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Author Topic: Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima  (Read 3042 times)


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Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima
« on: April 23, 2005, 01:15:49 pm »
Went to the local Artesian dealer today.  Looked at the Onyx model which has a lounge but is about the same as the Emerald.  they will be setting up an Emerald first part of next week so we can wet test.  The only thing I didn't like so far is where the waterfall comes out of the pillow but will you really need the waterfall with all the jets running??  Secondly,  As far as the filters.  They use the ones that you can clean and they last longer they said.  Sundance has the new type of filter that you can't clean and have to replace every 6 months on average for $100--that info coming right from the Sundance dealer.  Warranty on the Artesian is also a bit better.  Keep in mind that the absolute lowest the Sundance dealer will go is 8213.94 with tax--no stereo.  The Artesian dealer is at $7200 for the Emerald plus tax and with all the stuff--steps,  ozone, cover and assist, set-up, chemicals.  Also the artesian dealer told us he would work us on the price.  I'm not trying to rip anyone off, but I know they have room for some leverage.  So my question to all of you is this.  Which do you like better?  Do you no of any pros or cons of each spa?  We're kind of dumb when it comes to some of this so be patient.  We did sit in the top of the line Artesian which has the controls for each seat versus the Emerald which has pumps for each zone--however, you can turn each jet in the Emerald to make it turn right off.  Kind of like the top one only a little more effort am I right.  I didn't try the Optima to see if you could do this on theirs.  So what do you guys think?  Any help appreciated.  Thanks      

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Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima
« on: April 23, 2005, 01:15:49 pm »


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Re: Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2005, 02:03:57 pm »
They're both good tubs.

You can order the Emerald without the waterfall - it's not standard, it's an option. The Piper Glen has more jets although they use the same jets.

The Platinum series has 5 - 3 HP pumps in them and the Gold has 2- 6 HP and 1 - 3 HP pump. I do believe that they operate the same way just the Gold operates more than 1 seat when you adjust the controls. The price you got for the Emerald is a good price.

I believe most of the jets can be turned off in any tub.

It comes down to - Which do YOU like better? Your going to be living with it for a long time!

Good luck!


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Re: Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2005, 02:29:22 pm »
Rip off the dealer?  Try.  Doubt they'd allow it, though.


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Re: Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2005, 02:48:25 pm »
What I meant was I'm not trying to go in there trying to think that I will get something for nothing  Nor am I going to offer such a ridiculous low price that they laugh.  That's what I meant.    


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;DRe: Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2005, 03:20:06 pm »

Good comparison. I consider the Artesian Emerald a small step above the Optima in features. Adjustable flow pumps, 3 of them. The Emerald is a little more roomy than the Optima. They are both excellent choices, it really depends on if you like the Aqua-terrace feature in the Optima or the Aromatherapy feature. Artesian doesn't offer either of those.
I currently own a Sundance Optima, I love it. I sell both brands, that's a tough decision. Wet test them both, see which one stands out as a better fitting spa then. I will say this, you cannot go wrong with either one.
good luck with your wet test...

hottubber... ;D

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;DRe: Artesian Emerald  versus Sundance Optima
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2005, 03:20:06 pm »


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