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Author Topic: first 4 days with a niagra  (Read 2140 times)

obi wan

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first 4 days with a niagra
« on: March 28, 2005, 01:34:40 pm »
FINALLY had our caldera niagra delivered last week. electric hook up was delayed for a day and a half due to rain, but it is now up and running.
temps here in SE VA have still been in the 40's at night, so at power up time (6:15 pm) water started at 52 degrees. was at 63 by midnight, and im not sure about the rest of the timing. all i know is that at 7:30 am sat morning it was 101* and steaming ready!
wife and i spent amost an hour in it sat morning, experimenting with all the controls and seat positions. my fav's are the back left corner with the neck collar and neck massage, and the front right corner, as it is very intense back massage.
only mod i mande was to put the little spinning jets into the neck and shoulder slots under the neck collar. feels GREAT
wife likes the same left back but prefers l front as jets are not as strong there as the r front corner. most of the larger jets can either be stsionary or spin, all you do is push the head to one side. we both much prefer the spinning action as when stationary, some of them can be to much and actually push you out of the seat, if you're on "full throttle".
the 3 diverters are a little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of them, its better. the niagra had a seat that has been called a "mini lounger", where you can sit normally, facing the center of the tub, OR turn and face the corner seat to your right, and you get a killer foot massage.
i wouldn't call it a lounger at all, but we didnt want one in the first place. the wife floated in all the loungers we tried, and besides, i think a lounger eats up to much room anyway, but thats just a personal view, to each his own. i much prefer the foot massage you get there, over the foot domes we tried on jacuzzis and others. so for us, we got the best of both worlds, foot massage like a lounger, without the lounger.
we brought the kids (15,14,and 2 1/2 yrs old) in later that morning, and they had a blast (who wouldn't?)
even though tubbin' is not new to us (this replaced our old tub), its like night and day. old one (12 year old oasis) was 6x5 1/2, 34" deep (approx), 4-5 seat, 1 2-speed pump, 1 blower, not a lot of insulation, etc....
new one is 93" square, 38" deep 3 pumps etc...
new one has a blower in it. dont really care either way. have tried it a few times, it does work well, maybe it will be more fun in the summer time...
between the kids and us, its getting used 2-3 hrs a day, so imay have to be a little more cautious with water balance.
will follow up with chem and energy usage over the next few months for any one interested.
overall very pleased with the whole package and lovin' it.
only drawback so far....
tub is now located with in 6' of where a door is GOING to be, as we are adding onto the house in about 6 weeks, but the only door currently available is on the other end of the existing deck, almost 25' away. makes for a brisk "run" on these 40 degree nights. but its a short term issue, and its spring, so temps are rising. LOL ;D ;D
debated on waiting till house was done to get tub delivered, and figured, hell they're insured!

more reviews to follow, once the "newness" wears off.....

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first 4 days with a niagra
« on: March 28, 2005, 01:34:40 pm »


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Re: first 4 days with a niagra
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2005, 01:39:25 pm »
Good post Kent and congrats. Make sure you paste this into the reviews section above as well!




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The Cladera Report...
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2005, 01:43:57 pm »
Funny, you don't type as if your fingers are wrinkled.....


Enjoy your new tub.

Welcome to spatopia.  ;D
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

obi wan

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Re: first 4 days with a niagra
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2005, 03:44:32 pm »
thank g ;Dudnes for spel chek....rinkeld fingers and all!! ;D

Hot Tub Forum

Re: first 4 days with a niagra
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2005, 03:44:32 pm »


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