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Author Topic: recommend dealer/wet test??/lounge  (Read 2103 times)


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recommend dealer/wet test??/lounge
« on: April 08, 2005, 12:45:37 am »
Hi - this is my second post... there are sure to be more as my search for a 5 seat spa continues.  Can anyone recommend a good dealer in the SF Bay area, specifically the EAST BAY (I'm in Fremont).  The two places I've been so far had, IMHO, poorly informed salesmen who had to flip through brochures to answer basic questions or gave me what felt like BS answers

Also, everyone on this forum advises to WET TEST before buying - the dealers I saw didn't even have water in the tubs (!) - or they had one tub with cold water only (I guess so you can look at the jets churning up the water - ??).  I hope this is just because I've been to the wrong places --- wet testing is supposed to be easy, right?  

And a final question for now - do folks generally float out of loungers?  The one bona fide wet test I've done was at a friend's house (she has a relatively new Hot Springs spa).  I was floating out of the lounger and wondered how anyone without lead boots could stay put in the things.  I imagine this is a common problem and think I will look for a spa without a lounger - comments?

Thanks for any and all input.


Hot Tub Forum

recommend dealer/wet test??/lounge
« on: April 08, 2005, 12:45:37 am »


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Re: recommend dealer/wet test??/lounge
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2005, 02:30:14 am »
Hi Nancy....

Welcome!  Make sure you ask the dealer about wet testing.  Just because it does not have water in it NOW does not mean they wont fill it up for ya ;).

The ones with water in them but not hot, can be heated up.  I think that perhaps they were trying to save a bit on cost by not running the heater 24/7.

As far as loungers....they are a personal preference.  My wife and I originally thought we wanted a lounger.  The problem was that in the HS ones we floated.  We tested caldera and floated....We thought loungers were not for us.

We then wet tested an Artesian Dove Canyon and did not float and actually really liked the lounger!

It all depends on your body and the angles involved, pressure of jets, etc.....so you really have to wet test to get a fair assessment of a lounger.

Remember to ask your dealer about wet testing....I personally have not encountered one that WONT wet test.  Just ask!

Good luck and again welcome!

Mike :)


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Re: recommend dealer/wet test??/lounge
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2005, 07:43:43 am »
I have a caldera with a Lounger wouldn't trade that seat for the world.  Its by far the best seat in the tub. imagine getting a killer foot massage, I am talking 5 jets per foot, a low back massage and a neck massage at the same time. its PURE heaven.

I would say I  do float out of lounge seat a bit but I have learned to position my body and hang onto the bar on the side. I have it down now and love it. I don't feel like I am flaoting at all, the massage is so good you don't focus on that.

we made the dealer fill a few tubs with water that were empty. they had them filled in heated in a day. you have to push the issue.  good luck, they can do what ever the customer wants them to do if they want to sell a hot tub....

Hot Tub Forum

Re: recommend dealer/wet test??/lounge
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2005, 07:43:43 am »


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