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Author Topic: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction  (Read 13815 times)


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2005, 11:59:04 am »
If you are worried about depreciation, don't get a spa, period.  

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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2005, 11:59:04 am »


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2005, 01:04:41 pm »
You misunderstood what I meant about depreciation.  Depreciation is a fact of life!  However, like buying a car I want the dealer to know that I know that the large markup leads to more depreciation because of the fluff.  I use it as a negotiation point.  I am not buying a tub as an investment.  What really is driving this is my wife really wants one and the more I look at them I believe I would like it also.  Although, I cannot really picture sitting outside in hot water when it is twenty below I guess it is quite the experience.  


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2005, 01:44:28 pm »
You seem to be hung up on the dealer making some $$$ for the privlege of taking care of your needs for the coming years.  Your concept of profit margin is off base.  Yes he makes money, but don't you?  Why don't you offer to pick it up and save the delivery expenses?

You seem to want it all, low price, the ability to change your mind and cancel after 30 days and you probably expect free service in the future years.  

If you are concerned about depreciation, it doesn't appear you intend to own this for 15 years or more.  If you do, then that makes your concern a non-issue.  Get the stereo if you can afford it.  The enjoyment you will receive from the ownership of such a product will reward you for the next 15 years or more.  What is that worth to you and those you love?

Pay the dealers price and he will be pleased to bend over backwards and make your dreams a reality and enjoy your decision for you and your family for a very long time. :)


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2005, 02:11:12 pm »
You misunderstood what I meant about depreciation.  Depreciation is a fact of life!  However, like buying a car I want the dealer to know that I know that the large markup leads to more depreciation because of the fluff.  I use it as a negotiation point.  I am not buying a tub as an investment.  What really is driving this is my wife really wants one and the more I look at them I believe I would like it also.  Although, I cannot really picture sitting outside in hot water when it is twenty below I guess it is quite the experience.  

I don't think I mis understood your tack on depreciation.  
You seem to be like a few others that have come thru this board in the past- consumed by the idea that YOU think you know what something should cost better than the person selling it, and that their prices are excessive.  If that was really true, they be out of business by lack of sales.   Too excessive for you, maybe, but if the are in business, they must be doing something right. 

Go to the Sundance dealer, make your best deal, and get to soaking.


« Last Edit: April 10, 2005, 02:12:28 pm by Brewman »


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2005, 02:48:25 pm »
There is nothing wrong with making a profit!  In fact if your customer service is outstanding and I mean “OUTSTANDING” then the higher price is justified.  I do not think I am being unreasonable here at all with what I have asked the dealer to provide.  I think any dealer should offer a “buy and try” deal.  How do I know the costs?  I have been reviewing this forum and have seen this model tub mentioned at prices as high as 12 and as low as 9g.  That is a lot of difference so faced with that knowledge how am I supposed to not negotiate.  Also, this dealer is new (3 years old) and he has not been around long enough to establish a track record.  I will be asking for references though because I do value customer service.  

Yes, I do want to get to soaking!  I just dont want to get soaked!   ;D
« Last Edit: April 10, 2005, 02:49:43 pm by Campsalot »


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2005, 08:52:50 pm »

Don't take this the wrong way, and I agree attempting to get the best price possible with the range you have seen but you can almost go to far.  Even though it is great to make a sale and introduce a new customer to the family, there are many who i wish i never did business with.  Some who pry and pry and want the world, are tipically the most difficult to deal with after the sale.  Make friends with the dealer and they will bend over backwards for you.  3-5 hunded dollars when talking 9-11 thousand (whats the beef?)  if you have that to spend on a luxury item, then who cares.  If you don't have it, then don't buy it.  It's like someone buying a mercedes SL 500 and complaining to the dealer about a couple grand.  The dealer is not the enemy, and it is definitly not a used car lot, although the industry has been treated as such as of late.  Just trust them.  Dealers want happy customers, and boning someone for 2 thosand dollars is unethical, and if dealers commonly practiced this (word of mouth travels fast), the would not be practicing that for very long.  Good luck, and after owning the spa for a week, all other worries will be out the window. ;)


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2005, 09:21:08 pm »
Camps, with all due respect $250.00 for a 30 day trial is not reasonable. If your dealer agrees, more power to you. If we ever took a spa back after delivery, it would be at a minimum 15% restocking fee. Delivery guys don't work for free. Test soak before you buy.


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2005, 09:26:15 pm »
Relax, soon you will be in hot water and your going to love it, that spa absolutely rocks.  You have the same fear that every shopper has "paying too much".  

How can yo evaluate "superior service" until you experience it.  Maybe you will be the one that demands it.  I make everbody happy some of the time because they buy, I make some of the people happy all of the time because most people are reasonable and understanding, but it is my job to to take care of them and make them happy.  BUT, I can not make all of the people happy all of the time.  Some people are bi-polar.

You would scare the beejeebies out of me with your "deal" and I would be dissappointed, but I would let you walk.  And even then, you would probably think I lost a good customer.  It could be a cheap way to rent a spa with liability exposure.  

Believe me, there are those kind of people out there and you have no idea what you are asking the dealer to do for you particularly and I am confident that you think your a reasonable guy but how does he know that.

If it is good for you, he should do it for everybody, but not for $250.  Borrow a snowmobile trailer and offer to pick it up, I am sure he will knock something off.


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2005, 11:41:44 am »
OK folks.........I surrender! I want to clear one thing up!  The deal I offered was not to the owner, whom was out of town during my visit, but rather to his service & part time sales guy.  Keep in mind that was the deal I offered, not what I required!  Should the actual dealer respond with a counter offer then I will be glad to look at it!  No, I do not want to pick this thing up because I want the 30 day buy and try deal I spoke of earlier.  If $250.00 is too low then $500.00 is what I'll do.  I'm not unfair, simply cautious.  The real reason I want this is because I'm 6'4" and my wife is 5'3".  She thinks she'll drown in the Maxxus.  Should this be the case I'd switch to the Optima.  I just don't want the restocking fee's issue or run a chance of losing the whole price.  If I did deliver it myself, not knowing how to handle something this large I could damage it.  Whoever delivers it has to negotiate a 4' X 9'5" gate to the back yard and then roll over a 3' area of crushed rock to the concrete pad.  Not something I want.  But, like I said!  I'll surrender and offer the guy 500 to 750 for the "buy and try option.  Thanks everyone for your comments.  Let’s keep it going.  I'll post again today after I hear from the dealer/owner!


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2005, 11:58:05 am »

I went back and read your posts, and it seems that you have not wet tested either spa yet. (Maxxus - Optima)  I'm sure the dealer would be glad to fill both so you and your wife can determine the best fit for both.  With that done, no need for 30 day wet test.  Just a thought! :)


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2005, 12:03:26 pm »
I have seen mold (black algae) in pop up speakers, bu these folks had other water quality issues to. Once it happens it is difficult to get clean.

I am a scientist, I convert beer, wine and whiskey into urine.


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2005, 12:05:18 pm »
The prices that most dealer offered me when I went thru this included delivery.  You might want to let the dealer do the delivery and install vs doing it yourself for the very reasons you state in your post.  
If you damage the spa yourself, any small savings realized by doing your own delivery will be quickly wiped out.  
The Optima weighs close to 900 pounds dry, and the Maxus even more.  The delivery crew should have the correct dollies and crew to safely transport your spa and set it in place.  If they damage it, they fix it on their own dime.

Cheap insurance if you ask me.



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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2005, 12:35:33 pm »
OK folks.........I surrender! I want to clear one thing up!  The deal I offered was not to the owner, whom was out of town during my visit, but rather to his service & part time sales guy.  Keep in mind that was the deal I offered, not what I required!  Should the actual dealer respond with a counter offer then I will be glad to look at it!  No, I do not want to pick this thing up because I want the 30 day buy and try deal I spoke of earlier.  If $250.00 is too low then $500.00 is what I'll do.  I'm not unfair, simply cautious.  The real reason I want this is because I'm 6'4" and my wife is 5'3".  She thinks she'll drown in the Maxxus.  Should this be the case I'd switch to the Optima.  I just don't want the restocking fee's issue or run a chance of losing the whole price.  If I did deliver it myself, not knowing how to handle something this large I could damage it.  Whoever delivers it has to negotiate a 4' X 9'5" gate to the back yard and then roll over a 3' area of crushed rock to the concrete pad.  Not something I want.  But, like I said!  I'll surrender and offer the guy 500 to 750 for the "buy and try option.  Thanks everyone for your comments.  Let’s keep it going.  I'll post again today after I hear from the dealer/owner!

I think some Softtub dealers rent tubs...why don't you try that? Why on earth do you want to drop $500 to $750 on a 'buy and try' option? Why don't you stop the nonsense and educate yourself regarding what you want and don't want in a spa, then wet test the brands you like?
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the local porsche dealership, where maybe they will let me  borrow a 911 for 30 days...  


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2005, 01:47:58 pm »
Relax, I was drawing you out, look at what you are expecting the dealer to go through to confirm your decision.  I would be better for him to go throgh the trouble of setting it up for a water test so you can try them both.  But again, look at what you are expecting them to do to get your business and you want to negotiate a better "deal".

My suggestion of picking it up just identifies you willingness to be involved or even to help and BTW that spa weighs 1200 pounds and look at what you expect of them.  It is not uncommon to use a crane for something this big and heavy.

Like Brewman said "If they damage it, they fix it on their own dime.  Cheap insurance if you ask me."  And you want to "negotiate the price", get my drift.

Wet test them at the dealers place, buy the one you can afford and do not worry about your indecision.

You are going to own this for a long time and your gonna love either one of them.  My wife is 5'  and absolutely loves the Maxxus.  Keep in mind, you do want a good relationship with the dealer.


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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2005, 09:01:36 pm »
Ok, I have talked with the dealer and we have agreed to wet test the tub.  I cannot believe my wife agreed to wet test it because she is really timid. The dealer was very nice to do it after hours.  He even is going to fill a Maxus with water, chemical it and warm it up.  That I appreciate, that’s good service.  So does anyone know why Sundance doesn’t have a step that is designed to fit against its contoured side?  Once we wet test I’ll post again! ;D

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Re: HELP! Dealer Fact or Fiction
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2005, 09:01:36 pm »


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