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Author Topic: Arctic Spas Anyone?  (Read 42766 times)


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2005, 07:10:10 pm »
         you know there seems to be alot of dislike and i use the term loosely,over artic tubbs.i personally received wondefull treatment by my artic dealer.i've read afew threads on their "sales" pitch.could we leave a flogged horse lay?
        ive had no problems with my artic cub,i'm sure there are alot of great tubbs out there!just find one as quick as possible,because if you have not owned your own spa you don't know what your missing!

                      ;D ;D ;D ;Dtubb on     wade

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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2005, 07:10:10 pm »


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2005, 07:29:59 pm »
You people talk out of both sides of your mouth (as in you people that criticize, yet have never sat in an Arctic Tub!).

Overengineered? Help me to understand, is overengineered as bad as underengineered? I suppose your tub is engineered just right?

You criticize on and on about Arctic Spa features. Although your brand models similar features, you criticize Arctic Spa for the same features. Is Marine Grade plywood for a floor better? I suppose the shell isn't thick enough, or perhaps it's too thick? As for the cover, well I suppose that's just not thick enough either. Is a three year warranty not long enough?  How long is your cover warranty?

Heat lock vs. ThermoPane. You complain that Full foam sucks and Thermopane is better, then you turn around and criticize Heatlock. Who cares what they call it. Sounds to me like Arctic Spa has a good marketing team. Would you rather they back it up with a good warranty or throw in a Cashable Voucher?

As for the 'Independent Study', are you saying they are not an energy efficient tub? Or you just not willing to believe that it was an 'independent study'? I'm sure you have reason to believe they falsified the results?  I suppose that just laying claim that you have the worlds most energy efficient tub (like many of the manufacturers state) is better than coming up with a study?

Have you really priced out a Arctic Spa? I bet you haven't...My final three choices came down to D1, Jacuzzi and Arctic, and in the segment that I was looking at, they were all within $300 out the door
« Last Edit: March 18, 2005, 07:34:40 pm by Spazz »


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: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2005, 08:22:02 pm »
just anote on the forever  floor. i believe that the bottom is about 12" thick and filled with foam insulation.the shell apears to be made of a tough fiberglass.correct me if i'm wrong.
           if my information is correct,i would beiieve that this floor would better than wood.as far as not building a concrete pad under the tubb,please remember that your pad will also shift.if you put down a compactable soil,this would be easier to relevel.although a concrete pad with an architectural finish is anice added feature for your back yard.in my case my tubb is not exposed below my deck so this bottom would work for me ;)


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2005, 11:22:39 pm »

You criticize on and on about Arctic Spa features. Although your brand models similar features, you criticize Arctic Spa for the same features.

No, we criticize arctic for the misperceptions, rhetoric, and deception coupled, occaisionally with these Arctic "barrages".  

For a good example of what I mean read your post.



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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2005, 03:34:31 am »
No, we criticize arctic for the misperceptions, rhetoric, and deception coupled, occaisionally with these Arctic "barrages".  
For a good example of what I mean read your post.

Yes. That's it exactly.
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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2005, 07:01:10 am »
As for the 'Independent Study', are you saying they are not an energy efficient tub? Or you just not willing to believe that it was an 'independent study'? I'm sure you have reason to believe they falsified the results?  I suppose that just laying claim that you have the worlds most energy efficient tub (like many of the manufacturers state) is better than coming up with a study?

I will only respond to this as again I think Ed coverd the rest.

To use an "independent study" with skewded results to claim superiority over several other brands is a poor sales tactic that lends to the true nature of the sales and marketing department. Who cares if it's independent if the comparison is not fair. It's like handing a independent test guy two stones and asking him to study which makes a bigger splash, yet one stone is twice the size of the other. Then using the results to get people to buy your stone cause it makes a bigger splash than the other. And not telling them it was twice as big as the one you tested against!


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2005, 09:33:02 am »
My only comment was that I do not think it is wise to install a spa w/o a base (concrete or otherwise) with a forever floor or not. Thats it. No bashing from me. No accusation of over engineering. Just that I beleive that statement sets up a customer for undue problems down the road.

I therefore object to the "you people" line of commentary.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 09:35:03 am by HotTubMan »
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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2005, 09:36:39 am »

                   not tring to start a rift here people.just wanted tooth to know that i feel artic makes a top rate tub,sales pitch aside.don't  discount them.make sure you give them all a  fair shake or soak.i live in the cold climate of canada and the tubb works admirably

                                              wade :P


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2005, 10:22:27 am »

                    not tring to start a rift here people.just wanted tooth to know that i feel artic makes a top rate tub,sales pitch aside.don't  discount them.make sure you give them all a  fair shake or soak.i live in the cold climate of canada and the tubb works admirably

                                               wade :P

We never said and never do say that arctic doesn't make a good tub.  


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2005, 10:54:10 am »
Arctic Spa make a good tub, and backs it with a solid warranty.  Sure they put a spin on the same stuff out there, but is at the end of the day, it works, and it lasts.  When I was in the market for a tub, I walked into an Arctic dealership that  had a used tub on the floor. It was 2 years old and they were selling it with a 5 year unconditional warranty, with life on the shell.  Debate away, but I think that impressive.

I am curious about the 'independant study' Arctic conducted. In the study, was the cover larger than the standard 5-4" castcore? Did they not use the standard cover that would normally come with the other brands they were using in the study?

Ed - talk about rhetoric... can you string anymore empty  words together? Absolutely no substance behind what you are saying, as you back nothing up. What was that about headlights and gas pedals and fuzzy purple things? You totally lost me.

I love this comment " Some would argue they should be priced less because there are debates on whether their engineering approach works" What engineering might that be? I guess I should have argued that when I was purchasing the tub.


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2005, 11:18:22 am »
I am curious about the 'independant study' Arctic conducted. In the study, was the cover larger than the standard 5-4" castcore? Did they not use the standard cover that would normally come with the other brands they were using in the study?

No they did use the standard cover of 5 to 4 taper.

The point is the others in the test had 4 to 3 tapered covers and 3 to 2 tapers, and that relates to an increase in R-Factor of, oh lets see...without knowing the exact numbers but I could get them, around a 50 percent better cover over the rest. In the area where 80 to 90 percent of the heat loss on any tub comes from. So if they were to upgrade the covers on the other brands for the extra 100 or 200 dollars, what would the test results be? We would not be debating this "Independent Study" then because it would of not been used as a sale's tool. Because if you look at the results you will see the top tub was only slightly more effiecient that the next three, and with the covers being equal it would have been less effiecient than the others.  And would this put the price of the other tubs so much higher than the Arctic that it would not make the comparision fair, I think not!


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2005, 01:08:48 pm »
I think you have to test them as you buy them standard off the show room floor. If Brand X comes with a standard 5-4" cover, and the other 3 tubs being tested, come with standard 4-3" covers, then you need to test them like that, because that is what the consumer is likely going to buy. Real world stuff.

If Consumer Reports did a study, do you think they would upgrade all the covers, all but one? I don't think so. They would probably buy the units as stock items (no upgrades), and make comparisions.  It goes without saying the tubs need to be in the same class (size, jetting, pumps...).

As for the results, yes the tub with the thickest cover is likely to win, which is saying nothing about the energy effiency of the tub itself...agreed. Perhaps the other brands should think about offering a thicker cover? I'm buying what I percieve to be the most energy efficient tub.

Now, if Arctic tested the tubs, and did not use the standard grade covers across all tubs (smaller thickness than what would come standard), then I would say that not only is it misleading, but grounds for a lawsuit.  

« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 01:48:25 pm by Spazz »


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2005, 08:22:15 am »
As for the results, yes the tub with the thickest cover is likely to win, which is saying nothing about the energy effiency of the tub itself...agreed. Perhaps the other brands should think about offering a thicker cover? I'm buying what I percieve to be the most energy efficient tub.

This statement is absolutly true. And the fact that the cover was the determining factor in which brand came out on top, should of steered you clear of the tub. It should of been stated in the test results so you weren't decieved into thinking you were buying a more energy effiecient tub than the rest. If your goal was to buy the most energy effiecient. Exactly why the independent test was very decitfull and a down right lie to sell you a product. But alot of dealers do this kind of stuff to sell alot of different products, so welcome to purchasing in a free market society. Justa wadin thru the retoric.


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2005, 08:33:11 am »
Can anyone direct me to a link to the test?????

I would like to read that for myself.

I do have to state this though....I have heard some things from "number one" dealers that are outright "lies" as well to sell a tub.

I would like to see the results of the test personally as posted in a link so that I can wade through the rhetoric myself.

Thanks if you could be so kind.




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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2005, 09:52:41 am »
I beleive this is  what you are looking for Guttboy:
Homeworks Financing Representative

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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2005, 09:52:41 am »


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