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Author Topic: I Need Your Help!!  (Read 3000 times)


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I Need Your Help!!
« on: March 19, 2005, 06:32:34 am »
Here's my situation.  We are a family of 3 (9year old daughter).  Thought a hot tub would be a good addition to our backyard as I have some back problems and for general family relaxation time together. Probably looking for a 5-6 person tub.

I've been to all the dealers in our area over the last week and have to admit that I have reached the point of information overload.  I didn't realize there were so many different things to consider and would have to pay so much for the priviledge of owning one.  I have come to realize that I realistically can't spend anything more than $10,000 CDN in total for a tub, taxes, concrete pad and electrical hookup (or my wife would kill me :-[)

So far the only tubs that I have seen that would keep me under this magic limit once all is said and done are Everyday 530 (2004 model)  and Sweetwater Caymen and just barely over would be an Arctic Yukon (many thanks for all the replies to my last posting regarding Arctic). Any other tub I have seen will be costing me considerably more than my limit.

I have not wet tested any models yet until I was able to come up with ones that would meet my budget.

Any comments would be appreciated to help me make some sort of decision.  At this point in time I just feel very frustrated with the whole thing and don't really know what to believe anymore ???

Hot Tub Forum

I Need Your Help!!
« on: March 19, 2005, 06:32:34 am »


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Re: I Need Your Help!!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2005, 07:08:32 am »
I like both the Marquis (there everyday line)  and the Arctic. But I do not know much about the Sweetwater. What I think you need to do is step up into a Marquis that is the same price as the Arctic and then wet test them both to see which fits your backside better. Get a feel for the dealer while you are on this wet test mission. But do not fall for any sales retoric to influence your desision.


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Re: I Need Your Help!!
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2005, 08:37:42 am »
Sorry, I don't know the conversion from US $ to CDN $ but here was my observations while shopping. We are a family of 4 and I went in knowing I didn't want a lounger and soon found out that non lounger tubs tend to be the larger size (usually but not always). I also went in with a budget of first $5000 but had to up it to $7000 and this is part of an overall project so I had to keep it within budget!

Usually the secondary lines of spas are a lot less expensive then the primary. The only 3 primary spas I saw that I could afford were Coleman 480 series or lower for about $6300; Emerald, their top of the line Cygnus (2004) for about $7000 (I think their Elite series runs about $6000) and Beachcomber 500 series - I think about $5-6000 range.

I then started looking at secondary lines to give me some more options and see if I could save some money. I looked at the Sweetwater Bahia, it was about $6300; Down East Windsor SE (I believe there is a 7x7 version also) for about the same price. Finally I saw and liked the Artesian Island Series, they have different sizes and they all can be configured in many different jet, pump and options. I ended up buying the Artesian Island due to the fact I was able to get a nice tub at a price I can afford.

I would recommend to look at Artesian if you can. As a consumer they seem to offer a great value to us. No, their not the top 4 as per the professionals but everyone who has an Artesian seems to like it  without any real problems reported. Maybe you can find a tub you like and configure it to your needs or wallet.

Good Luck!



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Re: I Need Your Help!!
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2005, 09:51:30 am »

Have you checked out Coleman yet? I think they present a great value.

Are you looking for a lounge?

Check out the C470/C471. Great comfort, jetting, energy efficiency for less than many other major brands.

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Re: I Need Your Help!!
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2005, 10:48:09 am »
I meant to say that also! The Coleman's are nice tubs - my dealer just wasn't too knowledgeable.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: I Need Your Help!!
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2005, 10:48:09 am »


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