Actually, just after I wrote that, I recieved the answer to my question. Over night my water went from OK to bad. Â Up to that night, the water was very slowly taking more chemicals to balance and the clarity was slowly getting worse...not cloudy, but not sharp, and no smell, but I was still able to manage the water.
My wife and I had another couple over for about a 2 hour soak (aka, the three martini soak) and that made the water flip flop from OK to bad. THat night, I excessively shocked the water and went to bed, the next day I checked the water and it was done. Cloudy, smelly, foamy...stick a fork in it, it's done.
I guess my question now is, does it normally go bad that quick? Or should 4 adults (I use the word loosely) not spend that much time in a 400gal tub?