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Author Topic: Re: Help On Cal Dealer  (Read 3309 times)


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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« on: March 10, 2005, 05:15:50 pm »
what spas do you sell....

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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« on: March 10, 2005, 05:15:50 pm »


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,Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2005, 05:28:17 pm »
As a consumer I hate salesman like that.  People may be signing  a purchase order at the show, but you are not seeing how many people cancel there order after they sleep on it.  As a salesman listen to the customer and give them what they want within reason.  A word of advice to salesman as a consumer, I also have worked in sales, who wants to purchase a tub, a spa is not a neccessity. Therefore a lot of times the sale is going to come down to price.  I would say be aggressive in your pricing, sometimes you cant make the percentage you want on each spa.  I can not believe in my area what spas are going for, and how the prices are non negotiable.  I can get a small inground pool that will increase the price of my home for a couple of thousand more than what some of these spas are going for. If a few dealers I went to were willing to move on the price I would have purchased already.  I purchase cars all the time and dealers move on price.  If your product is superior in quality than you dont have to worry about covering warranty repair cost.  I know from my experience in buying Toyotas everytime I purchase they throw in the extended warranty for a few bucks extra, that covers the car  to 100,000.  They know I will experience few problems, and the price I get on the vehicle is great, and the vehicle will have a value down the road.  

I don't mean to stir anyone up!


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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2005, 05:43:00 pm »
If they're going to leave your booth and you think they're going to Cal Spa to compare you could give them a flyer with this website and Dr. Spa's and recommend that they seek out feedback regarding your product and any others they are looking at BEFORE PURCHASING to see what the buzz is from other owners and industry people on the Quality and Service of those competitor. Even if they don't follow through they'll appreciate you're willingness to let an independent 3rd party mediate the differences in "information" they're getting (or will get once they get the Cal Spa Sales bombardment of misinformation).

There is a big Cal Spa dealer nearby me and I know I have talked with MANY people in person (one just yesterday) the last couple years who have said they considered Cal Spa until they came on these sites and quickly looked the other way once they got with of the "less than positive" feedback. It can be tough to avoid giving the customer your opinion of the competition (when they ask) without sounding like a hatchet man. If I was in the showroom and they brought up Cal Spas I would try not to outright knock them but would pass on that they can find out info on them on these forums.
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Re: ,Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2005, 06:17:27 pm »
I know from my experience in buying Toyotas everytime I purchase they throw in the extended warranty for a few bucks extra, that covers the car  to 100,000.  

If they are "throwing in" an extended warranty or giving it for just a few bucks it may mean that there was money left on the table in the first place to allow them to do so.
Sometimes the best way to know you've got a good deal is to get to the point where they're NOT willing to give you anything more. Some delaers start higher and you have to get them down to their final price and others start low and won't move yet both could be at the same final price.
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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2005, 06:57:22 pm »
I have had very little luck in this same situation.

There are two things I know will at least help:

Have the flashiest, best-looking glitzy tub you offer sitting in the isle on their side of the booth.  Make it so that they will have to at least see your spiffiest tub as they are being worked by the Cal Spa guys. Can't get that booth? Don't do the show. And if the promotor knows that, you may find that you suddenly ARE able to get the booth nearby...

Second: get sales pros. Don't put showroom sales people into a show enviornment. Doesn't work. If you can't get an outside team, then at least get some specific training on how to sell at shows.

Freebie: Run ads, send out direct mail, do radio spots and personal invitations to your biggest event of the year - the weekend before the show.

In my town, I am the only dealer. The others are all in nearby towns, some are from out of the area. I put that on my ads, coupons, and the booth. In fact I was able to get the back of the flier which we print in conjunction with the local paper. So everyone who goes to the homeshow walks around with my ad in their hand, and the headline is: Try before you buy.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2005, 08:41:41 pm »
Chas, just curious as to why you won't use your showroom sales force at shows?


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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2005, 10:49:49 pm »
Im not a marketing GURU nor do I play one on TV....

But here's what I would do....

Precisely the opposite of your competition.

HUH? ???  :o

Yeah- do exactly the opposite of what your competitor is doing.... ie; pitching product hard amidst an 'everything including the kitchen sink' product selection.

The key in doing shows like this is differentiation and most 'spa' guys fall into the trap of doing the same things as everyone else is doing. Show up with as much product as possible, a few banners, a few giveaways, pass out brochures, try to close as many sales as possible...

The problem with this is, that its not all that effective, because you look like everyone else at the show. Nothing is memorable. Your company name isnt on their lips.

So here's a thought...Rent your space, bring in one example of your premium line, your midrange line, and your economy line.. and have as big a banner as you can afford made declaring the following- "Do NOT buy a spa at the SHOW... Ask us why..."

When they ask you why,  have a well-thought out list of reasons why they shouldnt commit to your competitors products... Perhaps starting off with "You wouldnt buy a car without test driving it, would you?" All your reasons why they shouldnt commit at the show should be oriented to bringing them back to your store where you have more control over what they are exposed to.... Instead of being innundated by pitches for solar energy, no-leaf rain gutters, UV window coatings, landscape supplies, and your immediate competitors, they will be focused on you, your service and product youre offering. Get the prospect away from 10,000 distractions.

The other way you can use this banner idea is to produce closable leads. When they ask why they shouldnt buy at the show, offer information that can be mailed to them. Having their name and address will enable you to not only give them the information that they are looking for, but also allow you to market them repeatedly via mail. So, two, four, or six months down the road, your name will still be in front of them.

You might consider making it more interactive for your prospects- draw interest by getting people involved. Its always more fun being a participant, rather than a spectator.

BTW,.. I totally agree with Chas on his points, particularly about being across the isle from your key competitor is a GOOD idea. Pair that with the "DONT BUY AT THE SHOW" banner, I think it would be killer marketing ammo.

Any thoughts?


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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2005, 07:53:28 am »
The manufacturer, CALIFORNIA ACRYLIC INDUSTRIES, INC.,  must push very hard also.  There are over 100 complaints logged with the BBB of Los Angeles in the last 36 months:


It causes one to wonder.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2005, 08:06:11 am by wmccall »


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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2005, 11:02:43 am »
Chas, just curious as to why you won't use your showroom sales force at shows?

Two reasons:
1. We are a small company, so they are busy in the stores during a show.
2. They are all a bunch of softies! We don't like to push or hammer at people, we like to take time to listen to their stories about Mom's leg pains and Dad's lower back pain - and we try real hard to get their names and remember them from the moment they walk in till we show them how to use their new tub. None of that really gets the sale in a high-traffic show situation.

Having said all that, I need to add this one note: when we do a show, I am always in the booth. That way, when folks arrive who have previously been in our showrooms - they usually come right over and call me by name. That's the sign for the show team to back off and let me do the slower, friendlier approach because this is a person who has been 'sold' at the store but just wanted to see if we were going to have a better price at the show before they drop a check on the table.

I usually outsell the show teams by far, but it's not really fair to compare the cold sales they get to the people who have previously spent hours in our store laughing and learing - folks who basicly just came to the show to take one last look at prices and then give me the check. In fact, I take my lead file to any shows we do and often I simply pull the quote out, add a free step or whatever, and take the check.

We don't do shows any more though, this area just doesn't do any of the big ones any more, and the cost is just way too high for a trickle of people wandering by with the latest in dust mop techology over their shoulder.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Help On Cal Dealer
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2005, 11:02:43 am »


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