So, I get a call from the head spa tech! He made it out to see the tub! But get this, the leak is no longer there! I guess being the goddess has some benefit!

So, the story goes like this...Hubby told me Sunday that he noticed that the area where the leak had been was dry. I told him that maybe it leaked when I ran the jets. I got in and had my usual soak. I didn't notice the leak, but figured it would take a bit of time to work it's way through the foam. So...it was still dry Monday (I took the day off to take care of some things).
The tech told me that he thought the same thing (jets were causing the leak to appear) but he ran them for around 45 minutes today and still nothing! So...either the guy fixed it when he came out and it took a bit for the visible signs of the leak to disappear, or the spa fairies came and fixed the leak for me!
Either way, I am one happy Princess of Quite Alot!
I'll let you know if the leakage signs appear again!