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Author Topic: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS  (Read 9393 times)


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frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« on: April 10, 2005, 08:17:48 pm »
This is my first post, but I have been lurking on this board for some time.  My husband and I are seriously considering buying a spa very soon.  We really liked the Hot Spring the best  and are deciding between a Sovereign & a Vanguard.  My problem?  I can't seem to find what the HS models generally cost so I can find out if I am getting a fair deal.  

I am located in Kansas.  

I did some searching on the Hot Springs Vanguard & Sovereign for pricing, and I keep hearing "between 7-9K seems about right".  I'm sorry, but 2K to me is a HUGE difference.  I feel like I am buying a car...you know, that feeling in the pit of your stomach  that you may be getting ripped off.   :-/

I'm just really frustrated, maybe I am not looking in the right place.  I have looked on this board and can't find pricing from anyone in my area.  Can anyone straight up tell me what a decent price is on either of these models in Kansas-just the spa, without the lift, etc?  

Thanks so much in advance-I really appreciate any help

-Frustrated in Kansas

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frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« on: April 10, 2005, 08:17:48 pm »


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2005, 08:27:35 pm »
6700-7500 for sov
7300-8100 for van unless w/spaudio + 1500-1900

At least in FL
Price determined by the economic market in that area, and what it can handle + dealer overhead and competition(same brand, or others)



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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2005, 08:48:17 pm »
To be honest with you prices do vary by location and as pkud said, competition. You will not find out how much any tub is unless you live in an area that someone else bought from the same dealer. It doesn't matter on brand.

When I was searching for a tub in 2004 the HS dealer quoted me a price of $6400 for the Sovereign and $6900 for the Vanguard. I stopped in there 2 different times and I know the Vanguard price was the tub and cover only. That was in 2004, in 2005 they added a second pump to the Vanguard AND all the prices on EVERY tub went up due to petroleum prices.

There's a person here that bought the "sister" tub of mine in Utah and I bought mine in NJ. He paid $1,000 less than I did but I still feel that I got an excellent deal.

What are other tubs going for in your area? maybe you can do a comparison that way.

Good Luck!


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2005, 08:50:13 pm »
This is my first post, but I have been lurking on this board for some time.  My husband and I are seriously considering buying a spa very soon.  We really liked the Hot Spring the best  and are deciding between a Sovereign & a Vanguard.  My problem?  I can't seem to find what the HS models generally cost so I can find out if I am getting a fair deal.  

I am located in Kansas.  

I did some searching on the Hot Springs Vanguard & Sovereign for pricing, and I keep hearing "between 7-9K seems about right".  I'm sorry, but 2K to me is a HUGE difference.  I feel like I am buying a car...you know, that feeling in the pit of your stomach  that you may be getting ripped off.   :-/

I'm just really frustrated, maybe I am not looking in the right place.  I have looked on this board and can't find pricing from anyone in my area.  Can anyone straight up tell me what a decent price is on either of these models in Kansas-just the spa, without the lift, etc?  

Thanks so much in advance-I really appreciate any help

-Frustrated in Kansas

How many dealers are in your area? Call around and get quotes. All the dealers I've talked with on the phone were willing to quote prices.  If there is only one dealer in your area you won't have much leverage. If you buy out of area then you get into service trip charges. possible delays for service and other problems. Remember that price is only one component in the buying equation. If you don't feel you are getting a fair price just walk away. Look at other brands and dealers. There are  many good choices, no need to lock in on one brand only.


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2005, 09:03:53 pm »
You are looking at a good brand.  Ask the dealer what is the best price he can give you and think about it for a week, shop around.  If you want to know cost call the factory and become a dealer then you can sell the rest of the truckload and yours will be free.  

The other choice may be to divide by 12 or 15 which is the length of time you will probably own it and enjoy it that will determine if you can afford that particular quality level.  

Think about it, do you want something that is good quality from someone who will take care of you or would you prefer to buy something cheaper from Costco and call for service in the yellow pages.  It is all about what you want to buy and what you want to afford.


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2005, 11:01:26 pm »
She was just asking what a fair price is. Not saying she does not want the dealer to make a fair profit or that she wants to buy a cheap tub frm costco! I know the feeling nothing wrong with wanting to know a fair price. I have a hard time understanding the corolation between the price you pay and the service you should expect or deserve.


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2005, 01:47:23 am »
She was just asking what a fair price is. Not saying she does not want the dealer to make a fair profit or that she wants to buy a cheap tub frm costco! I know the feeling nothing wrong with wanting to know a fair price. I have a hard time understanding the corolation between the price you pay and the service you should expect or deserve.

I think I agree with what you saying...whatever the price you pay ...your service should be the same always...I think what people are trying to say sometimes is that when some might try and cut a dealers margin down to very very little.....it is unrealistic that the dealer will be around long or able to provide the service you except ....also if you buy out of your local dealers area...... I posted about this earlier n the week....and what seems to be for some hard to understand is the spa market in the larger scope of things is very very small....that is why you do not have dealers on every corner and a dealers territory can seem to be large at times .... I think for the most part if you simply are looking for a fair and reasonable deal....Your local dealer will try to accommodate that deal..... I suggest to always take the direct and simple approach ....just let your dealer know what you are looking for and can they make it work for you..... it should be a simple process .....


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2005, 06:48:43 am »
I bought a HotSpring Vanguard in 2003.  So, bearing that it has been 19-20 months, I paid $7600 for mine.  It did include the lift and ozone.  I am located just South of you in Oklahoma.  To me, this was a fair deal in my area.

I don't know how much help this will be!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2005, 08:28:13 am »
Do you have any other dealers in your area?  It seems to me, sometimes the only way to find the real price, or the best price, is to be indecisive between their model and something similar of a competitor.
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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2005, 11:18:32 am »
You are absolutely right, gtballer, I really am just looking for a 'fair' price.  I understand that these dealers are not a non-profit agency, that they are there to make money and I don't have a problem with that.  However, I believe there is a difference between 'fair' and 'rip off'.  

The reason this whole question came up is because when I asked about the prices after my wet test (alone), I was told by the salesperson that she would have to ask.  I should also mention that my sales person was very nice and took the time to answer all of my questions.  Then she came back with someone who quoted me a price.  My husband went by there the next day and did not tell them he was with me-did a wet test and was quoted a price far less expensive.   ???

I am just of the opionion that what something costs is what it costs, that I should not have to negotiate the price of this item as if I am talking to a used car salesman.  To me, spas are either considered a luxury item (unless they are medically necessary), so I don't understand why the price fluctuates from 'one person to the next.'  This was the first time I wet-tested alone, normally my husband goes with me.  I guess I am now wondering if every vendor would have given us a lower price if I had gone alone at first.  I am very upset about this, and my problem is that so far Hot Spring is my favorite spa.

Many thanks to everyone for their input.  I will post again once I purchase a spa (from Hot Spring or other)!  

Best Wishes,
Mrs. Kansas


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2005, 11:41:49 am »
 Your dealer is also going to be the person who is responsible for servicing your hot tub for the next 5-7 years (warranty) and possibly beyond.  You will probably buy alot of chemicals from them, and will have to pay regular "drive out there" fees when warranty work is done.

 You need to trust that your dealer is honest.  Sometimes you can feel that your dealer is trying to make a buck, or is pricey, but is still honest.  What you described is a red flag that the dealer is not honest.

 If, after shopping around you still like the hot springs tubs and this dealer is the closest one, go back in, explain what happened, and ask for an explanation.  If they can satisfactorily ease your nerves, give them another chance: Wait a week and then send Uncly Jimmy in asking the same questions and see what kind of answers they give him!  If their responses to him are inconsistent with the explanation they gave you, then I'd steer clear.


ps. 2004 HS Grandee. I think I paid something like $7800 before tax. No steps or cover lifter. Freshwater III w/ ozone, in Md.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2005, 11:44:07 am by ebirrane »


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2005, 03:46:36 pm »
The reason this whole question came up is because when I asked about the prices after my wet test (alone), I was told by the salesperson that she would have to ask.  I should also mention that my sales person was very nice and took the time to answer all of my questions.  Then she came back with someone who quoted me a price.  My husband went by there the next day and did not tell them he was with me-did a wet test and was quoted a price far less expensive.   ???

Are you sure that the dealer quoted both of you a price based on the same equipment and options? If yes,  my opinion would be RUN not walk away from that dealer. If they are quoting prices on a whim, they aren't too ethical.  There are other dealers and you really need to feal comfortable with the dealer.

Just my 2 cents!


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2005, 07:37:42 pm »

Make sure though that you were quoted Apples to Apples....

I would suggest this....go back in yourself and see exactly what you were quoted on.

Then send hubby in again (of course without the dealer's knowledge) and get the exact quote with the same options...Apples to Apples.

It could be you were quoted with different options.

If they are the same then I would wave the danger flag.




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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2005, 11:17:36 pm »
Ok, so I went back to HS tonight and asked exactly what was included in my package.  You were right, Guttboy & Vinny, the salesperson quoted me on a full package, and my husband on just the spa.  She quoted me:

2005 Sovereign $7395.00 + taxes

Free throw ins from the dealer:
Cover cradle
plastic steps
Ozone, CD units
start-up chlor
Freshwater spa starter kit
spa shock

What do you think?  This sounds high to me.


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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2005, 11:21:22 pm »
I couldn't agree more. The price is the price.  We are not looking to make an extra buck on any naieve shopper.  We know there are enough rip offs and SPECIAL DEALS out there to confuse all of us.

I would suggest you go in and ask to speak with the owner, or person in charge and explain your issue of discrepency.  LISTEN to their explanation.  ASK what is your best price.  Then, finalize the sale or walk out the door.  It would be a shame if it is a good brand, but the brand is only as good as the dealer that stands behind it.

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Re: frustrated on HS price-need help in KS
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2005, 11:21:22 pm »


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