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Author Topic: Copper / Green Water  (Read 8969 times)


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Copper / Green Water
« on: March 09, 2005, 03:44:54 pm »
Hi,  I'm thoroughly enjoying my Jacuzzi J-345, but in my neck of the woods, there seems to be high copper content in the water.  I consistently have a green tint, even when I'm adding the corrent amount of stain and scale.  I use dichlor and have great sucess keeping the sanitizer levels up.  

Does any one have a magic suggestion for getting rid of copper in the water.

I've also noticed that my colour of tub (Sahara) accentuates the problem.  I'm talking to my dealer about exchanging for a different colour as all his tubs with Sahara have the same problem.



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Copper / Green Water
« on: March 09, 2005, 03:44:54 pm »


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Re: Copper / Green Water
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2005, 03:52:16 pm »
Unfortunately every time you shock the spa it will oxidize the metal in the water and force it out of solution.  I would check your shell next time you drain and refill, as it might have a slight stain to it from the copper.  

A Good trick is to add about 4-6ounces of metal control while you are filling your tub, and then wait atleast 48 hours BEFORE adding any shock or balancers.  Also after this period of time bring a sample to your dealer for testing and have them test for copper to see if you got all of the copper out of the tub.  

Another suggestion is purchasing a spare set of filters.  Use one set for your refill, and once you have all of the copper removed from the water put the second set of filters in.  Deep clean the "fill" set of filters to remove any copper from them.  This way they will be ready when it is time to swap out your filters.  

What very well could have happened is your metal remover did in fact remove the copper from the water but after you shocked the spa with chlorine it caused a chemical reaction and the copper was brought back into the spa via the filters.  This is a common occurence in pools where customers have damaged a heater due to improper water chemistry, done a metal removing treatment and shocked the pool BEFORE having the filter properly cleaned.  Just some thoughts.

Store Manager for a D-1 & Caldera Dealer
« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 06:17:55 pm by poolboy34 »


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Re: Copper / Green Water
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2005, 06:09:05 pm »
Hi Jason,

Thanks for the feedback.  I will try a couple things you mentioned at let you know how it worked.



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Re: Copper / Green Water
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 08:57:12 am »
Is much pH or alkalinity decreaser being used?  

Is the pH/alk of the tub's water source high/low?

Does the plastic portion of the filter(s)
appear "bleached"?

What is the ppm measure of the source water "hardness"?

Was "super-chlorination" tried to clear up the water?

What brand/color of water clarifier is used?

If the water source is problematic, consider balanced water delivery.



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Re: Copper / Green Water
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 02:33:20 pm »
Is much pH or alkalinity decreaser being used?  

Is the pH/alk of the tub's water source high/low? Normal

Does the plastic portion of the filter(s)
appear "bleached"? Yes

What is the ppm measure of the source water "hardness"? normal

Was "super-chlorination" tried to clear up the water? Yes, i've only tried that once though

What brand/color of water clarifier is used? It's blue, but I don't know the brand

If the water source is problematic, consider balanced water delivery.


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Copper / Green Water
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 02:33:20 pm »


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