Hi Nancy....
Welcome! Make sure you ask the dealer about wet testing. Just because it does not have water in it NOW does not mean they wont fill it up for ya

The ones with water in them but not hot, can be heated up. I think that perhaps they were trying to save a bit on cost by not running the heater 24/7.
As far as loungers....they are a personal preference. My wife and I originally thought we wanted a lounger. The problem was that in the HS ones we floated. We tested caldera and floated....We thought loungers were not for us.
We then wet tested an Artesian Dove Canyon and did not float and actually really liked the lounger!
It all depends on your body and the angles involved, pressure of jets, etc.....so you really have to wet test to get a fair assessment of a lounger.
Remember to ask your dealer about wet testing....I personally have not encountered one that WONT wet test. Just ask!
Good luck and again welcome!