Hi all .....I was wondering if you would help us identify what my wife and I saw in the sky last night. Now before you make all kinds of jokes...I know what jets/planes/shooting stars look like when flying through the sky......but last night while relaxing in our spa - we saw a 'object' moving from the southeast sky across to the northeast sky. We saw the first one at around 7:30....it was a steady light - not blinking at all - maintained a steady speed right across the night sky. The light was really high....way higher then all the major jets that fly over....so I thought that was weird...but then 15 mins later - we saw another one flying in the same direction and location.....and then another one right after that one. These objects left no tell tale sign of 'afterburner' clouds.....just moved silently across the sky.
My first thought that these are satillites.....can you see satillites with the naked eye ?? But they were moving really fast. Faster then the earths rotation....and faster then Jets.
My second thought is that they were military U-2 bombers ?? or whatever new high range high altitude bombers they have now.
Or third ??....UFO's

Dont make fun of me.....I am sure there is an explanation for these....but I dont know how to search the web to find out ??