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Author Topic: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!  (Read 3477 times)


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D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« on: March 20, 2005, 09:04:46 pm »
Hi all you D1 Dealers here....


Our local dealers in town do not have any of the Reflection Series (Chairman, diplomat, aurora, californian) at all in the showrooms.

They do have the @home series with the Venture, Dream, Soujourn.

Is there any difference in the cabinet between the @home series and the Reflection series?

The dealers state they can order any Reflection series tub but without being able to tangibly touch the thing and eventually wet test them we might have to rule D1 Reflection series out of our search (something I would not like to do).

If you D1 folks can clue me in on this and the other differences between the @home and the Reflection series in detail that would be great.  I have the brochures and have spoken with the rep in town but I am very interested in your expert opinions here.

Thanks again.....

I may be able to find a store within 200 miles or so and make a weekend out if its worth it.



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D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« on: March 20, 2005, 09:04:46 pm »


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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2005, 10:41:54 pm »
Does your dealer have any bay series? Those cabinets are the best I've seen.


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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2005, 11:35:12 pm »
the cabinets are made the same and out of the same material.  the only difference is in their appearence.  On the @Home Series the cabinets have vertical slats, while the on the reflections line they have horizontal slats.  Other differences include:

Ultra-pure water mgmt system is standard on reflections line tubs.  this provides 24 hr filtration and ozonation.

@Home Spas has optional clear zone water mgmt system (unless the dealer includes it as standard)

Scrolling digital message center (upper control that is self diagnostic).

Larger jets, and more jey varieties.

equipment shroud.

Depending on the dealer, @Home Spas are partial foam filled (we get them full foam as standard, many dealers do not do this however.)

Reflections line has 180GPM pumps, @Home series has slightly smaller pumps.

Structurally they are built the same: 2 x 4's and truss plates (same standards as all homes in California are built to).  Both are built like tanks and have an ABS sheet attached to the bootom, as well as having a pressure treated base that is infused with a insect repellant (can't recall what the gentleman in the factory said it was).

I'm kinda mifed that a D-1 dealer wouldn't carry the reflections line in stock.  It is one of the top lines of spas in the industry, IMO this dealer is hurting the potential of their business.

Store manager for a D-1, Caldera & Nordic Spas Dealer


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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2005, 11:48:03 pm »

I am miffed at that as well believe me.  I cant honestly purchase something of this magnitude without actually touching and feeling the product.

Mowgli...no bay series.

As far as the full foam...these obviously do not have full foam.  You can push the sides and they do move inwards quite a bit.  I am not saying that this is a bad thing but it does "feel" as they are not built like a tank.

The dealer does include the clearzone water management system with the spa's.

I noticed you put nordic in your signature...they also carry nordic spa's now as well.   But I was not blown away by them.

I am going to have to do my best to find some D1 Reflection models within 100 miles or so to be able to see them.  From the looks of things D1 was one of my top (Pre Dealer visit) spa's....I dont want to have to discount that.

I may end up having to call D1 directly and find some companies that may have these in stock so I can see them.

Thanks for the help Jason...it is really appreciated!!!!  Means alot that you take the time to help as well!




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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2005, 10:36:47 am »
Just Because you can "push" the sides in does not mean that they aren't full foam.  I would ask the dealer if they are.  On the Caldera Spas Watkins puts a plywood backing on their cabinetry, that gives them the "tank" like feel.  

D-1's @Home Series is one of our top sellers, more specifically the Dream HP and Sojourn HP.  We feel that the new Venture will be a top seller as well.  They are well made spas that offer a lot of bang for your buck.

Nordic is typically a "niche" spa.  By that i mean it futs a certain price range.  Generally they are priced from 2995-5000$, they are a high quality line of spas w/o a lot of features.

Store manager for a D-1, Caldera & Nordic Spas Dealer


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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2005, 11:09:02 am »
Question.  When you open the door on a few D1 models it states 220gpm total.  Is that the gpm out of the pump or the jets?  Which spas have UP to 180 gpm and do those models also list total gpm on ETL sticker as 360 gpm total?


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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2005, 11:34:42 am »
All of the reflections series spas have up to 180GPM per Jet pump.  I believe the Bay Series spas also have up to 180GPM on the jet pumps.


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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2005, 11:35:22 am »

Thanks for the info...I will have them remove the side panels so I can take a look at them all...never really thought of that til ya brought it up!


Mike :)

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Re: D1 dealers...QUESTION FOR YOU!!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2005, 11:35:22 am »


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