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I hate my new Marquis
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Topic: I hate my new Marquis (Read 15446 times)
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I hate my new Marquis
March 21, 2005, 07:58:40 pm »
I hate my new Spa. When I wet tested the Spa I really liked the jets that hit my legs on the seat opposite of the lounger. And I really liked the jets that hit my back on the lounger. And I also liked another set of jets. But I thought it was weird that all of these jets didn’t work at the same time. The dealer told me the Spa was hot wired to a 110 and if I hooked it up to a 240 then all of the jets work together. We’re talking the tiny Marquis Spirit but it’s all I can get in. So I spent an additional $400 hooking it directly up to the Spa. And you know what, they don’t work together. I called the Dealer and he said oh no they all work together. The guy has to come out tomorrow (that’s another nightmare) and he is going to show me how. But he appears to be wrong. Because I actually looked at the manual (wet testing isn’t enough – read the manual). And there are two settings that make one set of jets work but only on one of the three seating areas. So if three people are in the spa and one of the three turn on one of the settings two of you have to set there with no jets on while the one person enjoys it. It actually shows this in the book. I hate my brand new expensive spa. I can’t believe everyone in this site said Marquis was so great. What a terribly expensive sad mistake. And tomorrow my credit card company will have to be paid nearly $5,000. Wet test Wet test AND read the manual. My little $2,000 Balboa had better jets than this (they at least all worked at the same time). And it’s setting in some landfill. I just don’t get this. Can this be changed in some fashion with a good electrician??
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I hate my new Marquis
March 21, 2005, 07:58:40 pm »
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In San Antonio looking for a spa....
Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #1 on:
March 21, 2005, 08:02:49 pm »
I dont know much about marquis spas BusDude but I know that other spa's you can only run some seats at the same time and if you do have the option of running them all at the same time the pressure is lower throughout.
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #2 on:
March 21, 2005, 08:07:36 pm »
Well my little Balboa had better spa pressure than any seating arrangement for the Marquis. And it ran on a 110.
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In San Antonio looking for a spa....
Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #3 on:
March 21, 2005, 08:14:01 pm »
Not sure what to tell you. I feel bad that you dont like your new spa. If you feel that you were misrepresented about how it works in some way you may have recourse. Try to work it out with your dealer..then you may not have to have an expensive birdbath in your yard.
If you cant work it out for a full refund see if they will take it may be out a few bucks but not the 5 grand you originally were.
Regards and good luck....
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #4 on:
March 21, 2005, 08:41:43 pm »
PM me with your dealer name and number and I will see where I can help. It sounds like the pump is still a 110 and you need a 220 in that.
Putting a 220 pump in will give you 30 GPM more so when you set the diverter to a mid point you will get a lot more power....
If you like everything but the power we should be able to make you a happy camper!
Last Edit: March 21, 2005, 08:45:49 pm by stuart
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #5 on:
March 21, 2005, 08:46:36 pm »
On 220V Stu, should he be able to operate all the seats?
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #6 on:
March 21, 2005, 08:59:27 pm »
You can have jets on in all the seats or you can be selective and use the higher flow jets to target certain body area it sounds to me like you simply have the tri zone valve in one place and you need to move it for an over all therapy postion.....
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #7 on:
March 21, 2005, 09:14:36 pm »
On 220V Stu, should he be able to operate all the seats?
Not at full power but he will see a noticeable difference! The problem is in how it was sold... Sometimes the salesperson gets a little over zealous and doesn't disclose everything. Most people are thrilled with the Spirit trizone system once they understand how to operate it. I have three pumps in my Marquis and we
operate all the jets at the same time even though we can. It doesn't matter what spa you have the bottom line is that the more jets that share a pump the less pressure per jet you will have.
Giving the salesperson the benefit of the doubt, last year the Spirit had fewer jets and not near as many large HK40 jets so the smaller pump was fine. This years model really needs to have the large pump to get full benefit of the spa. If that salesperson has not tried the new Spirit they would not know this...
I have sold the same spa many times and just explained the benefit of the HK40 jets and that they are a high volume jet that requires the full attention of the pump to get complete massage from them. The trade out would be to put smaller jets in that are much more piercing. The problem here is that those jets
more intense but you can’t set in front of them for as long because it will irritate the nerve endings.
I do the intense massage of the HK40’s for a few minuets and then divert the water to the less intense jets and set in front of them for about 10 minuets finally diverting to the foot jets and hammer my feet.
Think of going to a masseuse, they work one body part at a time…Working every body part at the same time wouldn’t allow you to relax as much and change your concentration. When I get a massage I want both hands on my back not one on my low back and one on my shoulders at the same time….
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #8 on:
March 22, 2005, 07:42:03 am »
I feel bad that your experience isn't all you thought it
would be. :-/ I would contact your dealer, see if they
will upgrade your pump to the larger GPM version, that
may help. When you wet tested their display, did it
have the upgraded pump? If so, they should give the
upgrade to you at no charge with a nice apology for
their mistake.
good luck..
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #9 on:
March 22, 2005, 02:55:34 pm »
bummer - it really sucks to not get a product as represented.
appears as though the subject should be "I hate my new dealer"
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #10 on:
March 22, 2005, 03:17:15 pm »
I would contact your credit card company and see if there is any recourse if you think you were misled or you did not get what you paid for. They will work with you in many cases to ensure you get what you paid for!
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #11 on:
March 22, 2005, 09:23:35 pm »
My confusion: Book shows 3 zones. One everyone gets jet action. Second & third zone work in one area. So anyone in zone 2 can enjoy the jets but the other person(s) don't get a single jet. That's the problem.
Today the other salesman 'delivery guy' came and finally finished the spa lift cover cos of my credit card complaint and said I didn't have all the jets on (can't tell - just got home and it's raining). He said the little bubble on the end cover got lose in the shipment and will settle later.
Individual massage is nice - if you're alone. But if you get a neat massage the other person(s) should at least gone 1 jet.
My electrician said it's a 240 but that the spa would run on a 110, just not the heater at the same time.
There were holes in the side of the spa where he drilled for the wrong lift (filled it today and the new skirt is still on order).
Anyway - I'll have to wait till it quits raining to find out if I have a 110 pump on a 240 line. But I don't think so. I think that's the way it's made. Maybe everything that's gone wrong has made the purchase sour.
But is the 'take turns on the jets' really acceptable?
Or maybe the damn jets were really shut off and I can't read the book.
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #12 on:
March 22, 2005, 09:54:10 pm »
You have the jets off.....I did not even think that was your know the most obvious.. ::)They are very simple to turn just by turning the outer ring or collar....we have it on our floor and it works very well off the 110 with therapy to all 3 seating positions when you have the tri zone in the over all position.....sorry to hear of your troubles......but I think you will find that jets were just turned off and that you should be fine now and just as HAPPY as when you WET TESTED.....that led you to purchase the enjoy.....
Last Edit: March 23, 2005, 12:25:40 am by Mendocino101
Junior Member
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #13 on:
March 23, 2005, 09:16:51 am »
Just got out of the tub and the jets were in fact on. I have accepted it though. If you want zone two or zone three you are the only one who can enjoy the jets. The others don't work. Well I'm the one who shelled out the five grand as my boyfriend points out so the heck with everyone. I guess waiting a month for the lift, holes in the skirt, and the fact that the salesperson, Sue told me, oh they all work once you get it hooked to a 240. Once your told that you have it in your mind how something should work. So lesson for all you spa hunters: If during the wet test (an absolute must) the dealer tells you something will work differently when you get it home ask to see the owners manual and find out for yourself.
This is a great site. I will do a review on the Marquis here and on epinions. com
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Re: I hate my new Marquis
Reply #13 on:
March 23, 2005, 09:16:51 am »
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