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Author Topic: Colman or Hot Springs  (Read 6772 times)


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Colman or Hot Springs
« on: April 21, 2005, 04:24:20 pm »
Well, I guess I've got it narrowed down to either a Coleman 706 or a HS Vanguard.  I prefer the Coleman because of the lounger with the leg and foot therapy.  My wife likes the Vanguard because of Moto-Massage.  I  don't know which way to go  :( :(.  Both dealers are good, but I would have to rate the HS dealer better (Coleman dealer is closer). Of course, I don't know which service dept. is better, but it's probably a wash.  This is such a big decision, I want it to be right.  We've wet tested both models, I think I need to go back to the 706 (wet tested the Vanguard twice).  Any comments / suggestions would be welcome and appreciated!

drprwnap  8)
Lovin' Spatopia in my Epic!

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Colman or Hot Springs
« on: April 21, 2005, 04:24:20 pm »


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2005, 04:32:04 pm »
He he, I had the same issue with my wife.  We ended up with three wet tests including a back to back.  

Don't worry, if your dealer is any good, more tests will be OK!


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2005, 04:33:04 pm »
Find out which one (if either) have in-house service people.  If they use sub-contractors, find out who and ask for references.  Find out how long each dealer has carried that particular brand and how many total brands they have sold.  This will tell you a great deal more than you might think.

Good luck!

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2005, 04:55:43 pm »
Thanks, Terminator.  Both dealers have in-house service people. I know the HS dealer had a different brand of spas at one time.  The story I got was that they had D1 and the regonal sales rep pulled out to get D1 into a different store with more locations.  Turned out that the smaller dealer sold more spas than the dealer with more locations!!  Of course, I don't know how true / untrue this story is.  I'm certain they have been a HS dealer for a number of years.  I don't know know any history with the Coleman dealer.  They have been around awhile, I used to get pool chemicals there.  Never looked at thier spas, as I wasn't in the markek at that time.

Hey, nrkissed. How did you get your wife to all the wet tests??? It' like pulling teeth to get mine to go.  In fact, she refuses to wet test D1 because she didn't like the salesman.

drprwnap   8)
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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2005, 05:00:37 pm »
Tell her the salesman wont be sitting in the tub for the next 12-15 years.  A third wet test may add something to the mix that will help clarify the confusion.

There is not a bad choice among the three.


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2005, 05:05:24 pm »
I'd suggest you wet test both spas on the same afternoon to mzximize your comparative ability. :P

I know I would do my best to not only determine which is best for me but ALSO be SURE my wife was on board with the decision cause I'd hate to hear for the next 10 years that we got the spa that "I" liked best as opposed the getting the spa that "we" liked best.
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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2005, 11:36:27 pm »
Based upon my reviews of this and other web sites as well as wet testing the HS, I don't think the Coleman is in the same class as the HS. It's like comparing a Ford to a Merceedes. HS is probably the number 1 or 2 largest manufacture of spas. They didn't get there because they make a bad product. That being said if you liked the feel of the coleman better then I'd consider testing some other top 5 names to see if they are any better. (Sundance, Beachcomber, Dimension 1, Master Spas, and Jacuzzi) ( not trying to start anything by not including others)


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2005, 11:02:06 am »
Based upon my reviews of this and other web sites as well as wet testing the HS, I don't think the Coleman is in the same class as the HS. It's like comparing a Ford to a Merceedes. HS is probably the number 1 or 2 largest manufacture of spas. They didn't get there because they make a bad product. That being said if you liked the feel of the coleman better then I'd consider testing some other top 5 names to see if they are any better. (Sundance, Beachcomber, Dimension 1, Master Spas, and Jacuzzi) ( not trying to start anything by not including others)

Well this is where I feel compelled to jump in. Drifter you're entitled to your opinion about Coleman Spas, but I'd like to point out it's just an opinion.....You have no facts to back that up and for some reason you seem to think that Coleman makes an inferior product...Shame shame...

I have 11 years of selling and owning Coleman spas. As the veteran Coleman dealer on this board I will speak with absolute candor and honesty about the produst I not only know about, and I have experienced first hand.

drprwnap, the 706 is the top of the Coleman line. It's the spa that I have sitting in my backyard. It's also the spa my co-worker has in her backyard. I love this spa...It is without a doubt the most comfortable spa I've ever soaked in and beacuse of my job I get to try out many spas every year. In fact when we have a person who has a tendency to float like an ice cube in every spa they try, we move them into the 706 or the 705 and they don't float.

The Coleman 706 has an excellent warranty so lets start with that...

Five years on plumbing (including jets and valves and aircontols)
Five years on electrical
Five years on equipment
Five years on labor (that's what the company I work for offers that may vary per dealer)

Seven years on surface

Lifetime on steel frame structure( in 11 years I've never seen a structure defect on any kind)

Coleman spas has excellent dealer support and that's very important to not only the dealer but the consumer as well.

The 706 has  3- 2 1/2 HP two speed pumps powering 53 jets. You were right in your earlier observation about the jets not stinging your skin. The reason for this is that Coleman went to a spine rehabilitation center and got them involved with the placement of the jets. Rather then just putting jets where it was easiest to plumb them they were placed by medical recomendation to hit the pressure points. The concept being massage where it matters.

The filtration is completly programable from the control panel. The Coleman spa has ONE filter and has a skimmer basket on top of that. This skimmer basket will catch 95% of the debree before it gets to the filter. Some of the things I've found in mine...grass, leaves, pine needles, tree seeds, hair ties, bandaids, water logged paper cups, staws, and even olives..... ::) You also have the ability to use a first filter which fits on the top of the skimmer basket and filters down to a much tighter micron than any pleated filter can.

I have three teenagers, last night my oldest had a hottub party with 8 kids. This morning I had my coffee out in the tub and the water was crystal clean. I have extreme useage in my spa and yet I only change my water three times a year. Thats first hand experience  how well Coleman spas filtration works.

Coleman 700 series have a galvalume steel frame and a solid  ABS pan bottom. This pan bottom seals out the critters and moisture and the steel frame will neaver rust and makes our spas 250% stronger then when we used wood frames.

I could go on and on, but I have to get to work, so I can go on and on there ;)

Please just go with your gut on this one. I'm short 5'4" and yet my favorite seat is the lounger in my 706. I also like the deepest seat with the back contol panel next to it. As far as your wife, perhaps the 705 would be a better fit as that one has a second lounger and it's not as deep as the one in the 706. The 705 has the very same seating as the 706 but, where the shallower wingback seat is they put a lounger.

Good luck in your additional wet tests and know that both brands are excellent and have great warranties behind them so let the wet test be what you base your decision on.

I've been very busy this sping and I'm not on the board as much but please let me know if you have any questions on Coleman spas what so ever.

One more thing....I also sell Jacuzzi Spas and I take care of both a wet model Coleman and Jacuzzi at my store. They get the same amount of useage, I'm using the same sanitizer in both. Based on my FIRST HAND experience the Coleman is not under the Jacuzzi in any way.

Spahappy :D


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2005, 10:07:37 am »

Well this is where I feel compelled to jump in. Drifter you're entitled to your opinion about Coleman Spas, but I'd like to point out it's just an opinion.....You have no facts to back that up and for some reason you seem to think that Coleman makes an inferior product...Shame shame...

Spahappy :D

Ummm excuse me! I thought the poster was asking for opinions, comments and suggestions? I didn't realize he was asking for a sales pitch! I merely posted what my thoughts were having been a member here on this board for the last two years. I also spent a great deal of time researching my purchase so I feel that I am somewhat informed on the topic. As for posting facts, I saw none in your post except standard manufacturing specs and your opinion that the water looks clearer! Now if you want to talk about my opinion try posting some facts about where coleman stands in overall sales against HS, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Master Spa, Beechcomber,  and or Caldera.  Not that overall sales is the deciding factor but if you've spent anytime on this board you'd find that the posts (and interest) on the spas I've listed are probably 5-1 on coleman. I generally see people talking about coleman and comparing them with thermo spas, cal spas and the like. I don't see too many "should I buy HS vs. Coleman or Sundance vs. Coleman" posts.  Therefore I feel ok posting my opinion about the product you sell.


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2005, 10:36:16 am »
I personally agree with Drifter, but it is just an opinion.


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2005, 10:42:41 am »
Wow, is that what I sound like?

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2005, 12:05:54 pm »
Drifter's not trying to start anything.  He's just stating that a Hot Spring is a better spa than a Coleman,  when he hasn't even seen a Coleman in his life.
These Hot Spring cronies are all alike.  They use their sales domination as a basis for stating their spa is the best.  Phooey blahooey!
Don't forget, that Hot Springs also spends much more in advertising than the competitors, thus attracting more clientele, who are still basically ignorant to the multitude of brands out there.   You also get to pay for all that advertising when you purchase a Hot Springs.  

As much as I love my Coleman,  I won't come on here and call my Coleman a Mercedes compared to Hot Spring's Ford.  That's just a baseless statement only made to stir up shit Drifter.  
But since you're so opinionated about HS vs. Coleman, please do go into detail about components used in each product that make the HS the Mercedes of the spa world and Coleman only a lowly Ford.  

Spahappy's "sales pitch" was a very informative message on the attributes of her spa.  Let's hear Hot Springs'.   Let's also hear why in the hell you need 5 filters in them, thus adding cost to the buyer down the road.  I'd really like to hear the engineering decision this was based on.  5 filters,  sheesh!!!  

(keeping the pot stirred)   :)


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2005, 12:34:26 pm »
I just reread his post and it seemed to me that Drifter gave his opinion (and in a far less acidic way than you just gave yours). I think you might want to switch to decaf.
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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2005, 12:42:30 pm »
bullsheeeeet TUO!!!  

The S.O.B. (yeah I'll call drifter that for making such a baseless statement)  called a Coleman a Ford and a HS a Mercedes and he's never even seen a Coleman!   Sheesh!!!

I didn't do the same, just stood up for Spahappy's description of Coleman, and have only asked for the same from Drifter in describing his HS.  Since HS is a Mercedes, he must know something technical about his spa.  

And I put out a very good honest question about HS's filter design.   Can I get an answer without being called acidic?

Drprwnap,  you have to understand when you come onto this forum.  It is rife with people like TUO who will stand up for full foam designed spas and then blast anything with a thermopane design.    

It's like a good ole boys club here, and people like Spahappy only serve to keep it real here.   It's hard though, because there are so many HS disciples here.  

"I bought a HS because my neighbor did, because his neighbor did, because his mother in law did, etc.   That's the number one reason why people buy HS.  IMO"

And I'm already on my second cup of decaf TUO.  Maybe I need some prozac or something?  


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Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2005, 01:19:45 pm »
And I put out a very good honest question about HS's filter design.   Can I get an answer without being called acidic?

I'll do both, rick.

First, the acidic part: Boy are you acidic. But, you always have been. Let's call it charm.


 HS filter design.  I assume you mean the tri-x filters, which, as far as I know, offer more filtering square footage than any other similarly sized spa in the industry.  That was the case a year ago, but maybe other manufacturers have caught up.  

 Do you mean the design of what they are made of so that they can easily be cleaned in the dishwasher and last  something like 7-10years (as opposed to, say, Sundance's replace 1-2 times a year filters)? No, that can't be it because you are smart enough to noodle that one.

 How about "why 5 filters instead of one monolithic one"? That one is certainly less obvious, so let's say that's what you mean. Filters clog.  Having a distributed system of filters handles errant filtering conditions much better.  How?

- You can rotate, on cleanings, the filter on the circulation pump.  This particular filter get dirtiest and the ability to swap them around greatly increases the average life of all filters.

- If you get a particularly bad dollop of suntan lotion, kids, teenages, oils, spilled junk, food, whatever, and it clogs up some of the filters, it is cheaper to go out and buy 1 or 2 smaller filters from HS than to shut down the entire spa, remove the single monolithic filter, and have to buy a new one of those. Of course, with the new tri-x it is very hard to actually permanently damage them.

- If a single filter clogs, because it got hit with something, you have others that can pick up the load.

Actually, to think about it, you did not pose any kind of intelligent engineering question, so why don't you rephrase it.  You made the BASELESS assumption that hot spring's filter design costs more.  As someone who DOES NOT OWN a hot springs, and who seemingly has no information about the new filter offerings, you need to explain YOURSELF, instead of worrying about someone else making a bad car analogy.

So, explain yourself.  I go out and buy 5 hot springs tri-x filters that last 10 years and clean with a single spin in the dishwasher, sans all the extra filter cleaners.  Now you sit down and tell me, RIGHT NOW, before you do anything else, how that costs more than your spa's filter needs.

Go ahead.

do it.

I'll wait.


« Last Edit: April 25, 2005, 01:21:27 pm by ebirrane »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Colman or Hot Springs
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2005, 01:19:45 pm »


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