"I see you waited for me to go to bed last night to post your response."
Yes, you are correct, I did intentionally wait 1-1/2 hour after you posted, till 9:43pm my time, to make my post, knowing full well you would snoring away........ guilty as charged.
"I don't believe it is beneficial for you to pontificate what you know or don't know. Â You lost all credibility with me when you posted this....."
So if I lost credibility with you back in Aug of last year, why are you now, 8 month later, carrying on with this?
I have, since that post of last year (2 or 3 months ago in fact), been corrected and admitted to that fact that yes, ozone is in fact a sanitizer. HOWEVER, just like chlorine ozone must first oxidize anything in the water BEFORE it can begin sanitizing. It is unlikely that there will ever be enough ozone in a spa to completely oxidize the organic matter and will therefore never have a chance to begin sanitizing
"Â Now, don't go getting made at me and sending me any e-mails again threatening to spank me."
is this a punishment you feel is necessary?
"It is just that you see the glass half empty and I see it half full, or visa versa if you may."
As I previously explained, all I see is a half a glass of water. Â
"Those who hold themselves out to be doctors are usually practicing something. Â They are usually the first to admit to the truth, they don't know it all, nor do I"
Are you now attacking my nome de plume? Will it be my grammar and/or spelling next?
"Back to the issue at hand. Â Johnvb has a legitimate question he would like some input on."
Gee, and I thought all I initially did was to give Johnvb my input.
"He has been elsewhere and maybe has received some mis-information"
Well he definitely receive some of that here.
"maybe even from your website that could be erroneous and he wants a differing point of view."
or perhaps you've supplied mis-information in a private email to him (HEY! If you want to start making blind accusations, lets go............... spanking on it's way

) Â
"You even say it is multiple times over in your profit making enterprise that sells ozonators."
OH MY GOD, please forgive me for having a job and trying to make an honest and ethical living. I'll also inform my employees that they to should be working for free and living on the streets
"Just because you can leave little tracks that lead to your archives,"
Little? RATS, I gotta work on that. I was hoping for tracks big as big foot.
"it does not mean it is the written word of the gospel, as written by Dr. Spa."
Does my opinion, my posts, really carry that much weight? WOW! Very cool. I'd like to thank my mom, my business partner, my second grade teacher Miss Gramm, and of course the academy.
"You certainly do try to do good work, you certainly keep this world in some form of balance while trying to keep us all in our place."
DUDE! I simply posted of a couple of very negative experiences from a couple of customers........ That nerve is quite tender eh?
"Â Maybe we should take this over to see JA and get his point of view."
hahahahahahaha, yeah, please, feed the side show circus.
"Now, can I order 10 of those $5.00 bulbs or not?
Since it's now apparent you either haven't read my posts in their entirety, I'll copy and paste what I said before......... I'll make it so it's a bit easier to read
[glb]unfortunately though, I don't manufacture this particular product and am forced to pay whatever the manufacturer feels they can get.[/glb]