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Author Topic: Need your opinion re: Caldera dealer  (Read 14772 times)


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Need your opinion re: Caldera dealer
« on: February 21, 2005, 10:32:17 am »
We have been researching and wet testing diligently and we have narrowed our choices down. One of our choices is the Caldera Niagra, which we like for a number of reasons, size for our family (family of 5) , comfort, jet features, positive feedback on them from this board, etc.  

One thing that we are hesitant on is the longevity of the dealer. I know that dealer relationship is a key component of our decision process.  But here's the thing....he has been in the business for over 15 years, servicing and selling.  He has gone through a number of manufacturers and has been selling Caldera for 1 year.  The manufacturers that he has gone through are not considered top tier.  I get the impression that he is knowledgeable about the industry and technical side.  My issue is he is short on help,  he himself was doing service calls because of this, initially hard to get a hold of, his showroom was bare...looked like a construction zone/temporary housing., ceiling tiles missing, empty floor space (where he said he sold some floor models).  He said that he was in the process of hiring.

Another Caldera dealer is over 1 hour away, but heard from another source that the line willl be pulled from him and given to a Hotspring dealer.  

Is this too much drama to deal with?  Liked the features/functions and price given what we would like to spend and value we would get.

I plan to call Caldera HQ and get their take on it regarding warranties, service, etc. Not sure if they would be willing to shed any light on our concerns,, but worth a shot, right?

Opinions welcomed.  

Thanks for the insight!

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Need your opinion re: Caldera dealer
« on: February 21, 2005, 10:32:17 am »


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2005, 11:11:54 am »
I plan to call Caldera HQ and get their take on it regarding warranties, service, etc. Not sure if they would be willing to shed any light on our concerns,, but worth a shot, right?

Usually people have questions after visiting the dealer and having some time to think things over and sometimes they are hesitant to go back and lay on the table what their concerns are. Give them a call and if you use a 1-800 number its a free!
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 11:20:35 am »
Bottom line  for me...would simply be do you think the dealer is reputable... if you do than don't worry that his showroom is not as pretty as some...and about the other things....If he is going to take care of you after the sale... than in the end that is what really matters most......

obi wan

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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 12:58:40 pm »
had the same kind of issue with the local marquis dealer in my area. been in biz for years but with many different companys, and also looked to be a very low budget showroom. i would recommend asking for references (some at least 2 yrs old) to get an idea of how his service, and how he treats his customers. caldera is a great brand, and if you have a hot springs dealer there, you may even get them to help with service, worst case senario being the dealer you are looking at loses the caldera line.
ironically last fri afternoon, after much searching also, and lots of reading and wet testing. we chose the niagra also (wet tested 3 different times) for very similar reasons, 4 kids, features, etc..... so i think you will be very happy with the tub.
i got lucky i guess as the same company here has been here over 20 years and has sold hot springs, and tiger river for most of those years at one location, and added caldera at its own store several years ago.
good luck!


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2005, 03:04:34 pm »
It sounds to me like you have found a guy who might not be the world's greatest businessman, but he has managed to stay in business by hook or by crook for 15-years.  That seems to indicate a strong desire to be in the spa business.  You said he is knowledgable and we all know that Caldera is top notch.  You say he has gone through some lesser brands, but now has one of the very best lines.  Here too, this seems to underline his commitment to the business.  His showroom is not where you are going to be enjoying your spa, so that factor perhaps is not really a big deal?  

Caldera is a very, very good product line and Watkins would not appoint this dealer if he was not prompt in paying for product and servicing his customers.  Believe me these are important issues for any good manufacturer.  

My verdict, buy the Caldera and enjoy.




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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2005, 09:00:36 pm »
I would find out how long have been comitted to Caldera. Caldera is a nitch spa anyway. Hot Springs puts them out for customers with a tight budget.  If you are on a budget take a good look at Sweetwater Spas.  They are the best bang for your dollar.


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2005, 06:42:05 am »
Caldera is a nitch spa anyway. Hot Springs puts them out for customers with a tight budget.  

Whoa!  I know that Caldera was in business before HotSpring bought them.  After having hung around here and a couple of other boards for over a year now, Caldera was one of the top choices, even then.  Where do you get this from?

From some of your other posts, I get the sense that you are trying to bash other brands.  Why?  Sundance is a great product, too, but the above statement seems way out of place.

Just an opinion!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2005, 07:46:09 am »

I think what surf is trying to say is that the Caldera line doesn't get the respect that the PARENT spa, hot springs does.
I personally don't think Masco has given this line alot of attention either. That doesn't say it is not a worthy spa line, but they don't market it like the Hot Spring. I don't feel that there was any bashing, remember, we each have our own opinion. ;D


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2005, 08:51:55 am »
Watkins does give Caldera alot of attention and marketing, BUT they also think of Caldera as a SEPERATE entity.  If you look at Hot Springs website you'll also see that they mention their other brands of spas as well (Solana, Hot Spot, & Tiger River) except caldera.  Watkins is trying to Build Caldera up as a seperate brand of spa, even though it is mostly made in the same plant as their other brands.  In Fact many of the same higher ups in the company who work with watkins other brands of spas also work on the caldera side as well (i.e. sales training, marketing, etc..).  

Store manager for a D-1 and Caldera Dealer


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2005, 09:10:17 am »

Is that why the Caldera brand has been seperated from the Hot Spring brand? If so, that makes sense. Hot Spring is a well made product, so they are trying to bring the Caldera up to speed on it's own. OK,... I  can see that now.
Caldera has been around for quite some time, I sold them back in the mid 80's, it was a decent spa back then also. I enjoyed working with the people at the factory. When I see them at shows, we still laugh at the tile borders that were available in the line. Anyway, thanks for the update. ;D


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2005, 10:29:29 am »
No Prob, anytime ;D

And reguarding this "niche" spa allegation.........That's pretty bogus considering Watkins has the line setup just like all of their other lines of spas with a tiered approach (good, better, best if you will) with prices ranging from $4000-$10,000.  Guess that fills A LOT of niches now huh???


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2005, 11:52:01 am »
I will add that Watkins generally wants a Caldera dealer to sell only Caldera, and HS dealers to sell the HotSpring/ Tiger River /Solana grouping. The Hot Spot line can go either way or both.

There are many HotSpring dealers who are opening new stores to carry Caldera, and they enjoy good support, marketing, training, and a complete line that spans the price points from top to bottom.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2005, 12:04:20 pm »

I guess Watkins is now allowing Caldera to be handled by the Hot Spring dealer.  ??? Don't you think it will be a little confusing to the prospect when the Watkins dealer has both of these lines on the same floor? How would they be positioned? You don't want to say, "this is our high end and this is not". Any thoughts...


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2005, 12:43:02 pm »

I think what surf is trying to say is that the Caldera line doesn't get the respect that the PARENT spa, hot springs does.
I personally don't think Masco has given this line alot of attention either. That doesn't say it is not a worthy spa line, but they don't market it like the Hot Spring. I don't feel that there was any bashing, remember, we each have our own opinion. ;D

Ok, maybe they don't get the respect.  Although, I have heard only great things about Caldera since I started posting on this site.  My problem was the fact he said Caldera is a "niche spa for customers on a budget".  That to me is a slam on Caldera.  (whether it was before Watkins bought them, or after)  I don't own a Caldera, there wasn't a dealer close enough to me, but I found that to be a pretty harsh statement.  Besides, from prices that have been posted, they seem to be in line with HotSpring's pricing (depending on area).

I know we all have opinions!   ;D  You know what they say about opinions  ::)

Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2005, 01:53:20 pm »

I guess Watkins is now allowing Caldera to be handled by the Hot Spring dealer.  ??? Don't you think it will be a little confusing to the prospect when the Watkins dealer has both of these lines on the same floor? How would they be positioned? You don't want to say, "this is our high end and this is not". Any thoughts...

You position them as two seperate brands, that are of high quality.  We have them right along side Dimension One Spas.  We find that they compliment each other.  Each brand offers something different, yet at the same time they are both very similar.  I'd also like to point out that for some salespeople who are accustomed to selling one brand of spas that bringing in a second line by another manufacturer can take some time to get used to.  Many of us have biases toward one brand over another due to having sold only that brand for x ammount of years.  If this obstacle is overcomed though, having two different brands in the same price category can be very successful.  I'm sure Stuart, wetone, and hottubman can attest to this.

Store Manager for a D-1 & Caldera Dealer

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Re: Need your opinion Caldera dealer
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2005, 01:53:20 pm »


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