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Author Topic: D1 Vs Caldera  (Read 3814 times)


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D1 Vs Caldera
« on: March 11, 2005, 08:20:37 am »
Just went to a dealer who sold both D1 & Caldera, I went to see D1 but was very impressed with Caldera. Dealer told me both were very good tubs, Caldera was made by Hot Spring & will probably become the next Hot Springs of the industry. The Caldera was very comfortable dry but just did'nt look as high quality as the D1. Both tubs have received high ratings on this site, but is their anybody who sells both & would have some insight on these tubs?

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D1 Vs Caldera
« on: March 11, 2005, 08:20:37 am »


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Re: D1 Vs Caldera
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2005, 09:19:56 am »

I am dealer of D-1. I do not have Caldera dealer near by. I can think of no one better to compare/contrast these brands than Jason (aka poolboy), he works for a dealer that sells both in upstate NY (maybe thats where you are too!).

I have no doubt he will chime in today with some info for you.

In the mean time if you questions or concerns re:D-1 please post it here or PM me.

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Re: D1 Vs Caldera
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 02:30:54 pm »
Both are Quality brands but they will be different in various  ways and there's no certain way to tell which is best for you just by looking or even dry testing. Wet test both, that will tell you a lot.
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Re: D1 Vs Caldera
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 04:13:56 pm »
Well, Since Jeff gave me some nice props here's my two cents.  I manage a store that sells both Caldera and Dimension One Spas.  They are both High Quality spas made by two of the industries leaders in: Qulaity, Dealer Support, Customer Service, Design and innovation.  Having said all of that here is a comparrison breakdown of the two brands.

Ergonomic seating with a "No Float" Design

Laing Fast Flo Heater made out of Incoloy (5yr unconditional warranty.

Foot Ridge: helps to prevent floating

Powerful jets that are completely adjustable to allow for a wide range of hydrotherapy options

Each seat works a different part of the body

Spa Glo interior/exterior lighting standard on all aquatic melodies and Utopia series spas.

24 hr filtration and ozonation

CD Ozonator

Dimension One:

Ergonomically designed seating to prevent floating

Interchangable and adjustable jets allow for limitless combinations of hydrotherapy.  All jets are flow adjustable at the jet face.

Ultra-Pure water mgmt system: provides 24 hr filtration and ozonation, has two contact chambers that eliminates potentially harmful offgasing produced by ozone.

Digital message center: provides self diagnostics of spa, tells you when to drain your spa, clean your filters, change your vision cartridge, automatically shuts off heater and circ pump when water level is too low, tells you if you need service if a problem occurs.

Neck Flex Jet System:  Patented height adjustable pillow provides hydrotherapy to your neck, reguardless of your height.  

Dynamic Massage Sequencer:  Available on select models.  Makes the ultra-lounge into a masseuse that has cascading massage.  Have your D-1 Dealer show you how this feature works (difficult to put into words properly).

Any questions please let me Know.

Store manager for a D-1 and Caldera Dealer


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Re: D1 Vs Caldera
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 05:45:13 pm »
Just a note- I purchased the Caldera Niagra and love it, and if you are looking for fantastic dealer support of a brand name I can assure you that they earn 5-stars in that catagory as well.

Just be sure you wet test before making your decision either way.


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Re: D1 Vs Caldera
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 05:45:13 pm »


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