Saturday morning, Pfc. Shante of the Army National Guard asked to hop in the tub and I obliged. She was very proud of her tats. She tried to show me the one near her critter but I shied away due to being somewhat demure and feeling like a dirty old man enough as it twere.

Belinda was a young lady who just moved here from Kenya. She thought living in Texas was dangerous. I told her at least we don't have to worry about a lion attacking us while we hot tub and she agreed that was a good point:

These two ladies stopped for a visit:

and the little one decided to hop in and cool off. We kept the spas cool by dumping 35 lb bags of ice in every couple of hours. It was nice:

I went inside the motor home and watched some Leche Libre (Mexican Lady Wrestling) on TV:

A B-52 out of Barksdale AFB buzzed us a couple of times:

On our way to the VIP tent to eat fajitas, we stopped for a photo op in one of the Army trucks:

The VIP tents are always great- free food and beer (all included in the $2500 sponsorship fee


The Green Beret parachute team did some jumps:

Some of the balloons took off:

The girls were enthralled:

The boss turned the hose on them when he caught them goofing off:

Here's the balloon we sponsored. Last year, our guy won the whole thing. This year, I believe he got second:

Everybody had a great time drinking beer, hot tubbing, and socializing the night away. The SpAudio II was rocking the tent, it is impressive.

Can't wait until next year! I'm taking the rest of the week off so ya'll have a great week.
