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Author Topic: Royal Spas review  (Read 14232 times)


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Royal Spas review
« on: March 22, 2005, 12:28:01 pm »
After reading the two positive reviews of Royal Spas in the review section I took a trip to my local dealer to see for myself what they are all about. Royal does not use computer controls. The controls are mechanical. Does that make Royal inferior to any other tub on the market? Personal preference in my opinion. Granted, you would not be able to program any sort of filtration cycle or have an LCD diagnostic readout but you wouldn't have to fork over $300+ for a new computer should it need replacement either. Pros and cons both ways on that. The warranty got my attention in that it is tranferable like Marquis. A 40 year shell and 10 year shell surface is nothing to laugh at. The plumbing was all smooth plastic hose with pvc used at the jet connections. Royal is a repair techs dream as everything is easy access which translates into cheaper repair bills after the warranty expires. Royal cannot beat Coleman when it comes to noise. Coleman is far superior in this department. I would say that Royal is the same or slightly less noisy than your average tub. I did not wet test. You can customize a Royal with your own specific jet pattern and type of jet also. Insulation is different in that Royal uses bags of fibergalss insulation all the way around the inside of the cabinet with the exception of the motor/circ pump area. It was thicker than any of the Low-E wrap stuff in other tubs. Would I buy a Royal provided the wet test went well? Quite possibly. I can see where some people might be thrown off by the non-computerized controls but I honestly cannot see anything "wrong" with them. People are quite comfortable with computer controls now and I would guess that if you can afford a $6-12000 hot tub then you could easily cough up $300 or more if a computer goes bad but I won't shy away from a reliable non-computerized system. Is computer and non-computer the same as comparing carb to fuel injection? Hardly.  If you check out the http://www.ROYALSPA.COM you won't be dazzled. It is not as fancy as D1, HS or Marquis and the pics of the tubs are not great.  The only way to see the quality and simplicity of a Royal is in person. In my opinion, Royal makes a great tub and has a great warranty but the company needs to step up the marketing if they want to compete with the big dogs.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2005, 12:39:47 pm by wmccall »

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Royal Spas review
« on: March 22, 2005, 12:28:01 pm »


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2005, 12:43:08 pm »
Nicely worded.  If I was the owner of some of the resorts around here that have multiple cabins, each with their own tub used by different people almost every day, I'd consider it.
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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2005, 12:55:53 pm »
Royal does not use computer controls. The controls are mechanical.

Did the Royal spas you looked at have a digital display showing the water temp?

« Last Edit: March 22, 2005, 12:56:12 pm by wetone »


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2005, 01:53:02 pm »
They use an LED readout, similar to a clock/radio. Royal has two thermostats on every tub. One is located on top of the tub beside the motor on/off switches. The other thermostat is on the control box in the cabinet and is set at 40 degrees. This a a "fail safe" for freeze protection.   Royal is nice in that there is no computer to fry if you happen to get hit with a power surge and nothing to reprogram after a power outage.   Lets say you have a power outage lasting 6 hours and you live in a northern or one of the NE states. Of course you have to rely on the cover and insulation to retain heat. When power returns, it's business as usual on a Royal. The circ pump and heater kick on and bring the water temp right back up.  Like I said in my review, this is a great, simple tub but now that most people have been exposed to computers in their everyday lives, Royal needs to increase their advertising budget if they hope to compete with the major brands. Some people simply will not go back to a mechanical style/pushbutton control.


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2005, 06:44:33 pm »
  Arctic, and I am sure others, have systems that when the power comes back on or you trip the breaker the settings are saved.  But there is nothing wrong with simplifing things to make a more reliable tub. I think however in this computer and tech era we are in, that is not what most people would be into.


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2005, 07:00:49 pm »
I know there was a time when life was simpler and people try to say that's how things should be. However, progress is not always a dirty word and neither are computers in spas. I'll keep my spa as is along with other innovative things in my life that I refuse to give up like my microwave, TV remote (like I'm going to GET UP and change the channel), DVD player in our van (keeps the kids calm during trips), computer (whoever invented Excel is my hero), internet, etc.
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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2005, 10:29:09 am »
Sorry I can't agree with you.  I think Royal Spas are one of the cheapest made spas around.   I didn't like one thing about them.  The insulation was a JOKE!  I mean who the heck takes a bunch of pink panther house insulation in garbage bags and stuffs it in the cabinet and calls it insulated!  I couldn't belive it.  I mean that alone was enough for me. The control by the filters what ever it was for was screwed in and the screws were rusting.   The tubs just plain and simple look cheap! I am not one that bashes tubs but these are bad.  Perhaps it was just this dealer (lets hope so).  But after seeing that I wouldn't even consider a Royal Spa.  


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2005, 05:11:24 pm »
When it comes to the "pink panther" insulation that is stuffed into "garbage bags", I can't say that your observation and subsequent opinion is wrong any more than I can say that Royal is "right" for constructing a hot tub with this style of insulation. Unless a study is performed probably nobody on this forum can say for sure which style of insulation is better.  


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2005, 05:24:00 pm »
I'm sure the spa sp%#&%$#$# would give you a 4 page dissertation on what insulation is better.  LOL.


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2005, 11:26:32 pm »
I wet tested a Royal Spa close to my home.  I really liked the spa.  I didn't think it looked cheap. BUT I didn't buy one and am glad I didn't!! I think they're over priced compared to other spas.  I bought a Sweetwater with more power, seats, larger sized for about $1500 less!!  I got a better spa for less.


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2005, 10:15:00 am »
When it comes to the "pink panther" insulation that is stuffed into "garbage bags", I can't say that your observation and subsequent opinion is wrong any more than I can say that Royal is "right" for constructing a hot tub with this style of insulation. Unless a study is performed probably nobody on this forum can say for sure which style of insulation is better.  

I was thinking about the same - I have seen some spas built this way over the years, and I have also sold spas with poor insulation (Jacuzzi products from over 10 years ago) which the people would 'augment' with home insulation - some even used shipping pellets in trash bags. They said it helped lower the cost of operation, but that is far from a scientific study.

Just don't know. I do know if it ever gets wet, you need to pull it out and replace it with dry.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2005, 10:16:04 am by Chas »
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2005, 01:18:36 pm »
Sorry I can't agree with you.  I think Royal Spas are one of the cheapest made spas around.   I didn't like one thing about them.  The insulation was a JOKE!  I mean who the heck takes a bunch of pink panther house insulation in garbage bags and stuffs it in the cabinet and calls it insulated!  I couldn't belive it.  I mean that alone was enough for me. The control by the filters what ever it was for was screwed in and the screws were rusting.   The tubs just plain and simple look cheap! I am not one that bashes tubs but these are bad.  Perhaps it was just this dealer (lets hope so).  But after seeing that I wouldn't even consider a Royal Spa.  

   Classic take Nicker,  That was funny as hell!!!!  

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Re: Royal Spas review
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2005, 01:18:36 pm »


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