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Author Topic: Please help newbies comparison shop!  (Read 3464 times)


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Please help newbies comparison shop!
« on: April 05, 2005, 11:28:45 pm »
Hi folk...we're glad to have found this site...we've gotten a lot of great info just by browsing the threads.   We're finally taking the plunge :P and building a new deck to house our soon to be new hot tub.  But we are having a tough time deciding on a brand and model.  

Some of the things that are important to us are insulation/energy efficiency since we live in CO and the temp can stay cool for awhile.  Also, warrenty and reliability...we are willing to spend more money for quality construction and engineering.  Also the obvious of what feels good...I'm only 5'2", but we have some extra large friends too ;D

We really want to seat 4-5 people comfortably...which from what we've seen is actually 6-7 person hottub.

So far we've wet-tested the HS Grandee and Sundance Optima, (we're staying away from lounger models) and we're planning on looking into the Marquis, Caldera and possibly D1, (not sure what models of those though yet).  

Our short take on the Grandee...our impression is that HS is just a really good quality spa.  We were not impressed with the Moto massage enough to want to have it on two main seats.  It also felt way to big for me, (the short one).   The Vanguard felt too small for more than 3 large adults.  I really wish they had a model in-between the two.  

Our short take on the Optima...The sizing felt really good.  I liked the variety in seat depth.  My husband did not like the loss of leg room with the gargantuan foot dome.  But we both liked the feel of the jets and the bouyency of the water.  Strange that we didn't really seem to notice that some of the side seats didn't have jets because it still seemed therapeutic.

Our comparison of the mechanics of both...heating, filtration, insulation, shell construction...while they both took different approaches we were comfortable with both approaches.  (pretty technical huh  :P)

I guess we're wondering if anyone has any recommendations for us regarding quality of the mentioned brands, or suggestions of other premium brands to try.  

Thanks a bunch!!! :)


Hot Tub Forum

Please help newbies comparison shop!
« on: April 05, 2005, 11:28:45 pm »


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2005, 11:47:09 pm »

I think your on the right track and making a good comparison of makers as the ones you listed are all among the better spas out there.....Look at the Epic from Marquis ...I think it is going to be a great therapy spa for many and offers several different seating height's ..enjoy the shopping....
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 12:47:12 am by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2005, 12:47:43 am »
The first two you test soaked are the two top spas made. Both are the only ones that are ISO 9001 certified.  Why look anywhere else?


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2005, 01:53:01 am »
The first two you test soaked are the two top spas made. Both are the only ones that are ISO 9001 certified.  Why look anywhere else?

uhhh maybe because she is smarter than you.... ISO leaves much to be desired and is not a set a standards in as much as it is a repetitive manufacturing process ...maybe she is not the hypocrite that you seem to be in your posts you mention selling Hot Springs and Sundance but buying Artesian ....just wondering but what game are you playing and why....


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2005, 06:57:03 am »
uhhh maybe because she is smarter than you.... ISO leaves much to be desired and is not a set a standards in as much as it is a repetitive manufacturing process ...maybe she is not the hypocrite that you seem to be in your posts you mention selling Hot Springs and Sundance but buying Artesian ....just wondering but what game are you playing and why....

I beg to differ. ISO/TS has come along way since the old 1996 standards. As a QS9000/ISO9000 and ISO 14001 coordinator in a 'Big 3' manufacturing plant, and having worked in a smaller non-ISO plant, I can tell you that ISO certification to a reputable registrar makes a huge difference.  I have audited many of our suppliers and vendors and in every single audit, I  have found that those who choose not to register continually fall down in the same areas. Because they are unaware of all the measurement techniques, standardization of work methods and quality tools out there, they continue to suffer from the same problems and are unable to resolve many of the cronic issues that plague them.  Those who choose TS16949/ISO9000 have many tools available to them, and their 3rd party registrar will continue to want to see real continual improvment based on the metrics that the company has defined as important to there business.

Trust me, ISO9000 is something you should look for in any manufacturing company.


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2005, 07:02:59 am »

You are on the right track!  Look into any major manufacturers you have in your area, which it looks like you are doing!  HotSpring and Sundance both have great reputations for quality tubs and great customer service (of course, make sure the dealer holds to the great standards, as well)!!!

You are taking the right approach!  Wet testing is really key!  I am 5'0", so I know what a challenge it can be to find a tub that was comfortable!

One thing I wanted to mention, I have a Vanguard, which has 2 moto-massage seats, but I don't feel like a seat is wasted.  This way, hubby and I can each get a moto-massage seat if we are both in the tub, without fighting!   ;)  Also, I got an alternative face plate for one of my moto-massage seats.  Gives a different massage than the regular moto-massage face plate!

Just some ideas!  Keep wet testing, the other brands you are considering will be worth a wet test, too!!

Good luck!!!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2005, 08:23:24 am »
Piggybacking on Lori's post, if I may be so bold, don't get too hung up on jet count and the fact that one spa or another isn't loaded with jets in all seating positions.  
We have the Optima, and of the 8 seating positions, the four corner seats have all of the jets, the middle ones don't have any.
Often I like to just sit in the water without using any jets, or just the whirlpool jets running, or just the blower motor.  I think it's nice having a variety of seating to select- you can only sit in one at a time.  
We tend to stay in the spa for at least an hour, so we have time to rotate to different seats.
Just something to consider as you shop.  


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2005, 08:42:36 am »

Wet test several brands and perhaps try a lounger...we thought we wanted one then said no....we then tried an Artesian Dove/Canyon in the platinum line and fell in love with it.  They also make one without the lounger called the Piper Glen.

Also...ask yourself...who will be using this spa the majority of the time????  How many people the majority of the time???

Reason I ask is if you are purchasing for two people and you will be the ones using it most of the time dont be as concerned with seats without therapy jets.

If you are concerned with tons of folks having jets then by all means search for that but my wife and I have found that everytime we are out with others that have tubs its 2 or 3 couples at most and when it gets above 4 folks.....then its just a party and we could care less about jets then  ;D


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2005, 08:54:56 am »
If you liked the  foot dome in the Optima but have concerns about foot room consider the 2005 Maxxus. It has plenty of foot space even with the dome. I know you said you're not looking for a lounger. However the Maxxus is large enough to hold six people very comfortably.  Just give it a look. :)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 04:29:23 pm by mowgli1 »


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2005, 09:24:16 pm »
The first two you test soaked are the two top spas made. Both are the only ones that are ISO 9001 certified.  Why look anywhere else?

uhhhhhhhhh........Caldera, Jacuzzi premium, Dimension one are also ISO certified........


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2005, 07:07:17 am »
As an ISO9001 auditor I have seen both ends of the spectrum. Iso is just a set of standards to be followed ensuring consistency. If you made one turd, you can make the next "X" number identically. A good quality manufacturer does not need ISO to ensure quality, only consistency.


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Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2005, 07:24:53 am »
Some of the things that are important to us are insulation/energy efficiency since we live in CO and the temp can stay cool for awhile.  Also, warrenty and reliability...we are willing to spend more money for quality construction and engineering.  Also the obvious of what feels good...I'm only 5'2", but we have some extra large friends too ;D

We really want to seat 4-5 people comfortably...which from what we've seen is actually 6-7 person hottub.

So far we've wet-tested the HS Grandee and Sundance Optima, (we're staying away from lounger models) and we're planning on looking into the Marquis, Caldera and possibly D1, (not sure what models of those though yet).  

Our short take on the Grandee...our impression is that HS is just a really good quality spa.  We were not impressed with the Moto massage enough to want to have it on two main seats.  It also felt way to big for me, (the short one).   The Vanguard felt too small for more than 3 large adults.  I really wish they had a model in-between the two.  

Try the HS Envoy.  Large tub that seats 5 for real, 1 Moto (with lounger).  Between the Grandee and Vanguard in size.  We also thought that the Grandee was too large and the Vanguard too small.  BTW we love the lounger.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Please help newbies comparison shop!
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2005, 07:24:53 am »


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