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I noticed when I insert a Quote it only says 'Quote' while the rest of you it gives credit to the original author. How do you do that? I don't want to be accused of plagerism, unless the penalty is mammory asphyxiation (as mentioned in another thread).
Go to the post you want to quote and there is a "quote" option in the upper right hand corner. Click on that and it will take you automatically to the reply dialog box with the quote already inserted, as well as the "credit" for the original post. If you don't want to quote the whole thing, just delete out what you don't want.
Yes, if you plagerize, our female moderator  Ms Biguns will punish you usually by asphyxiation.
Yeah, what he sayed.
Thanks for the info, I'll try it.If Ms. Biguns is the punishment I may take credit for writing 'Exodus'.
and Quote.As far as the new moderator Michael, please no costume malfuctions from you....wait you are a malfunction.
.As far as the new moderator Michael, please no costume malfuctions from you....wait you are a malfunction.
drewstar, to answer your question I would open the reply window and go to the 'insert quote' icon (next to last on the bottom row). Copy the quote I wanted and pasted it between the and .As far as the new moderator Michael, please no costume malfuctions from you....wait you are a malfunction.
this is how it formats when using the quote icon button on the toolbar.