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Author Topic: Unhappy tubber  'rash'  (Read 7865 times)


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Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« on: February 19, 2005, 06:49:36 pm »
have owned tub for about 6months.now can nolonger use tub without getting rash after.nobody else has any problems.                                                                                                                                                                                                            please help!!!!!!!!!! :'(

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Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« on: February 19, 2005, 06:49:36 pm »


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2005, 07:21:08 pm »
I'll bet you a dollar you experiencing dry skin syndrome.  Actually a form of excema.  I recently went through this itchy rash too and immediately thought it was a bacteria infection but turns out it was just dry skin.  Our climate is dry and I'm in the spa twice a day and don't always moisturize myself after getting out.  
I've been more diligent about this lately and it seems to be helping.  Also, I hear there is moisturizer you can add to your spa water too.  Haven't tried that yet but plan to pick up something my next visit to the store.
Also, check ph, alkalinity, etc.  and make sure water is right as bad water leads to bad times.


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2005, 07:42:04 pm »
have gone to the point of draining tub.then went in before adding chems.no problem then.added my chems  ,used tub next day broke out arrrrggggg!!!!!      can it maybe be allergy to chems


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2005, 08:41:28 pm »
Sorry to here about the problems, but it sounds like you have a bacteria in the spa and need to do a chemical clean and drain. You have to do a chemical clean just like mentioned in the topic about white flakes.

1. Bring your spa to 104
2. add 4 Oz of chlorine, run the jets for 2 hours with the cover open! Open all jets, turn all diverters while doing this.
3. Leave overnight then add a bottle (or 2) of over the counter peroxide (H2O2) running the jets for at least another hour.
4. Drain the spa, wipe down the bar top and cover with a solution of Clorox and water 3 to 1 (3 parts water) and clean filters.
5. Refill and go through normal startup procedure.
6. wait at least a week after rash goes away to get back in the spa as you can have the infection still in you.

When you drain the spa use your drain not a pump to get the whole spa clean.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2005, 08:43:42 pm by stuart »


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2005, 08:42:09 pm »
have gone to the point of draining tub.then went in before adding chems.no problem then.added my chems  ,used tub next day broke out arrrrggggg!!!!!      can it maybe be allergy to chems

Dichlor or Bromine?   Try the other.
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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2005, 12:32:13 pm »
This could be dry skin or excema as has been suggested.

Two other possibilities I can think of are:
1) A reaction to a spa chemical product. You can play the elimination trial/error game here. Refill the spa. Balance and oxidize the water but add no clarifiers, enzymes, stain & sclae or any thing else. Add one product per week until you identify the culprit and eliminate it from your routine.
2) Pseudomonas Folliculitis. I hope its not this. If it is consult a doctor. This is an infection of the hair follicle that seems to affect one of the adults in a family only. Type into yoyur search engine to learn more. If you have this you will need to spent 8-12 weeks out of the tub and may need a topical antibiotic.

First I would try what Stuart said, then my #1. If all that fails, investigat my #2.

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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2005, 01:53:43 pm »
Since you have said that when you sat in the spa without chems and experienced no problems, then I would beleive (duh) the chems are the problem.  Try the elimination that HTMan suggested or what WMC said...switch chems.

Good Luck


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2005, 02:06:32 pm »
just a little more info thanks to you who are trying to help                                                                                                I feel alittle ignorant in the chem department.Is Dichlor the same as chlorine.I am using afloater with chlorine tabs, have tryed the switch to Bromine,this did not help. As far as having cleaned tub.Idrained tub,cleaned with bleach and water,filled tub ran jets,drained tub a second time and refilled as well i changed the filter in the process.This is a lot of fun to do at this time of year up here in Saskatchewan Canada.Our average overnight temp at this time of year is-20cels .Do i need to go futher in cleaning.                                                                                        As far as folliculitis,have been to Doc says not.She thought it might be just dry skin.What troubles me is i can use tub at fill time before i ad chem and get no rash.Tub is at 104.  yet after i add chems i break out.   I sure hope ican get to bottem of this thanks to all.


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2005, 02:23:27 pm »
What you may need to to do as Stuart mentioned is super chlorinate the spa before draining to kill any bacteria that would be in the plumbing...filter etc....and than drain...


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2005, 05:43:12 pm »
If you're using "chlorine tablets" in a floater, your problem may very well be caused by low pH.  As chlorine in tablet form is generally of the slow dissolve tri-chlor variety.  Most manufacturers, and reputable dealers strogly recommend to NOT use chlorine tablets in a floater in a spa for sanitization.  The aforementioned low pH caused by trichlor being a major cause for concern, along with the gas buildup inside of the floater.  

I would consult your dealer and have them set you up with a maintenance program, albeit a simple one.  Also it wouldn';t be a bad idea to have them test your spa water as well.  I would also recommend bringing a box to your dealer with ALL of your spa care/maintenance items and have them go over each one (what it does, how you apply/how often you apply it, etc..) with you.  Follow that and see if your problem still occurs.

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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2005, 10:19:26 pm »
You might also try to go to a biguanide system like baquasil or softsoak....Neither of which use chlorine or bromine of any kind. Many people that have skin reactions to Chlorine switch to this. Ask your dealer about it...


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2005, 09:03:28 am »
I also  had " Tub Rash" went to the Doc. and she thought it was a reaction to chems and/or dry skin.  I wanted to switch from Bromate to Chlorine so I drainned the tub and now use Chlorine. I add chems after I'm done and I try to maintain a 1 to 3 level of free Chlorine while I'm  tubbin. I do shock with non Chlorine once or twice a week depending on load.  I slather up with lotion when I'm done but if I get lazy and go to bed without taking care of my skin, then I'll feel itchy and can see dry patches on my skin. I also use an Excema cream on bad spots. I believe that mine was all dry skin. Stay out for a few days and slather up. Maybe try to keep chems as low as possible and this is a balancing act sometimes, don't get bummed out I know how you feel.    :)


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2005, 10:04:04 am »
Here is what I wrote to Rich when he had that problem. I have been rash free since then.  ;D

Hey Rick I had the same problem too. I went to my doctor and he said what I had was caused by very dry skin. This was because of the winter months and being in the hot water it will bring that out. He gave me something to put on it and told me what kind of soap to shower with and since then it has gone and I can still enjoy my tub. I take a shower when I get out put the cream on any spot I see and so far so good. I also changed the time I put the dichor in so it was a few hours before I went in.

I would'nt fool around with it though. Ask your Doctor to check it out first. I read a few things here and it gives you an idea of what it could be but everyone is differant. Its better to be safe than sorry. Hope this helps


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2005, 11:26:43 am »
Good advice.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2005, 11:28:29 am »
and told me what kind of soap to shower with

Could you elaborate on this point?
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Re:  Unhappy tubber  'rash'
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2005, 11:28:29 am »


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