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Author Topic: one vs two filters?  (Read 3950 times)


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one vs two filters?
« on: March 07, 2005, 10:52:53 am »

First, let me say that this web site is great! I wish I had seen it prior to my two previous hot tub purchases (first was a CalSpa where we had some troubles and second was a Coast Spa where we had and are continuing to have MAJOR problems. Don't buy a Coast Spa!)!

We are about to purchase another tub and wonder if there is a big difference between one and two filters in terms of cleanliness in the tub. One of the problems with the Coast Spa is how much chemicals we are required to use to keep the bacteria count low and how murky the water always is. Plus we have had a total of 6 pump failures in 3.5 years--but that's a different story!

For our next tub we are vacilating between the Jacuzzi J375, Tiger River Caspian, Hot Springs Prodigy, and D1 (forget the name model, but was around $7500). Right now we are leaning towards the Jacuzzi due to the ozonator, which I think is the same set up as the D1, and the quad heater, which sounds like it might save heating costs. Does the filter schmoo-catcher thingie help?

We are planning on wet-testing the Jacuzzi and the Hot Springs today, but the D1 dealer doesn't allow wet-testing. This seems odd to me and is bumping them off the list.

Thanks in advance for any information.


Hot Tub Forum

one vs two filters?
« on: March 07, 2005, 10:52:53 am »


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Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2005, 11:25:38 am »
I am a bit confused...( OK no cracks about that.. ;))...But are those similar spas they seem to be all a bit different in size...maybe I am wrong....many spas use 1 filter and do a good job.....I do not think the D-1 and Jacuzzi are using the same type of an Ozone system....The D-1 would be more sophisticated but the Jacuzzi system still should be fine.....Most will agree a wet test should be done.....why your D-1 dealer does not allow it is odd....I would wonder about service after the sale if that is his attitude unless he has some very uncommon reason for this policy .....


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Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2005, 12:26:09 pm »
Hmmmm, v strange that he won't 'allow' you to wet test. For me there are 3 main rules to buying a tub.......

1.. Wet test
2.. Wet test again,.
3..  Wet test somemore even if you are sure


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Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2005, 01:05:15 pm »
cant say wet test enough!
that is the ultimate factor as most premium tubs are in the same ballpark, $ wise.....not much different from lexus vs. bmw vs. jaguar....they are all cars, similar $, and features, but service and dependability will vary greatly....
about 6 weeks ago, I had a dealer tell they do not do wet testing at all, company policy. due to the out break of legionaires disease a few years back????? anybody ever heard of that??
thought that it was a bit much, thanked him for his time and RAN out the door.
since found out that he and his company are ...... ummmm... "not well thought of? " in this area.......


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Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2005, 10:14:17 pm »
All have ozonators standard or optional (maybe not the same units, I'd advice you to get the CD type), all have good warranties and all make excellent spas but a wet test would certainly help you decide which fits/feels best.
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Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2005, 08:18:07 am »
As the others have said, wet testing is very important.
Do let this dealer know if he looses a sale over the issue.


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Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2005, 09:23:50 am »
The D1 dealer doesn't allow wet testing? What kind of nutcase would have one of the best performing spas in the industry on his showroom floor and not allow someone to test it?! Where do you live? PM me....!

No, the Jacuzzi ozone system is not like the D1. The only ozone system that comes relatively close is Marquis...

BTW, if you have 2 pumps you should have 2 filters. Otherwise you will have to bypass a great deal of water to make the spa function well hydraulically thereby creating more contamination of the pump while setting in the spa.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2005, 09:27:29 am by stuart »


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Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2005, 06:05:49 am »
Thanks for the info everyone!

We wet tested the Jacuzzi J385; hubby loved the location of the jets on his low back but I floated. We'll be wet testing the J365 tonight which has a foot well that I can try wedging myself with, if needed.

This dealer also represents Artesian spas, which look pretty cool. We'll be wet testing one of them tomorrow as well, can't remember the model number but it's in the "Gold Series". I don't see Artesian mentioned often on this forum, anyone have any thoughts or opinions on them?

We also wet tested the Hot Springs but were unimpressed with the local dealer, small one-man operation.

The D1 dealer is a bit out of our way and is also small dealer. We were so put-off by the attitude of the salesman and his telling us that they don't allow wet testing that they are out of the running. We live in a small city in Western Washington about 2 hours from Seattle and have dealt with small hot tub dealers that don't follow through on service and warranty work, so we want to avoid this in the future by choosing a larger dealer with a long established business in the area. The only local dealer who fits this criteria is the Jacuzzi/Artesian dealer. Otherwise we would have to look 1-2 hours away for a dealer that represents other hot tub lines.

Thanks again for the all of the information here!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: one vs two filters?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2005, 06:05:49 am »


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