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Author Topic: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!  (Read 3651 times)


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Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« on: March 26, 2005, 11:16:38 am »
I've been researching spas for a couple months now, and have been most impressed by Marquis.  I have been impressed by comments I have read on this board, and with the quality of their products based on information at their web site.  But most importantly I have been impressed by their warranties, and the way they support their dealers in standing behind their spas.  In fact, I've been so impressed I've been wishing I could sell their products.

So I was really looking forward to looking at and testing several of their spas, in particular a Quest and an Everyday 530.  Yesterday I went to the dealer and a young woman who answers the phone at the front desk came to wait on me.  She showed me the spas they had and patiently answered my questions as best she could, however it was clear I knew more about them than she did.  When I asked if I could wet test a couple of their models, she asked "What's that?"  When I said "You know, when you see what it feels like to sit in the water" she took me to one spa that had water in it, an obsolete Marquis model (Retreat), and said I could come sit in it sometime.  The others I could sit in dry.  When I asked about a Quest, she said they could special order it, but I would be expected to take ownership when it came in.

Note, I do not blame the woman for any of this.  She was sincerely trying to be helpful and was very pleasant.  I do blame the management of the dealership for putting her into a position of selling spas without proper training, and for not providing better means for customers to wet test.

Unfortunately there is not another Marquis dealer for hundreds of miles of here.  (This dealership is less than 2 miles from my house!)  I am so disappointed.

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Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« on: March 26, 2005, 11:16:38 am »


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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2005, 11:20:26 am »
Talk to the manager or owner. It's entirely possible they will fill and heat another spa for you to wet test. If not, send their name to Stuart.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2005, 11:24:51 am »
Is it possible that their main salesperson or manager was out for the moment? Are there alternate people at that location that might be able to answer your questions more thoroughly?

You also have to remember that there are different levels of dealers. As with every brand, some are better than others and go that extra step to accomodate their customers. Yu might have just been talking to the wrong person though she was trying to be helpful.

See if there's someone else to speak to there and you might get a whole new outlook on this dealer.



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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2005, 11:32:56 am »
 One spa dealer in our area, who sells a "locally made brand" had no water in any of his spas, stated this was from fears of legionnaires disease.

Not sure if he would have filled one up for a wet test, we were not interested.


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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2005, 11:42:49 am »
One spa dealer in our area, who sells a "locally made brand" had no water in any of his spas, stated this was from fears of legionnaires disease.

Not sure if he would have filled one up for a wet test, we were not interested.

I have thought about this one - I think you mentioned this a while back, didn't you?

To me this is the epitome of foolishness on the part of the dealer. Not only is a wet test a great way to sell a tub, but scaring folks off with threats of a dangerous disease which has not been associeated with privately owned, self-contained spas is erroneous.

Ford dealer: "Well Ms. Jones, I'd let you take a test drive but we have had a lot of trouble with the wheels falling off of that model...."

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2005, 12:27:54 pm »
One spa dealer in our area, who sells a "locally made brand" had no water in any of his spas, stated this was from fears of legionnaires disease.

Not sure if he would have filled one up for a wet test, we were not interested.

This guy needs to get out of the spa biz. ::) It might happen sooner than he thinks... :-/



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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2005, 12:39:09 pm »
 Plus the fact that there was no way for me to easily research his product, (i.e. on the web, etc.) other then locate some of his existing customers for their opinions.

If anyone has shopped for furniture, sometimes it's a similar situation. Almost impossible to do comparative shopping, one has to go by looks and feel alone. Very confusing.


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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2005, 05:06:30 pm »
do you live in colorado perhaps??? ;D


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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2005, 07:40:12 pm »
I would LOVE to know who this is! PM me and let me know the dealer and where you are at. There is a potential that I can get you to see those spas at another location and pay your way!!

My guess is that you where talking to someone uniformed and just filling in.

I know many of the store owners and just about all of them know me so it could only help....
« Last Edit: March 26, 2005, 07:40:42 pm by stuart »

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Re: Marquis dealer: what a disappointment!
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2005, 07:40:12 pm »


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