:58:44 am »
Hey Kids, I have Wet Tested the following HS Grandee, HS Vista, HS Envoy, SunD. Optima, .........

I am going to test a Hydropool800, Master 850, Saratoga Lincoln,  and thats it for now.

My problem is I have not found the right "Fit" I did like the Grandee But I cant justify that $$ 8600???? It just seems excesive for what is there. Sorry HS guys.

Any suggestions on what else I need to add to my list?

Thanks again Gary

I have called around to the D1 guys but they seem VERY  $$$  So they can keep'em
« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 10:17:20 am by Gary1911 »

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I have test drove the following!
« on: April 30, 2005, 11:58:44 am »


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2005, 12:10:43 pm »
What others are in your area...


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2005, 06:04:49 pm »
Where is your area? I won't make a suggestion if its not in your area!  Ok, I will make a suggestion  ;D  For fit, My Dynasty Excalibur is a perfit fit for my 6'2 frame and seems to fit the rest of the family.  Dynasty isn't on anyone's top 3 list, but it is a quality product with good manufacturer support.
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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2005, 07:09:07 pm »
my friend also has a dynasty, i think its a trident. he really likes it as well. seems to be a very nice tub.


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2005, 07:58:36 pm »
I would suggest the Optima. I just purchased the Majesta by SD which is a slightly smaller spa than the Optima but built very similar. The Optima is a very nice spa and if I was going bigger, I would have picked that one. Good luck in your decision.


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2005, 09:09:06 am »
What others are in your area...

D1 But they are out the dealer told me ........... in no uncertain terms they will NOT negotiate.......lifter extra steps extra..... etc.........  so keep it! ;D

There is a Dynasty dealer around so I will check him out.

I did like the Hydropool and the dealer is very local. I am looking at the 800 with steps, ozone, cover, lifter,  in the Titanium series for right at $9000 thats a little more than I wanted to spend but............ It's REAL NICE :o   I may work on him. ;)

Thanks again Gary


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2005, 09:17:33 am »
I would suggest the Optima. I just purchased the Majesta by SD which is a slightly smaller spa than the Optima but built very similar. The Optima is a very nice spa and if I was going bigger, I would have picked that one. Good luck in your decision.

I did test the Optima it was OK I have to say I was not overly impressed  and it could have been the sales rep who wanted to sit  on the side of the tub and chew my ear off while I was "testing" ;D  The huge foot mound was in the way ? Thats the best way I can describe it.


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2005, 11:04:14 am »

D1 But they are out the dealer told me ........... in no uncertain terms they will NOT negotiate.......lifter extra steps extra..... etc.........  so keep it! ;D

There is a Dynasty dealer around so I will check him out.

I did like the Hydropool and the dealer is very local. I am looking at the 800 with steps, ozone, cover, lifter,  in the Titanium series for right at $9000 thats a little more than I wanted to spend but............ It's REAL NICE :o   I may work on him. ;)

Thanks again Gary

don't be proud, the dealer was simply being HONEST with you.  Are you more likely to buy something of lesser quality that has a high price but they will negotiate and play your game, or maybe it's their game.

Be careful, some could be better at the game.  You seem offended and turned off buy the honest dealer with a notably good product.  Why is that?

Check out and do your research on Hydropool and see where it comes in on product and price.  You could be looking a a $6,500 tub that starts at $9,000, maybe not.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 11:07:33 am by J._McD »


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2005, 01:38:26 pm »

don't be proud, the dealer was simply being HONEST with you.  Are you more likely to buy something of lesser quality that has a high price but they will negotiate and play your game, or maybe it's their game.

Be careful, some could be better at the game.  You seem offended and turned off buy the honest dealer with a notably good product.  Why is that?

Check out and do your research on Hydropool and see where it comes in on product and price.  You could be looking a a $6,500 tub that starts at $9,000, maybe not.

J , I dont think it was HONESTY in MY opinion and GUT feeling during the conversation it was ARROGANCE. I may be wrong but thats how I took it.

I don't want to play any GAMES BUT I also don't want to be nickle and dimed to death by a DEALER. I am willing to pay  for a quality product and have NO problem doing that, but I personaly think he should put together a package but in his ARROGANCE he does not think he should. Example $10,000 for the tub.ok  PLUS $400 for the ozone + 250 for the lifter + 200 for the Chems + 100 for the stairs + + + oh by the way do you want floor mats with that.... BS

Thats the GAME HE was trying to play[or thats the way I understood it]  Any way I will continue to look around .

I am sorry  if my post came across as my being to Proud to have anyone make a dime thats not the case. It could have very well been an "off" day for him or myself.

Do you think Hydropool is an inferior product? Could you point me in the direction of any facts?

I also like the Master 850 [uh oh]! Any opinions on that? :o
thanks again Gary


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2005, 06:48:52 pm »
yeah, i would skip that D-1 Dealer since he obviously doesn't know his product.  All D-1 spas (except the @Home Hot Tub Series) come with factory installed ozone systems as standard (Ultra Pure Water mgmt system).  D-1's EZ-Lifter cover lifter is $169.99 (that's a price STRAIGHT from D-1).  Now the steps, the price can vary depending on which model you are looking at.  Seeing as the price was 10K, I'd say you were possibly looking at a Chairman II??  The Bay series have a special contoured step that runs between 200-250$.  Wood cedar steps for all other models are between 125-200$ depending on size and style.  As someone who works for one of D-1's top dealers in the world for customer service and sales I am quite dissappointed in the dealer you contacted.  Also, I should note that if you lived near one of our stores we would not have quoted direct prices over the phone, just a range for all of our spas as that is our company policy.  Having said that, I would check to see if they were possibly having a sale event, and merely quoted you a higher the normal price.  Many dealers don't and will not give model specific pricing over the phone unless you are a lead that has been in the showroom before.  This is to protect a dealer from it's competition as competitors do shop one another.

Store manager for a D-1, caldera, Hawkeye and Nordic Spas dealer


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2005, 09:50:27 am »

I also like the Master 850 [uh oh]! Any opinions on that? :o
 thanks again Gary

Windsurfdog likes Master... I don't.  I think the quality and performance is OK ( I used to sell them) but I have a tremendous dislike for the company itself and how they do business.  
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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2005, 10:11:24 am »
Gary1911,  Your on the right track, you need to follow your intuition.  You are entering into a long term relationship, I would hope, in what you buy.  If you don't click, or have the feeling they don't care about how they are percieved.  Find out who the owner is, if it's the same guy, blow it off and look elsewhere.

I am just here to challenge your impressions.  D-1 is a good choice.  So is Hy, MS, well the product is good but their reputation has been challenged.

The BEST tub for you is the one in your backyard.  Some people will search for 2 years, others for 2 days, guess which one is most likely to shoot themselves in the foot.

You're on the right track.  The Dealer relationship is just as important.


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2005, 12:40:54 pm »

Windsurfdog likes Master... I don't.  I think the quality and performance is OK ( I used to sell them) but I have a tremendous dislike for the company itself and how they do business.  

Since you are a consumer and not a retailer, the marketing practices of the company will be a moot point for you.  As salesy said, I do like my LSX and I'm glad I didn't get caught up in the marketing angst which seems to follow MS at this board.  My dealer knew I was in charge of my purchase and any marketing smoke and mirrors would be for naught....that comes from being an educated consumer who IS NOT IN A HURRY and cannot be pressured.  If you are sold on the therapy and confident in your dealer, then by all means buy that spa, whichever manufacturer it is, and certainly don't buy until you are sold on both. 8)
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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2005, 01:02:31 pm »
Since you are a consumer and not a retailer, the marketing practices of the company will be a moot point for you.  As salesy said, I do like my LSX and I'm glad I didn't get caught up in the marketing angst which seems to follow MS at this board.  My dealer knew I was in charge of my purchase and any marketing smoke and mirrors would be for naught....that comes from being an educated consumer who IS NOT IN A HURRY and cannot be pressured.  If you are sold on the therapy and confident in your dealer, then by all means buy that spa, whichever manufacturer it is, and certainly don't buy until you are sold on both. 8)

I will agree with you Windsurf. If someone is going to knock a product I would like to see PROOF of the product failure! Marketing means very little to myself..... I am in NO HURRY................That being said I am the one who asked if I could fill it with HOT water to speed up the process ;D ;D

Did you get the Paneled insulation or full foam ? I have heard they can be noisey. True?? Thanks again Guys ........Gary


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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2005, 01:48:06 pm »
I got their standard TP insulation package with which I am pleased after 9 months.  Regarding the noise level, the number of jets and the MS passive air injection system (as opposed to pump forced air systems) do generate noise.  I think the noise the air makes in the MS tubs is less than the noise the air pump makes in tubs that employ that design, specifically Sundance.  Cut all the air valves off and the noise level is greatly reduced.  Having 3 motors running at once does increase motor noise but, on the other hand, running only 1 or 2 allows for a quieter soak.  Normally, when I soak alone, I have the foot jet/lounger motor (1 speed) on at all times and, depending where I'm sitting, either 1 of the other 2 on.  Personally, I enjoy the sound of the tub when soaking alone....it acts as "white noise" to buffer me from the environment and help me relax.  Of course, whenever I enjoy the company of others in the tub, we will set the air and motors appropriately for our conversation.  BTW, as much as I love music and TV, I include neither in my tub sessions....but the stars.....ahhhh, the stars.....they get my full attention at night! 8)
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Re: I have test drove the following!
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2005, 01:48:06 pm »


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