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Author Topic: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!  (Read 4359 times)


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Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« on: March 17, 2005, 11:16:41 pm »
Hello all - I was a frequent reader and occasional poster back when we were tub shopping and new owners.  Since then I've been too busy with my tub!!  I know, love 'em and leave 'em....now that I have a problem, I'm back, begging for help.

About a month ago, we were close to time for a water change, but in trying to stretch it out a couple more weeks, my husband decided to clarify the tub (we were having a foam problem).  Rather than read the instructions on the bottle, he just poured in what was remaining in the bottle.  Our best estimate is that it was double the amount necessary.  Two seconds later a foam explosion occured.  Needless to say, we drained the tub.  Wiped her down, refilled and started over.  The first couple of nights there was still some bubbles.  Not foam, just clear bubbles.  A couple of days later the bubbles, again, not foam, were becoming more plentiful.  It is similar to bubbles when you clarify-- they were just cloudy, but it wasn't forming any ooky junk, just a white cloudyness.  I've since shocked, clarified again, tried diluted foam-down, bought a scum ball and we still have the cloudy bubbles.  I've tried scooping them out with the filter cover, but they just reappear.  I've also scooped up some and looked at the residue in my hand and I can see the white stuff, but it just disolves.  Those bubbles just keep forming.  Some are as big as my head!!! (o.k., not quite that big, but pretty darn big).   All this, but our water is crystal clear!

This is starting to cut into my tub enjoyment.  Additionally, I've started having itchy skin right about where the water line hits me.  We rinse our suits in hot water routinely (no soap).  My husband and I are the only people who use the tub (no monkey business going on in case anyone thought that....)

Any advice?  What in the world is this?  Of course, our hope is that we don't have to drain and refill, our utility bill was $487 last month (ouch).

Like I said, its not foam, sort of like bubbles when you clarify, but HUGE.  Oh, also, when I clarified the other day, no icky scummy stuff formed at all.  Thanks so much for your input and advice.  


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Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« on: March 17, 2005, 11:16:41 pm »


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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2005, 11:29:44 pm »
Oh, just realized I should have mentioned that we have an in-line spa frog system.  We changed the mineral and bromine cartridges with the water change.  

Additionally, our pH and sanitizer levels are perfect.  We also have ozone.  Our tub is about 6 months old.....

thanks again,



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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2005, 08:22:33 am »

What about the filter or filters, have you taken them out

and thoroughly cleaned them. If not, the particles that

were in the water may be escaping from the filters.

What brand spa do you have? This may help in the


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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2005, 11:07:32 am »
Thanks hottubber -

We have a Marquis 530 Everyday spa.  

We have changed out the filters too....Used filter revive and rinsed.  Although I can't verify how well they were rinsed since my husband is in charge of that.  Could residue from the filter revive cause this???


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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2005, 11:36:58 am »
It's VERY important that you thoroughly rinse the filters any time you use a filter cleaner of any kind, even to the point of boring yourself to death by overrinsing. Filter cleaners can help you get the filter extra clean but you NEVER want to let the filter cleaner residue get into the spa as it'll cause..........foaming!
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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2005, 11:42:53 am »
Water seems to look good but when pumps are on it gets hazy? Tempting to use the clearing or brightening chemicals? Ah shoot, they cause foaming as they try to clean up. So, then you try foam down which works? And then you try to keep TA, PH, steady.

The foam seems to be from oils? I can see where that comes from. And it gets foamed so it can be filtered? Takes quite a while just for filters right? Is one of the oil absorbing gizmos a better choice then? Or will you still get the turbidity?


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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2005, 11:44:32 am »
Hi Jenn:

Don't worry, the problem will eventually go away if you don't want to drain.  If you used a clarifying agent that was polymer based (most are) and poured in the "rest of the bottle," you "mega dosed" the tub. The "foam explosion" was all of the dissolved fats and oils that miss filtration because they are too small immediately clumping and precipitating out. This is normal, given how much clarifying agent you used.

The reason you are still experiencing this is because residual water was still in the tub (pumps, lines, etc.) that contained the product, even after you drained the tub. The only way to get rid of this is to "flush" EVERYTHING with water and a lot of it.

The reason you are still getting bubbles is because the clarifier is still working and immediately clumping all of the oils and fats that come off your skin when you use the tub. The bubbles are probably clear or maybe a little “oily,” clump in small groups with an occasional big one and are probably occurring in the corners or the direct center of the tub. This will continue until the clarifying agent runs it course which, given the dose, might take a week.

To possibly speed this up, don't shock prior to or after using the tub for one or two days. On the next day, adjust the diverters so that all surface foam is directed to the filters and let the tub run two cycles. Clean the filters well before doing this and then again after. Follow up with normal water maintenance.

Alternatively, double the dose of "no foam" each time you use the tub for about the next week. Clean the filters at the end of the week.

The "white stuff" you are seeing in the bubbles might be shock or pH stabilizer you are adding to the water that is being "clumped" by the clarifier. It will collect around the waterline which probably explains your itchy skin. To avoid this, add chemicals WITHOUT the tub running, wait 5 minutes, then turn on the tub. Use a clean wet cotton towel to wipe the waterline area around the tub prior to use until this problem goes away.

I actually use the method you described to "clean" my water after high use periods to speed up the recovery process. I've seen all of the symptoms you described.

Hope this helps...


« Last Edit: March 18, 2005, 11:51:46 am by Drewski »
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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2005, 01:18:52 pm »
You said that the TA and pH are in balance, how about the Calcium Hardness? Low CH results in foaming. Maintain a level of 150-200ppm and you will have less foam.

As was mentioned above, detergents from filter cleaner are a major source of foaming. I like to rinse. Soak in water for a few hours and rinse again. That is a long process which enforces the importance of having a spare set of filters.

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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2005, 12:27:27 am »
here is some food for thought, find out what the calcium
hardness level of your source water is. are you on well water or a municipal source. the reason this is relevent to discussion is because I find that in most cases if you have hard water in your home and you are showering and washing clothes in hard water, say even 7 or 8 grains, you carry alot of soap and shampoo on your person out of the shower. this comes off in the spa and makes a nice big bubble bath. by adding foam reducer you are treating the symptom instead of the cause. if your water is anything more than say 3 or 4 grains you could not only solve your spa problems but also preserve your water using appliances and make clean up around the home easier with a good water softener. If you already have a water softener, is it softening down to 0 grains of calcium hardnesss all the time. is your spa water at 200ppm of calcium, if not it should be.


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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2005, 12:04:44 pm »
What was the clarifier that he used??? ???

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Re: Mister Bubble(s) - Help Please!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2005, 12:04:44 pm »


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