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In my personal experience, I have yet to see a SINGLE ONE hold up beyond 10 years
It seems that there are more and more factory direct spa manufacturers nowadays. Â Has anyone out there had any positive experiences with these type of spas?In my personal experience, I have yet to see a SINGLE ONE hold up beyond 10 years, most go to the dump within 5. Â The horror stories are on a weekly basis in this neck of the woods. Â People buy "factory direct" spas and then call us, sometimes within a month, wanting us to replace the pump, heater, etc. Â When we tell them they should contact the people they bought from, they reply that the "factory" doesn't service them, that's why they are so cheap. Â Invariably, there is always something that voids the warranty. Â My favorite was when a gentleman bought a factory direct spa on the side of the road. Â The pump burned up and when he asked for them to replace it, he was told the warranty was voided because he ran the jets more than 15 minutes! Â He was not a happy camper.Terminator
Please reword your post to remove any direct reference to our store name.
How's that?I was not aware that was your companies name, my bad.Terminator
How come when I go to FactoryDirectSpas.com I get a company in Pleasant Valley, NY?I notice that you use a little "tm" rather than an "R" in a circle. Doesn't this mean that in fact the "trademark" is NOT a registered trademark?Like Bill, I too am not an attorney, but I'd think you'd have a had time trying to register a phrase that is basically a general description of a product, rather than an obvious name. Also, if you haven't legally gone after the many other companies (and there are quite a few) that are using this "phrase" either in their name or in their advertising, it becomes more an more difficult to enforce any trademark you might have. There are actually rules regarding weather or not you enforce a trademak as to how valid it is.
Terminator,Your posts subject heading makes direct reference to our store name. The name “Factory Direct Spas™†is a Registered Trade Mark!“Factory Direct Spas™†is a large hot tub retail store here in London, Ontario Canada. That sells D1, Artesian and Coleman. Please reword your post to remove any direct reference to our store name.John DyckFactory Direct Spas™4487 Wellington Rd.London Ontario Canada