To anyone who owns or has designed an indoor spa room. What is the best type of fixtures to use?
My new tub will have the supplied LED lighting inside and on the waterfall. Also the dealer is installing two optional outside surround lights (on each side of the steps)
Because of the 8' height of the ceiling, I can either go with recessed down-shining "wet-location" lights over the tub, or something like wall mounted scones, (lighting the floor/ceiling) which will be far enough away to where they would not have to be damp proof.
Not much else is going in this room, maybe a small bar countertop with stools. Most of the time the lights will be down low.

So do I want recess "task" lighting or just general ambient lighting? I guess I could do both, I will be using dimmer controls in any case. I'm concerned that the recess units may be too much "in my face" when laying in the spa.