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Author Topic: Need Advice on Used Spas  (Read 4142 times)


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Need Advice on Used Spas
« on: March 04, 2005, 02:44:16 am »

I'm hoping a few of you could put in your two cents about used hot tubs.  Trying to be an informed "used" buyer and have read several posts on things to check when purchasing a used tub (filters, leaks, dry rot, etc.)  I would love to buy a HotSpring Sovereign, but the dealership wants $2500 for a 93 model.  That seems ridiculous, especially considering they want 4k for a 2000 model.  Seldom do I see HotSpring spas used (private seller).  I guess that is a sign that people love them.  There are two other models/brands I am going to wet test this weekend, private sellers (not dealers).  Both tubs are up and running, and not in storage or collecting rain (I'm in the Pacific NW)  

One model is Coleman California Cooperage, Model 107 and it is about six years old.  The seller wants $500 for it (they're moving so they want to sell it).  The other model is a D1 Triad (not the Triad II). it is four years old and they are asking $1700 (they are moving as well).  I'm almost thinking the Coleman might be too large and the Triad too small.  But I do like the features in the Triad.  

My husband has had back surgery, knee surgery and is about to have shoulder surgery (ahh, the joy of working with horses).  It will probably be just the two of us using it 95% of the time, well I should also include our toddler in the mix.  This is truly a "hyrdo therapy" purchase, but we just don't have the money to buy a new tub and I'm not interested in financing such a purchase, so used seems to be the best way to go.  Any pointers, suggestions, comments, etc., will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

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Need Advice on Used Spas
« on: March 04, 2005, 02:44:16 am »


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Re: Need Advice on Used Spas
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 10:28:13 am »
Some tips:

It is generally better to buy a used tub from a dealer, because you have recourse if there are problems. They should have set the tub up and run it  for you to see and try, and that gives them a chance to fix any little problems.

For the prices you mentioned, I would assume you are getting a unit with some fresh componenets under the hood and a new cover, perhaps even delivered? Those are also items a private party doesn't usually provide.

In my experience, I have seen two methods of getting a used tub: The $500 'take it away' deal, or the $2000 dealer-supported unit.

The $500 unit which ends up needing a new cover ($400), delivery and set up($400), new filter ($35 - 100 depending) and then has some problems which get fixed at your expense (Who knows - could be nothing, or $100 to $300 or more right off the bat). Total cost of all that can come up close to what the dealer is asking. The extra few hundred dollars cover the aggravation of having the problems, or watching your friends hurt themselves while moving your spa...

Just some thoughts. The same rules apply when buying used: look for the tub which does what you want, stick with a name brand (in this case its: look for a company who is still in business...) and wet test.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Need Advice on Used Spas
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 11:09:54 am »
Getting a used spa directly from other customers is cost effective but can be very risky. Does the dealer's tubs come with any kind of warranty (i.e. 90 day)? If you like their spas I would clarify that I need some type of warranty from the dealer (you won't get it from the manufacturer obviosly) and then I'd try to negotiate. Everything in life is negotiable so if they say the price is firm have them through in some chems, steps, etc. to finalize a deal.
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Re: Need Advice on Used Spas
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2005, 11:17:17 am »
I am on the east coast and a local N.H. dealer had a 2001 Hot Springs vangaurd for 4500 dollars with a one year 50/50 warranty which means we split the bill . All components were orignal including cover so it depends on what yours has that is new.

If all orignal then I think that the price is a little high.

A side note, when I bought my tub back in 1993 I looked at some used tubs and I found a real nice Sovereign for 3500 dollars that was almost new . Couple was moving to Texas and didn't want to take all the way . I offered them 3300 instead of the 3500 they wanted and then someone else got in the bidding . I dropped out at 4000 dollars so I missed out on a great tub for 200 bucks. ::)  SO if you find a nice used tub from one of the better brands don't make my mistake.

P.S. I did end up buying a new H.S. Prodigy and maybe not as nice as a Sovereign it has been a great tub.

Good Luck Ivan


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Re: Need Advice on Used Spas
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2005, 02:10:43 pm »
While I agree with the points Chaz made regarding the value of buying from a dealer, it appears that you have a couple of reasonable choices here.

There are a couple of excellent postings on this site about what to look for when evaluating used equipment.  I would add a few points:

1.  Never buy a dry tub from a private party.  You need to see it full of water and operating to make sure there are no leaks and all the systems are in working condition.  Be wary of the tub that "just needs a $XX part, I just haven't had time to put it in."  If it was cheap and easy, they would have fixed it.  

2.  Be sure to ask the sellers about their water maintenance program.  If they don't mention weekly  monitoring, and regular water changes with balancing alkalinity and pH, be careful.  If they "just keep the floater full of pucks, and you'll be fine", be careful!

3.  Remember that site preparation, and electrical hook-up can easily cost more than you are planning to pay for a used spa, unless those items are already in place or you do it yourself.

4.  Along the same lines, you may end up paying more for operating costs (electricity, water, chemicals) over the next three years than you will pay for the used spa.

Obviously, you have to decide which of your choices fit your needs best, but for what it is worth, I would go with the Coleman.  I don't think you'll regret the extra room, and any spa will provide you with a degree of hydrotherapy.  The clincher for me is that at $500 you don't have much to lose!

Assuming it checks out OK, I would jump on it.  When looking for a used tub, you can't wait too long, good ones usually get sold quickly.  I have been looking for a used spa for a few months, and missed a couple of deals that in hindsight, I wish I would have acted quickly.  If I lived close to you, I would already be hauling the Coleman home!  From my perspective, for $500 you can be soaking while you search the want ads for the perfect tub, and when you find it... you should be able to get your money back on this one easily!  

Good Luck!  


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Re: Need Advice on Used Spas
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2005, 02:11:19 pm »
A used spa, like a used car, may end up costing you more than it's worth.

Is it possible to get a doctor's perscription for hydrotherapy?  Medical expenses not covered by insurance may be tax-deductible.

A new spa at a fair price may be a better choice than a used spa, regardless of the purchase price.

If you get a used spa, get it from a dealer.   Most importantly, wet test the spa and take a look behind the spa panels when it is running.

Good Luck

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Need Advice on Used Spas
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2005, 02:11:19 pm »


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