Just got back from the Coleman dealer. We wet tested the 706 and the 470. The 470 didn't work for us. The design of the seats just didn't fit us. The 706 was a different story. This is a VERY nice tub! The lounger with the foot relief zone and jets on the back of the legs was great! The two corner seats with the wrist jets were also nice. The overall therapy of all the seats were good. More that enough power without the "stinging" that I have experienced in other spas. The more I wet test, the more I look for that. Some spas just have too much power which is not good for me. I enjoy a strong, yet gentle massage. The Coleman and Marquis are the two brands I found that do that (for me).
MY wife didn't really float out of any of the seats. She was able to get into the lounger. It was good for her shoulders but because of the height, the foot zone didn't work for her.
I guess we've narrowed down our search to either a Vanguard or the 706. She is leaning toward the Vanguard and I like the 706 better.
Lastly the price. The 706 with cover, lifter, steps, delivery,
set up. start up chemicals and tax $8202. This is for the floor model. The saleslady told me that if I order one, the price will be $1,000 more!

This dealer is good and has been around for years. The only problem I have is with their hours. They are closed on Tue and Thurs. I'm thinking if I buy the spa and have a problem with it on a Monday night, I have to wait unitl Wed. to talk to someone

I don't like that. I don't think it's unreasonable to at least have a phone number to call during normal business hours on Tue. and Thurs. for questions and/or problems. Any comments would be appreciated.