I am interested in the spa industry. I have been doing some research. This site and it's 5 years of debate are part of the research. I am impressed that people purchase these acrylic, fiberglass, PVC, plastic, rubber, styrofoam, wood, and steel hot water containers at all. Of course, the materials list is in no way complete.
My favorite hot water soak was in a canyon and there was a sulphur smell. It took about 45 minutes to hike there.
When did someone first say, "Lets connect 240 volts, 50 amps, and 500 gallons of water in a fiberglass container and put them in people's back yards everywhere?"
I am a relative newcomer to the "hot tub/spa" industry. I do not sell hot tubs or spas. I'd rather be fishing.
Who the ^%#@! am I?